runTests(escapeshellarg(\PHP_BINARY), "typical", $args); } /** Runs the full test suite * * This includes pedantic tests which may help to identify problems. * See help for the "test" task for more details. */ public function testFull(array $args): Result { return $this->runTests(escapeshellarg(\PHP_BINARY), "full", $args); } /** * Runs a quick subset of the test suite * * See help for the "test" task for more details. */ public function testQuick(array $args): Result { return $this->runTests(escapeshellarg(\PHP_BINARY), "quick", $args); } /** Produces a code coverage report * * By default this task produces an HTML-format coverage report in * tests/coverage/. Additional reports may be produced by passing * arguments to this task as one would to PHPUnit. * * Robo first tries to use phpdbg and will fall back to Xdebug if available. * Because Xdebug slows down non-coverage tasks, however, phpdbg is highly * recommended if debugging facilities are not otherwise needed. */ public function coverage(array $args): