["iframe"], 'async' => ["script"], 'autofocus' => true, 'autoplay' => ["audio", "video"], 'checked' => ["input"], 'compact' => ["dir", "dl", "menu", "ol", "ul"], 'controls' => ["audio", "video"], 'declare' => ["object"], 'default' => ["track"], 'defer' => ["script"], 'disabled' => ["button", "fieldset", "input", "link", "optgroup", "option", "select", "textarea"], 'formnovalidate' => ["button", "input"], 'hidden' => true, 'ismap' => ["img"], 'itemscope' => true, 'loop' => ["audio", "video"], 'multiple' => ["input", "select"], 'muted' => ["audio", "video"], 'nohref' => ["area"], 'nomodule' => ["script"], 'noresize' => ["frame"], 'noshade' => ["hr"], 'novalidate' => ["form"], 'nowrap' => ["td", "th"], 'open' => ["details", "dialog"], 'playsinline' => ["video"], 'readonly' => ["input", "textarea"], 'required' => ["input", "select", "textarea"], 'reversed' => ["ol"], 'selected' => ["option"], ]; /* Used when reformatting whitespace when nodes are checked for being treated as block. */ protected const BLOCK_QUERY = 'count(.//*[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"][not(ancestor::iframe[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::listing[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::noembed[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::noframes[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::noscript[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::plaintext[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::pre[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::style[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::script[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::textarea[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::title[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"] or ancestor::xmp[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"])][name()="address" or name()="article" or name()="aside" or name()="blockquote" or name()="base" or name()="body" or name()="canvas" or name()="details" or name()="dialog" or name()="dd" or name()="div" or name()="dl" or name()="dt" or name()="fieldset" or name()="figcaption" or name()="figure" or name()="footer" or name()="form" or name()="frame" or name()="frameset" or name()="h1" or name()="h2" or name()="h3" or name()="h4" or name()="h5" or name()="h6" or name()="head" or name()="header" or name()="hr" or name()="html" or name()="isindex" or name()="li" or name()="link" or name()="main" or name()="meta" or name()="nav" or name()="ol" or name()="p" or name()="picture" or name()="pre" or name()="section" or name()="script" or name()="source" or name()="style" or name()="table" or name()="td" or name()="tfoot" or name()="th" or name()="thead" or name()="title" or name()="tr" or name()="ul" or name()="video"][1])'; /** Serializes an HTML DOM node to a string. This is equivalent to the outerHTML getter * * @param \DOMDocument|\DOMElement|\DOMText|\DOMComment|\DOMProcessingInstruction|\DOMDocumentFragment|\DOMDocumentType $node The node to serialize * @param array $config The configuration parameters to use, if any. Possible options are as follows: * booleanAttributeValues bool|null - Whether to include the values of boolean attributes on HTML elements during serialization. Per the standard this is true by default * foreignVoidEndTags bool|null - Whether to print the end tags of foreign void elements rather than self-closing their start tags. Per the standard this is true by default * indentStep int|null - The number of spaces or tabs (depending on setting of indentStep) to indent at each step. This is 1 by default and has no effect unless reformatWhitespace is true * indentWithSpaces bool|null - Whether to use spaces or tabs to indent. This is true by default and has no effect unless reformatWhitespace is true * reformatWhitespace bool|null - Whether to reformat whitespace (pretty-print) or not. This is false by default */ public static function serialize(\DOMNode $node, array $config = []): string { return self::serializeNode($node, self::verifyConfiguration($config)); } /** Serializes the children of an HTML DOM node to a string. This is equivalent to the innerHTML getter * * @param \DOMDocument|\DOMElement|\DOMDocumentFragment $node The node to serialize * @param array $config The configuration parameters to use, if any */ public static function serializeInner(\DOMNode $node, array $config = []): string { return self::serializeInnerNodes($node, self::verifyConfiguration($config)); } protected static function serializeInnerNodes(\DOMNode $node, array $config): string { # Let s be a string, and initialize it to the empty string. $s = ''; if ($node instanceof \DOMElement && ($node->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) === Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) { # If the node serializes as void, then return the empty string. if (in_array($node->tagName, self::VOID_ELEMENTS)) { return ''; } # If the node is a template element, then let the node instead be the template # element's template contents (a DocumentFragment node). elseif ($node->tagName === 'template') { $node = static::getTemplateContent($node); } } if ($node instanceof \DOMElement || $node instanceof \DOMDocument || $node instanceof \DOMDocumentFragment) { # For each child node of the node, in tree order, run the following steps: // NOTE: the steps in question are implemented in the "serialize" routine foreach ($node->childNodes as $n) { $s .