A modern, accurate HTML parser and serializer for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace dW\HTML5;
use MensBeam\Intl\Encoding;
abstract class Charset {
/** Matches an encoding label (e.g. "utf-8") to a compatible decoder class.
* @param string $value The encoding label to match
public static function fromCharset(string $value): ?string {
$encoding = Encoding::matchLabel($value);
if ($encoding) {
return $encoding['class'];
return null;
/** Extracts an encoding from an HTTP Content-Type header-field
* and returns the class name of a compatible decoder.
* @param string $contentType The value of a Content-Type header-field
public static function fromTransport(string $contentType): ?string {
// Try to sniff out a charset from a Content-Type header-field.
// This does cut some corners, but should be sufficient for practical use
$s = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", strtolower($contentType));
$pos = 0;
$end = strlen($s);
// skip the type
while ($pos < $end && @$s[$pos++] !== "/");
// skip the subtype
while ($pos < $end && @$s[$pos++] !== ";");
// check parameters in sequence
while ($pos < $end) {
// skip any leading whitespace
if (@$s[$pos] === " ") {
// collect characters for the parameter name
$param = "";
while ($pos < $end && @$s[$pos] !== "=") {
$param .= @$s[$pos++];
// skip the equals sign
if ($s[$pos] === '"') {
// Value is a quoted-string
$value = "";
while (!in_array($c = @$s[$pos++], ['"', ""])) {
if ($c === "\\") {
$value .= @$s[$pos++];
} else {
$value .= $c;
// only interpret the value if a closing quotation mark was seen
if ($c !== '"') {
$value = "";
} else {
// Value is a bare token
$value = "";
while (!in_array($c = @$s[$pos++], [';', " ", ""])) {
$value .= $c;
// if the parameter was the character set, interpret its value and return
if ($param === "charset") {
$encoding = Encoding::matchLabel($value);
if ($encoding) {
return $encoding['class'];
} else {
return null;
return null;
public static function fromPrescan(string $data): ?string {
return null;