You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.6 KiB

#! /usr/bin/node
Parses the sanitize() tests for the Sanitizer API into JSON for easier
consumption by non-JavaScript environments.
if (!process.argv[2]) {
console.log("Usage: parsetests <path-to-wpt-base>");
return 2;
const fs = require("fs");
const JSDOM = require("jsdom").JSDOM;
// resolve the path to the tests
var base = fs.realpathSync(process.argv[2]);
// first read in the static test data
var testprog = fs.readFileSync(base + "/sanitizer-api/support/testcases.sub.js").toString() + "\n\n";
// next extract the tests proper from the containing HTML file
var testfile = fs.readFileSync(base + "/sanitizer-api/sanitizer-sanitize.https.tentative.html").toString();
testprog += (new JSDOM(testfile)).window.document.body.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].textContent;
// now define a minimal test harness which will produce plain JSON test data
var window = (new JSDOM("", {runScripts: "outside-only"})).window;
window.genericTestSet = [];
window.FakeTemplate = class {
innerHTML = "";
get content() {
return this;
window.origDOMParser = window.DOMParser;
window.DOMParser = function() {
return {
parseFromString: function(data, type) {
if (window.genericTest.input === undefined) {
window.genericTest.input = [data];
return (new window.origDOMParser).parseFromString(data, type);
window.document.origCreateElement = window.document.createElement;
window.document.createElement = function(type) {
if (type === "template") {
return new window.FakeTemplate();
return window.document.origCreateElement(type);
window.test = function(prog, message) {
// override the getFragment() and getDoc() functions to extract the input, if they haven't been overidden already
if (!window.origGetFragment) {
window.origGetFragment = window.getFragment;
window.getFragment = function(i) {
if (window.genericTest.input === undefined) {
window.genericTest.input = [i];
} else if (window.genericTest.input && window.genericTest.output === undefined) {
window.genericTest.output = i;
return window.origGetFragment(i);
if (!window.origGetDoc) {
window.origGetDoc = window.getDoc;
window.getDoc = function(i) {
if (window.genericTest.input === undefined) {
window.genericTest.input = [i];
return window.origGetDoc(i);
window.genericTest = {
config: undefined,
input: undefined,
inputType: undefined,
output: undefined,
exceptionType: undefined,
message: message,
window.Sanitizer = function(conf) {
if (conf) {
if (Array.isArray(conf.dropAttributes)) {
var o = {};
conf.dropAttributes.forEach(function(v) {
o[] = (v.elements === "*") ? ["*"] : v.elements;
conf.dropAttributes = o;
if (Array.isArray(conf.allowAttributes)) {
var o = {};
conf.allowAttributes.forEach(function(v) {
o[] = (v.elements === "*") ? ["*"] : v.elements;
conf.allowAttributes = o;
window.genericTest.config = conf || null;
return {
sanitize: function(dom) {
if (dom instanceof window.DocumentFragment) {
window.genericTest.inputType = "document-fragment";
} else if (dom instanceof window.Document) {
window.genericTest.inputType = "document";
} else if (dom instanceof window.FakeTemplate) {
window.genericTest.inputType = "template-content";
window.genericTest.input = dom.innerHTML;
} else {
window.genericTest.inputType = "literal";
if (window.genericTest.input === undefined) {
window.genericTest.input = Array.from(arguments);
return window.document.createDocumentFragment();
window.assert_throws_js = function(t, f) {
window.genericTest.exceptionType = t.prototype.toString();
window.genericTest.output = null;
window.assert_true = function() {};
window.assert_equals = function(result, exp) {
window.genericTest.output = exp;
// Finally execute the tests to produce our output
console.log(JSON.stringify(window.genericTestSet, null, 2));