= self::serializeNode($n, $config); $config['first'] = false; } } else { throw new Exception(Exception::UNSUPPORTED_NODE_TYPE, [get_class($node)]); } return $s; } protected static function serializeNode(\DOMNode $node, array $config): string { # 2. Let s be a string, and initialize it to the empty string. $s = ''; # If current node is an Element if ($node instanceof \DOMElement) { extract($config); # If current node is an element in the HTML namespace, the MathML namespace, or # the SVG namespace, then let tagname be current node's local name. if (in_array($node->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, [Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE, Parser::SVG_NAMESPACE, Parser::MATHML_NAMESPACE])) { $tagName = self::uncoerceName($node->localName); } # Otherwise, let tagname be current node's qualified name. else { $tagName = self::uncoerceName($node->tagName); } $htmlElement = ($node->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) === Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE; if ($reformatWhitespace) { $modify = false; $preformattedContent = $preformattedContent ?: static::isPreformattedContent($node); // If the node is an HTML element... if ($htmlElement) { // If the element's parent is to be treated as block then we need to modify // whitespace. if (!$first && self::treatAsBlock($node->parentNode)) { $modify = true; } } // If the node is not an HTML element... elseif ($foreignAsBlock) { $modify = true; } else { // If the parent node is null then we need to modify whitespace; this means that // it is the element itself that is being serialized. Foreign content without // any context is printed as "block" content. // If a foreign element with an html element parent and the foreign element // should be treated as block then we also need to modify whitespace. if ($node->parentNode === null) { $modify = true; $foreignAsBlock = true; } elseif (($node->parentNode->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) === Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) { if (self::treatAsBlock($node->parentNode)) { $modify = true; $foreignAsBlock = true; } } // Otherwise, if the node's parent is not an HTML element then moonwalk up // the tree until the root foreign node is found, and if it is to be treated // as block then we need to modify whitespace. This should only match when // printing non-root foreign elements themselves while also being appended to // the document. // TODO: Figure out how to make this not fire on every single "inline" svg // element. elseif (static::treatForeignRootAsBlock($node->parentNode)) { $modify = true; $foreignAsBlock = true; } } // Only modify here before printing the open tag if it's not the first element // printed. Above whether to modify is still partially calculated because if // printing just foreign nodes the foreignAsBlock flag needs to be set for any // descendants. if (!$first && $modify) { // If the previous non text or non document type node sibling doesn't have the // same name as the current node and neither are h1-h6 elements then add an // additional newline. This causes like elements to be grouped together. $n = $node; while ($n = $n->previousSibling) { if (!$n instanceof \DOMText) { if ((!$n instanceof \DOMElement && !$n instanceof \DOMDocumentType) || ($n instanceof \DOMElement && $n->tagName !== $tagName && count(array_intersect([ $n->tagName, $tagName ], self::H_ELEMENTS)) !== 2)) { $s .= "\n"; } break; } } $s .= "\n" . str_repeat($indentChar, $indentionLevel * $indentStep); } // Disable whitespace reformatting when the content is preformatted. if ($preformattedContent) { $reformatWhitespace = false; } $first = false; } # Append a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character (<), followed by tagname. $s .