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Printer progress

Dustin Wilson 6 years ago
  1. 153


@ -22,80 +22,99 @@ class Printer {
$currentNode = $node->childNodes->item($i);
# 2. Append the appropriate string from the following list to s:
## If current node is an Element
### If current node is an element in the HTML namespace, the MathML namespace,
### or the SVG namespace, then let tagname be current node’s local name.
### Otherwise, let tagname be current node’s qualified name.
if ($currentNode instanceof DOMElement && (is_null($currentNode->namespaceURI) || $currentNode->namespaceURI === Parser::MATHML_NAMESPACE || $currentNode->namespaceURI === Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE)) {
$tagName = $currentNode->localName;
} else {
$tagName = $currentNode->nodeName;
### Append a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character (<), followed by tagname.
$s .= "<$tagName";
### For each attribute that the element has, append a U+0020 SPACE character,
### the attribute’s serialized name as described below, a U+003D EQUALS SIGN
### character (=), a U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character ("), the attribute’s value,
### escaped as described below in attribute mode, and a second U+0022 QUOTATION
### MARK character (").
for ($j = 0; $j < $currentNode->attributes->length; $j++) {
$attr = $currentNode->attributes->item($j);
# An attribute’s serialized name for the purposes of the previous paragraph
# must be determined as follows:
switch ($attr->namespaceURI) {
# If the attribute has no namespace
case null:
# The attribute’s serialized name is the attribute’s local name.
$name = $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XML namespace
case Parser::XML_NAMESPACE:
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xml:" followed by the
# attribute’s local name.
$name = 'xml:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XMLNS namespace...
# ...and the attribute’s local name is xmlns
if ($attr->localName === 'xmlns') {
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xmlns".
$name = 'xmlns';
# ...and the attribute’s local name is not xmlns
else {
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xmlns:" followed by the
# If current node is an Element
if ($currentNode instanceof DOMElement) {
# If current node is an element in the HTML namespace, the MathML namespace,
# or the SVG namespace, then let tagname be current node’s local name.
# Otherwise, let tagname be current node’s qualified name.
if (is_null($currentNode->namespaceURI) || $currentNode->namespaceURI === Parser::MATHML_NAMESPACE || $currentNode->namespaceURI === Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE) {
$tagName = $currentNode->localName;
} else {
$tagName = $currentNode->nodeName;
# Append a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character (<), followed by tagname.
$s .= "<$tagName";
# For each attribute that the element has, append a U+0020 SPACE character,
# the attribute’s serialized name as described below, a U+003D EQUALS SIGN
# character (=), a U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character ("), the attribute’s value,
# escaped as described below in attribute mode, and a second U+0022 QUOTATION
# MARK character (").
for ($j = 0; $j < $currentNode->attributes->length; $j++) {
$attr = $currentNode->attributes->item($j);
# An attribute’s serialized name for the purposes of the previous paragraph
# must be determined as follows:
switch ($attr->namespaceURI) {
# If the attribute has no namespace
case null:
# The attribute’s serialized name is the attribute’s local name.
$name = $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XML namespace
case Parser::XML_NAMESPACE:
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xml:" followed by the
# attribute’s local name.
$name = 'xml:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XMLNS namespace...
# ...and the attribute’s local name is xmlns
if ($attr->localName === 'xmlns') {
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xmlns".
$name = 'xmlns';
# ... and the attribute’s local name is not xmlns
else {
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xmlns:" followed by the
# attribute’s local name.
$name = 'xmlns:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XLink namespace
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xlink:" followed by the
# attribute’s local name.
$name = 'xmlns:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in the XLink namespace
# The attribute’s serialized name is the string "xlink:" followed by the
# attribute’s local name.
$name = 'xlink:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in some other namespace
# The attribute’s serialized name is the attribute’s qualified name.
$name = $attr->name;
$name = 'xlink:' . $attr->localName;
# If the attribute is in some other namespace
# The attribute’s serialized name is the attribute’s qualified name.
$name = $attr->name;
$value = static::escapeString($attr->value, true);
$s .= " $name=\"$value\"";
$value = static::escapeString($attr->value, true);
# While the exact order of attributes is UA-defined, and may depend on factors
# such as the order that the attributes were given in the original markup, the
# sort order must be stable, such that consecutive invocations of this
# algorithm serialize an element’s attributes in the same order.
// Okay.
$s .= " $name=\"$value\"";
# Append a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>).
$s .= '>';
### While the exact order of attributes is UA-defined, and may depend on factors
### such as the order that the attributes were given in the original markup, the
### sort order must be stable, such that consecutive invocations of this
### algorithm serialize an element’s attributes in the same order.
// Okay.
# If current node is an area, base, basefont, bgsound, br, col, embed, frame,
# hr, img, input, link, meta, param, source, track or wbr element, then continue
# on to the next child node at this point.
$currentNodeName = $currentNode->nodeName;
if ($currentNodeName === 'area' || $currentNodeName === 'base' || $currentNodeName === 'basefont' || $currentNodeName === 'bgsound' || $currentNodeName === 'br' || $currentNodeName === 'col' || $currentNodeName === 'embed' || $currentNodeName === 'frame' || $currentNodeName === 'hr' || $currentNodeName === 'img' || $currentNodeName === 'input' || $currentNodeName === 'link' || $currentNodeName === 'meta' || $currentNodeName === 'param' || $currentNodeName === 'source' || $currentNodeName === 'track' || $currentNodeName === 'wbr') {
# Append the value of running the HTML fragment serialization algorithm on the
# current node element (thus recursing into this algorithm for that element),
# followed by a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character (<), a U+002F SOLIDUS character (/),
# tagname again, and finally a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>).
### Append a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>).
$s .= '>';
$s .= static::serialize($currentNode);
$s .= "</$currentNodeName>";
