params['charset'])) { $encoding = Encoding::matchLabel($type->params['charset']); if ($encoding) { return $encoding['name']; } } return null; } /** Inspects the head of an HTML string to guess its encoding * * @param string $data The HTML string to scan * @param int $endAfter The number of bytes of the string to stop after */ public static function fromPrescan(string $data, int $endAfter = 1024): ?string { # When an algorithm requires a user agent to prescan a byte stream to # determine its encoding, given some defined end condition, then it # must run the following steps. # These steps either abort unsuccessfully or return a character # encoding. If at any point during these steps (including during # instances of the get an attribute algorithm invoked by this one) # the user agent either runs out of bytes (meaning the position # pointer created in the first step below goes beyond the end of the # byte stream obtained so far) or reaches its end condition, then # abort the prescan a byte stream to determine its encoding # algorithm unsuccessfully. $s = substr($data, 0, $endAfter); $endAfter = strlen($s); # Let position be a pointer to a byte in the input byte stream, # initially pointing at the first byte. $pos = 0; # Loop: If position points to: while ($pos < $endAfter) { // OPTIMIZATION: Start my skipping anything not a less-than sign if (@$s[$pos] === "<") { $pos++; # A sequence of bytes starting with: 0x3C 0x21 0x2D 0x2D (`' sequence) and # comes after the 0x3C byte that was found.e (The two # 0x2D bytes can be the same as those in the '", $pos) ?: $endAfter) + 3; } # A sequence of bytes starting with: 0x3C, 0x4D or 0x6D, # 0x45 or 0x65, 0x54 or 0x74, 0x41 or 0x61, and one of # 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x20, 0x2F (case-insensitive # ASCII 'i", substr($s, $pos, 5))) { # Advance the position pointer so that it points at # the next 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x20, or 0x2F # byte (the one in sequence of characters matched above). $pos += 5; # Let attribute list be an empty list of strings. # Let got pragma be false. # Let need pragma be null. # Let charset be the null value (which, for the purposes # of this algorithm, is distinct from an unrecognized # encoding or the empty string). $attrList = []; $gotPragma = false; $needPragma = null; $charset = null; # Attributes: Get an attribute and its value. # If no attribute was sniffed, then jump to the processing step below. while ($attr = self::getAttribute($s, $pos)) { # If the attribute's name is already in attribute list, # then return to the step labeled attributes. if (isset($attrList[$attr['name']])) { continue; } # Add the attribute's name to attribute list. $attrList[$attr['name']] = true; # Run the appropriate step from the following list, if one applies: # If the attribute's name is "http-equiv" if ($attr['name'] === "http-equiv") { # If the attribute's value is "content-type", then set got pragma to true. if ($attr['value'] === "content-type") { $gotPragma = true; } } # If the attribute's name is "content" elseif ($attr['name'] === "content") { # Apply the algorithm for extracting a character encoding from a meta # element, giving the attribute's value as the string to parse. # If a character encoding is returned, and if charset is still set to # null, let charset be the encoding returned, and set need pragma to true. // OPTIMIZATION: Check if charset is null before performing the algorithm if (is_null($charset) && $candidate = self::fromMeta($attr['value'])) { $charset = $candidate; $needPragma = true; } } # If the attribute's name is "charset" elseif ($attr['name'] === "charset") { # Let charset be the result of getting an encoding from the attribute's # value, and set need pragma to false. $candidate = self::fromCharset($attr['value']); $charset = $candidate ?? false; // false signifies 'failure' $needPragma = false; } } # Processing: If need pragma is null, then jump to the step below labeled next byte. # If need pragma is true but got pragma is false, then jump to the step below labeled next byte. if (is_null($needPragma) || ($needPragma && !