A modern, accurate HTML parser and serializer for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

277 lines
12 KiB

namespace dW\HTML5\TestCase;
use dW\HTML5\Data;
use dW\HTML5\Document;
use dW\HTML5\EOFToken;
use dW\HTML5\LoopException;
use dW\HTML5\NotImplementedException;
use dW\HTML5\OpenElementsStack;
use dW\HTML5\ParseError;
use dW\HTML5\Parser;
use dW\HTML5\TemplateInsertionModesStack;
use dW\HTML5\Tokenizer;
use dW\HTML5\TreeBuilder;
* @covers \dW\HTML5\TreeBuilder
* @covers \dW\HTML5\Tokenizer
* @covers \dW\HTML5\ActiveFormattingElementsList
* @covers \dW\HTML5\OpenElementsStack
* @covers \dW\HTML5\Stack
class TestTreeConstructor extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
use \dW\HTML5\EscapeString;
protected $out;
protected $depth;
/** @dataProvider provideStandardTreeTests */
public function testStandardTreeTests(string $data, array $exp, array $errors, $fragment): void {
// certain tests need to be patched to ignore unavoidable limitations of PHP's DOM
[$exp, $patched, $skip] = $this->patchTest($data, $fragment, $exp);
if (strlen($skip)) {
} elseif ($patched) {
// convert parse error constants into standard symbols in specification
$errorMap = array_map(function($str) {
return strtolower(str_replace("_", "-", $str));
}, array_flip(array_filter((new \ReflectionClass(ParseError::class))->getConstants(), function($v) {
return is_int($v);
// create a stub error handler which collects parse errors
$errors = [];
$errorHandler = $this->createStub(ParseError::class);
$errorHandler->method("emit")->willReturnCallback(function($file, $line, $col, $code) use (&$errors, $errorMap) {
$errors[] = ['code' => $errorMap[$code], 'line' => $line, 'col' => $col];
return true;
// initialize the output document
$doc = new Document;
// prepare the fragment context, if any
if ($fragment) {
$fragment = explode(" ", $fragment);
assert(sizeof($fragment) < 3);
if (sizeof($fragment) === 1) {
$fragmentContext = $doc->createElement($fragment[0]);
} else {
$ns = array_flip(Parser::NAMESPACE_MAP)[$fragment[0]] ?? null;
$fragmentContext = $doc->createElementNS($ns, $fragment[1]);
} else {
$fragmentContext = null;
// initialize the other classes we need
$decoder = new Data($data, "STDIN", $errorHandler, "UTF-8");
$stack = new OpenElementsStack($fragmentContext);
$tokenizer = new Tokenizer($decoder, $stack, $errorHandler);
$treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder($doc, $decoder, $tokenizer, $errorHandler, $stack, new TemplateInsertionModesStack, $fragmentContext);
// run the tree builder
try {
do {
$token = $tokenizer->createToken();
} while (!$token instanceof EOFToken);
} catch (\DOMException $e) {
$this->markTestIncomplete('Requires implementation of the "Coercing an HTML DOM into an infoset" specification section');
} catch (LoopException $e) {
$act = $this->balanceTree($this->serializeTree($doc, (bool) $fragmentContext), $exp);
$this->assertEquals($exp, $act, $e->getMessage()."\n".$treeBuilder->debugLog);
throw $e;
} catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
$act = $this->balanceTree($this->serializeTree($doc, (bool) $fragmentContext), $exp);
$this->assertEquals($exp, $act, $treeBuilder->debugLog);
// TODO: evaluate errors
protected function patchTest(string $data, $fragment, array $exp): array {
$patched = false;
$skip = "";
// comments outside the root element are silently dropped by the PHP DOM
if (!$fragment) {
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($exp); $a++) {
if (strpos($exp[$a], "| <!--") === 0) {
array_splice($exp, $a--, 1);
$patched = true;
return [$exp, $patched, $skip];
protected function balanceTree(array $act, array $exp): array {
// makes sure that the actual tree contain the same number of lines as the expected tree
// lines are inserted where the two trees diverge, until the end of the actual tree is reached
// this usuallyresults in clean PHPUnit comparison failure output
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($act) && sizeof($act) < sizeof($exp); $a++) {
if (!isset($act[$a]) || $exp[$a] !== $act[$a]) {
array_splice($act, $a, 0, [""]);
return $act;
protected function push(string $data): void {
$this->out[] = "| ".str_repeat(" ", $this->depth).$data;