= "<$tagName"; # If current node's is value is not null, and the element does not have an is # attribute in its attribute list, then append the string " is="", followed by # current node's is value escaped as described below in attribute mode, followed # by a U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character ("). // DEVIATION: We don't support custom elements # For each attribute that the element has, append a U+0020 SPACE character, the # attribute's serialized name as described below, a U+003D EQUALS SIGN character (=), # a U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character ("), the attribute's value, escaped as # described below in attribute mode, and a second U+0022 QUOTATION MARK # character ("). foreach ($node->attributes as $a) { # An attribute's serialized name for the purposes of the previous paragraph must # be determined as follows: # If the attribute has no namespace if ($a->namespaceURI === null) { # The attribute's serialized name is the attribute's local name. $name = self::uncoerceName($a->localName); } # If the attribute is in the XML namespace elseif ($a->namespaceURI === Parser::XML_NAMESPACE) { # The attribute's serialized name is the string "xml:" followed # by the attribute's local name. $name = "xml:".self::uncoerceName($a->localName); } # If the attribute is in the XMLNS namespace... elseif ($a->namespaceURI === Parser::XMLNS_NAMESPACE) { # ... and the attribute's local name is xmlns if ($a->localName === "xmlns") { # The attribute's serialized name is the string "xmlns". $name = "xmlns"; } # ... and the attribute's local name is not xmlns else { # The attribute's serialized name is the string "xmlns:" # followed by the attribute's local name. $name = "xmlns:".self::uncoerceName($a->localName); } } # If the attribute is in the XLink namespace elseif ($a->namespaceURI === Parser::XLINK_NAMESPACE) { # The attribute's serialized name is the string "xlink:" # followed by the attribute's local name. $name = "xlink:".self::uncoerceName($a->localName); } # If the attribute is in some other namespace else { # The attribute's serialized name is the attribute's qualified name. $name = ($a->prefix !== "") ? $a->prefix.":".$a->name : $a->name; } // retrieve the attribute value $value = self::escapeString((string) $a->value, true); if ( $booleanAttributeValues || !$htmlElement || !isset(self::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES[$name]) || is_array(self::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES[$name]) && !in_array($tagName, self::BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES[$name]) || (strlen($value) && strtolower($value) !== $name) ) { // print the attribute value unless the stars align $s .= " $name=\"$value\""; } else { // omit the value if the stars do align $s .= " $name"; } } if ($htmlElement && $tagName === 'template') { $node = static::getTemplateContent($node); $hasChildNodes = $node->hasChildNodes(); } else { $hasChildNodes = $node->hasChildNodes(); } if (!$foreignVoidEndTags && !$htmlElement && !$hasChildNodes) { $s .= '/>'; return $s; } # Append a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>). $s .= '>'; # If current node serializes as void, then continue on to the next child node at # this point. if ($htmlElement && in_array($tagName, self::VOID_ELEMENTS)) { return $s; } if ($hasChildNodes) { // PHP's compact function sucks. Sorry. $innerConfig = $config; if ($reformatWhitespace) { $innerConfig['first'] = $first; $innerConfig['indentionLevel'] = ++$indentionLevel; $innerConfig['foreignAsBlock'] = $foreignAsBlock; $innerConfig['preformattedContent'] = $preformattedContent; $innerConfig['reformatWhitespace'] = $reformatWhitespace; } $s .= self::serializeInnerNodes($node, $innerConfig); if ($reformatWhitespace) { $indentionLevel--; if (!$preformattedContent) { $modify = false; $firstElementChild = null; if (property_exists($node, 'firstElementChild')) { $firstElementChild = $node->firstElementChild; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } else { $n = $node->firstChild; do { if ($n instanceof \DOMElement) { $firstElementChild = $n; break; } } while ($n = $n->nextSibling); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd if ($firstElementChild !== null && ($foreignAsBlock || ($htmlElement && self::treatAsBlock($node)))) { $s .= "\n" . str_repeat($indentChar, $indentionLevel * $indentStep); } } } } $s .= ""; } # If current node is a Text node elseif ($node instanceof \DOMText) { # If the parent of current node is a style, script, xmp, # iframe, noembed, noframes, or plaintext element, or # if the parent of current node is a noscript element # and scripting is enabled for the node, then append # the value of current node's data IDL attribute literally. $p = $node->parentNode; if ($p instanceof \DOMElement && ($p->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) === Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE && in_array($p->tagName, self::RAWTEXT_ELEMENTS)) { // NOTE: scripting is assumed not to be enabled $s .