$gotPragma)) { continue; } # If charset is failure, then jump to the step below labeled next byte. if ($charset === false) { $pos++; continue; } # If charset is a UTF-16 encoding, then set charset to UTF-8. elseif ($charset === "UTF-16" || $charset === "UTF-16LE" || $charset === "UTF-16BE") { $charset = "UTF-8"; } # If charset is x-user-defined, then set charset to windows-1252. elseif ($charset === "x-user-defined") { $charset = "windows-1252"; } # Abort the prescan a byte stream to determine its encoding algorithm, # returning the encoding given by charset. return $charset; } # A sequence of bytes starting with a 0x3C byte (<), optionally a 0x2F byte (/), # and finally a byte in the range 0x41-0x5A or 0x61-0x7A (A-Z or a-z) elseif ((@$s[$pos] === "/" && ctype_alpha(@$s[$pos + 1])) || (ctype_alpha(@$s[$pos]))) { # Advance the position pointer so that it points at the next # 0x09 (HT), 0x0A (LF), 0x0C (FF), 0x0D (CR), 0x20 (SP), or 0x3E (>) byte. while (!in_array(@$s[++$pos], ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " ", ">", ""])); # Repeatedly get an attribute until no further attributes can be found, # then jump to the step below labeled next byte. while(self::getAttribute($s, $pos)); } # A sequence of bytes starting with: 0x3C 0x21 (`) that comes after the 0x3C byte that was found. $pos = (strpos($s, ">", $pos) ?: $endAfter) + 1; } } # Any other byte else { # Do nothing with that byte. $pos++; } } return null; } /** Scans an attribute during the encoding detection pre-scan */ protected static function getAttribute(string $s, &$pos): array { # When the prescan a byte stream to determine its encoding # algorithm says to get an attribute, it means doing this: # If the byte at position is one of # 0x09 (HT), 0x0A (LF), 0x0C (FF), 0x0D (CR), 0x20 (SP), # or 0x2F (/) then advance position to the next byte and # redo this step. while (in_array(@$s[$pos], ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " ", "/"])) { $pos++; } $char = @$s[$pos]; # If the byte at position is 0x3E (>), # then abort the get an attribute algorithm. There isn't one. if ($char === ">") { return []; } # Otherwise, the byte at position is the start of the attribute name. # Let attribute name and attribute value be the empty string. $name = ""; $value = ""; # Process the byte at position as follows: while ($char !== "") { # If it is 0x3D (=), and the attribute name is longer than the empty string if ($char === "=" && $name !== "") { # Advance position to the next byte and jump to the step below labeled value. $pos++; goto value; } # If it is 0x09 (HT), 0x0A (LF), 0x0C (FF), 0x0D (CR), or 0x20 (SP) elseif (in_array($char, ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " "])) { goto spaces; } # If it is 0x2F (/) or 0x3E (>) elseif ($char === "/" || $char === ">") { # Abort the get an attribute algorithm. # The attribute's name is the value of attribute name, its value is the empty string. return ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]; } # If it is in the range 0x41 (A) to 0x5A (Z) # Anything else else { # Append the code point with the same value as the byte at position to attribute name. # (It doesn't actually matter how bytes outside the ASCII range are handled here, # since only ASCII bytes can contribute to the detection of a character encoding.) // OPTIMIZATION: Also handle uppercase characters $name .= strtolower($char); } # Advance position to the next byte and return to the previous step. $char = @$s[++$pos]; } if ($char === "") { // Out of bytes return []; } spaces: # If the byte at position is one of 0x09 (HT), 0x0A (LF), 0x0C (FF), 0x0D (CR), # or 0x20 (SP) then advance position to the next byte, then, repeat this step. while (in_array(@$s[$pos], ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " ", "/"])) { $pos++; } $char = @$s[$pos]; if ($char === "") { // Out of bytes return []; } # If the byte at position is not 0x3D (=), abort the get an attribute algorithm. # The attribute's name is the value of attribute name, its value is the empty string. if ($char !== "=") { return ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]; } # Advance position past the 0x3D (=) byte. $char = @$s[++$pos]; value: # If the byte at position is one of 0x09 (HT), 0x0A (LF), 0x0C (FF), 0x0D (CR), # or 0x20 (SP) then advance position to the next byte, then, repeat this step. while (in_array(@$s[$pos], ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " ", "/"])) { $pos++; } $char = @$s[$pos]; if ($char === "") { // Out of bytes return []; } # Process the byte at position as follows: # If it is 0x22 (") or 0x27 (') if ($char === "'" || $char === '"') { # Let b be the value of the byte at position. $b = $char; # Quote loop: Advance position to the next byte. while (($char = @$s[++$pos]) !