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J. King 3 years ago
  1. 73


@ -37,7 +37,78 @@ public MensBeam\HTML\Parser::parse(
The `MensBeam\HTML\Parser::parseFragment` static method is used to parse document fragments. The primary use case for this method is in the implementation of the `innerHTML` setter of HTML elements. Consequently a context element is required, as well as the "quirks mode" property of the context element's document (which must be one of `Parser::NO_QURIKS_MODE` (`0`), `Parser::QUIRKS_MODE` (`1`), or `Parser::LIMITED_QUIRKS_MODE` (`2`)). The further arguments are identical to those used when parsing documents.
Unlike the `parse` method, the `parseFragment` method returns a `DOMDocumentFragment` object belonging to `$contextElement`'s owner document.
If the "quirks mode" property of the document is not know, using `Parser::NO_QUIRKS_MODE` (`0`) is usually the best choice.
Unlike the `parse()` method, the `parseFragment()` method returns a `DOMDocumentFragment` object belonging to `$contextElement`'s owner document.
### Examples
- Parsing a document with unknown encoding:
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
echo Parser::parse('<!DOCTYPE html><b>Hello world!</b>')->encoding;
// prints "windows-1252"
echo Parser::parse('<!DOCTYPE html><meta charset="UTF-8"><b>Hello world!</b>')->encoding;
// prints "UTF-8"
- Parsing a document with a known encoding:
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
echo Parser::parse("<!DOCTYPE html>\u{3088}", "UTF-8")
// prints "よ"
echo Parser::parse("<!DOCTYPE html>\u{3088}", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
// also prints "よ"
- Parsing a document with a different default encoding:
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser\Config;
$config = new Config;
$config->encodingFallback = "Shift_JIS";
echo Parser::parse("<!DOCTYPE html>\x82\xE6", null, $config)
// also also prints "よ"
- Parsing document fragments:
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser\Config;
$config = new Config;
$config->htmlNamespace = true;
// set up two context nodes
$document = Parser::parse("<!DOCTYPE html><math></math>", "UTF-8", $config)->document;
$body = $document->getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
$math = $document->getElementsByTagName("math")[0];
echo $body->namespaceURI; // prints ""
echo $math->namespaceURI; // prints ""
// parse two identical fragments using different context elements
$htmlFragment = Parser::parseFragment($body, 0, "<mi>&pi;</mi>", "UTF-8", $config);
$mathFragment = Parser::parseFragment($math, 0, "<mi>&pi;</mi>", "UTF-8", $config);
echo $htmlFragment->firstChild->namespaceURI; // prints ""
echo $mathFragment->firstChild->namespaceURI; // prints ""
## Configuration