= $node->data; } # Otherwise, append the value of current node's data IDL attribute, escaped as described below. else { $data = $node->data; if ($config['reformatWhitespace']) { // The serializer should disable 'reformatWhitespace' on children of a // preformatted element, but just in case check for it here. $preformattedContent = $config['preformattedContent'] ?: static::isPreformattedContent($node); if (!$preformattedContent) { $treatAsBlock = self::treatAsBlock($node); $modify = false; if (($config['foreignAsBlock'] || $treatAsBlock || ($node->parentNode !== null && self::treatAsBlock($node->parentNode) && count($node->parentNode->childNodes) === 1)) && strspn($data, Data::WHITESPACE) === strlen($data)) { return $s; } if ($treatAsBlock) { // Block formatting context -- trim data and convert all whitespace to a single // space $data = preg_replace('/[\t\n\x0c\x0D ]+/', ' ', trim($data)); if ($data === '') { return $s; } } elseif (preg_match(Data::WHITESPACE_REGEX, $data)) { // Inline formatting context $data = preg_replace([ // 1. Remove all whitespace before and after a newline '/[\t\n\x0c\x0D ]*\n[\t\n\x0c\x0D ]*/', // 2. Convert all tabs to a single space '/\t/', // 3. Convert all line breaks to a single space '/\n/' ], [ "\n", ' ', ' ' ], $data); // Moonwalk and find the closest block element (actual block element, not // elements treated as block for the purposes of serializing) then grab all // descendant text nodes that aren't descendants of templates. $xpath = new \DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument); $textNodes = $xpath->query('./ancestor::*[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"][name()="address" or name()="article" or name()="aside" or name()="blockquote" or name="body" or name()="canvas" or name()="dd" or name()="div" or name()="dl" or name()="dt" or name()="fieldset" or name()="figcaption" or name()="figure" or name()="footer" or name()="form" or name()="h1" or name()="h2" or name()="h3" or name()="h4" or name()="h5" or name()="h6" or name()="head" or name()="header" or name()="hr" or name()="html" or name()="li" or name()="main" or name()="nav" or name()="ol" or name()="p" or name()="section" or name()="table" or name()="tfoot" or name()="ul" or name()="video"][1]/descendant::text()[not(ancestor::template[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"])]', $node); // If nothing was matched then the text node is either disconnected from its // document and being serialized alone or an inline descendant of a document // fragment. if ($textNodes->length > 0) { $firstOfLine = ($node === $textNodes->item(0)); $lastOfLine = ($node === $textNodes->item($textNodes->length - 1)); } else { // If the text node is either disconnected from its document then firstOfLine // and lastOfLine is true. if ($node->parentNode === null) { $firstOfLine = $lastOfLine = true; } // Otherwise, it's an inline descendant of a document fragment. Find its root // node and then grab all text node descendants of that fragment. else { $n = $node; while ($n = $n->parentNode) { $root = $n; } $textNodes = $xpath->query('.//text()[not(ancestor::template[namespace-uri()="" or namespace-uri()="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"])]', $root); $firstOfLine = ($node === $textNodes->item(0)); $lastOfLine = ($node === $textNodes->item($textNodes->length - 1)); } } // 4. Convert multiple spaces to a single space even across inline elements. $data = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $data); if (!$firstOfLine) { foreach ($textNodes as $key => $t) { if ($t === $node && preg_match('/[\t\n\x0c\x0D ]+$/', $textNodes[$key - 1]->data)) { $data = ltrim($data); break; } } } // 5. Spaces at the beginning and ending of a line (beginning and ending of // inline content) are removed. if ($firstOfLine) { $data = ltrim($data); } if ($lastOfLine) { $data = rtrim($data); } } } } $s .= self::escapeString($data); } } # If current node is a Comment elseif ($node instanceof \DOMComment) { if ($config['reformatWhitespace'] && !$config['first']) { $preformattedContent = $config['preformattedContent'] ?: static::isPreformattedContent($node); if (!$preformattedContent && ($config['foreignAsBlock'] || self::treatAsBlock($node->parentNode))) { $n = $node; while ($n = $n->previousSibling) { if (!$n instanceof \DOMText) { if (!$n instanceof \DOMComment) { $s .= "\n"; } break; } } $s .= "\n" . str_repeat($config['indentChar'], $config['indentionLevel'] * $config['indentStep']); } } # Append the literal string "" # (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN). $s .= ""; } # If current node is a ProcessingInstruction elseif ($node instanceof \DOMProcessingInstruction) { if ($config['reformatWhitespace'] && !$config['first']) { $preformattedContent = $config['preformattedContent'] ?: static::isPreformattedContent($node); if (!$preformattedContent && ($config['foreignAsBlock'] || self::treatAsBlock($node->parentNode))) { $n = $node; while ($n = $n->previousSibling) { if (!