== "") { # If the value of the byte at position is the value of b, # then advance position to the next byte and abort # the "get an attribute" algorithm. # The attribute's name is the value of attribute name, # and its value is the value of attribute value. if ($char === $b) { $pos++; return ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]; } # Otherwise, append a code point to attribute value whose # value is the same as the value of the byte at position. // OPTIMIZATION: Also handle uppercase characters $value .= strtolower($char); } // Out of bytes return []; } # If it is 0x3E (>) elseif ($char === ">") { # Abort the get an attribute algorithm. # The attribute's name is the value of attribute name, # its value is the empty string. return ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]; } # Anything else else { # Append a code point with the same value as the byte at position to attribute value. # Advance position to the next byte. // OPTIMIZATION: Also handle uppercase characters $value .= strtolower($char); while (($char = @$s[++$pos]) !== "") { # Process the byte at position as follows: # If it is 0x09 (HT), 0x0A (LF), 0x0C (FF), 0x0D (CR), 0x20 (SP), or 0x3E (>) if (in_array($char, ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " ", ">"])) { # Abort the get an attribute algorithm. # The attribute's name is the value of attribute name # and its value is the value of attribute value. return ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]; } # If it is in the range 0x41 (A) to 0x5A (Z) # Anything else else { # Append a code point with the same value as # the byte at position to attribute value. $value .= strtolower($char); } } // Out of bytes return []; } } /** Interprets a quasi-Content-Type value during the encoding detection pre-scan */ protected static function fromMeta(string $s): ?string { # The algorithm for extracting a character encoding from a meta element, # given a string s, is as follows. # It either returns a character encoding or nothing. # Let position be a pointer into s, initially pointing at the start of the string. $pos = 0; $end = strlen($s); # Loop: while ($pos < $end) { # Find the first seven characters in s after position # that are an ASCII case-insensitive match for the word "charset". # If no such match is found, return nothing. $found = stripos($s, "charset", $pos); if ($found === false) { return null; } $pos = $found + 7; # Skip any ASCII whitespace that immediately follow the word "charset" # (there might not be any). while (in_array(@$s[$pos], ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " "])) { $pos++; } # If the next character is not a U+003D EQUALS SIGN (=), # then move position to point just before that next # character, and jump back to the step labeled loop. if (@$s[$pos] !== "=") { continue; } # Skip any ASCII whitespace that immediately follow the equals sign # (there might not be any). while (in_array(@$s[++$pos], ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " "])); # Process the next character as follows: $char = @$s[$pos]; # If it is a U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (")... # If it is a U+0027 APOSTROPHE character (')... if ($char === '"' || $char === "'") { # ... and there is a later U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (") in s # ... and there is a later U+0027 APOSTROPHE character (') in s if (($end = strpos($s, $char, $pos + 1)) !== false) { $pos++; return self::fromCharset(substr($s, $pos, $end - $pos)); } # If it is an unmatched U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (") # If it is an unmatched U+0027 APOSTROPHE character (') else { # Return nothing return null; } } # There is no next character elseif ($char === "") { # Return nothing return null; } # Anything else else { # Return the result of getting an encoding from the substring # that consists of this character up to but not including # the first ASCII whitespace or U+003B SEMICOLON (;) # character, or the end of s, whichever comes first. $size = -1; while (!in_array(@$s[$pos + (++$size)], ["\x09", "\x0A", "\x0C", "\x0D", " ", ";", ""])); return self::fromCharset(substr($s, $pos, $size)); } } } }