protected function serializeTree(Document $d, bool $fragment): array {
$this->out = [];
$this->depth = 0;
if ($fragment){
foreach ($d->documentElement->childNodes as $n) {
} else {
if ($d->doctype) {
$dt = "<!DOCTYPE ";
$dt .= ($d->doctype->name !== " ") ? $d->doctype->name : "";
if (strlen($d->doctype->publicId) || strlen($d->doctype->systemId)) {
$dt .= ' "'.$d->doctype->publicId.'"';
$dt .= ' "'.$d->doctype->systemId.'"';
$dt .= ">";
if ($d->documentElement) {
return $this->out;
protected function serializeElement(\DOMElement $e): void {
if ($e->namespaceURI) {
$prefix = Parser::NAMESPACE_MAP[$e->namespaceURI];
assert((bool) $prefix, new \Exception("Prefix for namespace {$e->namespaceURI} is not defined"));
$prefix .= " ";
} else {
$prefix = "";
$localName = $this->uncoerceName($e->localName);
$attr = [];
foreach ($e->attributes as $a) {
$prefix = "";
if ($a->namespaceURI) {
$prefix = Parser::NAMESPACE_MAP[$a->namespaceURI];
assert((bool) $prefix, new \Exception("Prefix for namespace {$a->namespaceURI} is not defined"));
$prefix .= " ";
$attr[$prefix.$this->uncoerceName($a->name)] = $a->value;
ksort($attr, \SORT_STRING);
foreach ($attr as $k => $v) {
if ($e->localName === "template" && $e->namespaceURI === null) {
foreach ($e->content->childNodes as $n) {
foreach ($e->childNodes as $n) {
protected function serializeNode(\DOMNode $n): void {
if ($n instanceof \DOMElement) {
} elseif ($n instanceof \DOMProcessingInstruction) {
$this->push("<?".$n->target." ".$n->data.">");
} elseif ($n instanceof \DOMComment) {
$this->push("<!-- ".$n->data." -->");
} elseif ($n instanceof \DOMCharacterData) {
} else {
throw new \Exception("Node type ".get_class($n)." not handled");
public function provideStandardTreeTests(): iterable {
$blacklist = [];
foreach (new \GlobIterator(\dW\HTML5\BASE."tests/html5lib-tests/tree-construction/*.dat", \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME) as $file) {
$index = 0;
$l = 0;
if (!in_array(basename($file), $blacklist)) {
$lines = array_map(function($v) {
return rtrim($v, "\n");
}, file($file));
while ($l < sizeof($lines)) {
$pos = $l + 1;
assert($lines[$l] === "#data", new \Exception("Test $file #$index does not start with #data tag at line ".($l + 1)));
// collect the test input
$data = [];
for (++$l; $l < sizeof($lines); $l++) {
if ($lines[$l] === "#errors") {
$data[] = $lines[$l];
$data = implode("\n", $data);
// collect the test errors
$errors = [];
assert(($lines[$l] ?? "") === "#errors", new \Exception("Test $file #$index does not list errors at line ".($l + 1)));
for (++$l; $l < sizeof($lines); $l++) {
if ($lines[$l] === "#new-errors") {
} elseif (preg_match('/^#(document(-fragment)?|script-(on|off)|)$/', $lines[$l])) {
$errors[] = $lines[$l];
// set the script mode, if present
assert(preg_match('/^#(script-(on|off)|document(-fragment)?)$/', $lines[$l]) === 1, new \Exception("Test $file #$index follows errors with something other than script flag, document fragment, or document at line ".($l + 1)));
$script = null;
if ($lines[$l] === "#script-off") {
$script = false;
} elseif ($lines[$l] === "#script-on") {
$script = true;
// collect the document fragment, if present
assert(preg_match('/^#document(-fragment)?$/', $lines[$l]) === 1, new \Exception("Test $file #$index follows script flag with something other than document fragment or document at line ".($l + 1)));
$fragment = null;
if ($lines[$l] === "#document-fragment") {
$fragment = $lines[++$l];
// collect the output tree
$exp = [];
assert($lines[$l] === "#document", new \Exception("Test $file #$index follows dociument fragment with something other than document at line ".($l + 1)));
for (++$l; $l < sizeof($lines); $l++) {
if ($lines[$l] === "" && ($lines[$l + 1] ?? "") === "#data") {
} elseif (($lines[$l][0] ?? "") !== "|") {
// apend the data to the previous token
$exp[sizeof($exp) - 1] .= "\n".$lines[$l];
assert(preg_match('/^[^#]/', $lines[$l]) === 1, new \Exception("Test $file #$index contains unrecognized data after document at line ".($l + 1)));
$exp[] = $lines[$l];
if (!$script) {
// scripting-dependent tests are skipped entirely since we will not support scripting
yield "$file #$index (line $pos)" => [$data, $exp, $errors, $fragment];