$n instanceof \DOMText) { if (!$n instanceof \DOMProcessingInstruction) { $s .= "\n"; } break; } } $s .= "\n" . str_repeat($config['indentChar'], $config['indentionLevel'] * $config['indentStep']); } } # Append the literal string "). $s .= 'target) . " {$node->data}>"; } # If current node is a DocumentType elseif ($node instanceof \DOMDocumentType) { if ($config['reformatWhitespace'] && !$config['first']) { $s .= "\n"; } # Append the literal string "" (U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN). $s .= 'name) . '>'; } // NOTE: Documents and document fragments have no outer content, // so we can just serialize the inner content elseif ($node instanceof \DOMDocument || $node instanceof \DOMDocumentFragment) { return self::serializeInnerNodes($node, $config); } else { throw new Exception(Exception::UNSUPPORTED_NODE_TYPE, [get_class($node)]); } return $s; } protected static function verifyConfiguration(array $config): array { $config['booleanAttributeValues'] = $config['booleanAttributeValues'] ?? true; $config['foreignVoidEndTags'] = $config['foreignVoidEndTags'] ?? true; $config['reformatWhitespace'] = $config['reformatWhitespace'] ?? false; if ($config['reformatWhitespace']) { $config['indentWithSpaces'] = $config['indentWithSpaces'] ?? true; $config['indentStep'] = $config['indentStep'] ?? 1; } foreach ($config as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'booleanAttributeValues': case 'foreignVoidEndTags': case 'indentWithSpaces': case 'reformatWhitespace': if (!is_bool($value)) { $type = gettype($value); if ($type === 'object') { $type = get_class($value); } trigger_error("Value for serializer configuration option \"$key\" must be a boolean; $type given", \E_USER_WARNING); continue 2; } break; case 'indentStep': if (!is_int($value)) { $type = gettype($value); if ($type === 'object') { $type = get_class($value); } trigger_error("Value for serializer configuration option \"$key\" must be an integer; $type given", \E_USER_WARNING); continue 2; } break; default: trigger_error("\"$key\" is an invalid serializer configuration option", \E_USER_WARNING); unset($config[$key]); continue 2; } $config[$key] = $value; } if ($config['reformatWhitespace']) { $config['first'] = true; $config['indentChar'] = ($config['indentWithSpaces']) ? ' ' : "\t"; $config['indentionLevel'] = 0; $config['foreignAsBlock'] = false; $config['preformattedContent'] = false; } return $config; } protected static function getTemplateContent(\DOMElement $node, ?Config $config = null): \DOMNode { // NOTE: PHP's DOM does not support the content property on template elements // natively. This method exists purely so implementors of userland PHP DOM // solutions may extend this method to get template contents how they need them. return $node; } protected static function isPreformattedContent(\DOMNode $node): bool { // NOTE: This method is used only when pretty printing. Implementors of userland // PHP DOM solutions with template contents will need to extend this method to // be able to moonwalk through document fragment hosts. $n = $node; do { if ($n instanceof \DOMElement && ($n->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) === Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE && in_array($n->tagName, self::PREFORMATTED_ELEMENTS)) { return true; } } while ($n = $n->parentNode); return false; } protected static function treatAsBlock(\DOMNode $node): bool { if ($node instanceof \DOMDocument || $node instanceof \DOMDocumentFragment) { return true; } if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement) { $node = $node->parentNode; if ($node === null) { return false; } } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument); $result = ($xpath->evaluate(self::BLOCK_QUERY, $node) > 0); if (!$result) { return static::treatAsBlockWithTemplates($node); } return $result; } protected static function treatAsBlockWithTemplates(\DOMNode $node): bool { // NOTE: This method is used only when pretty printing. Implementors of userland // PHP DOM solutions with template contents will need to extend this method to // check for any templates and look within their content fragments for "block" // content. return false; } protected static function treatForeignRootAsBlock(\DOMNode $node): bool { // NOTE: This method is used only when pretty printing. Implementors of userland // PHP DOM solutions with template contents will need to extend this method to // be able to moonwalk through document fragment hosts. $n = $node; do { if ($n->parentNode !== null && ($n->parentNode->namespaceURI ?? Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) !== Parser::HTML_NAMESPACE) { continue; } if (self::treatAsBlock($n->parentNode)) { return true; } break; } while ($n = $n->parentNode); return false; } }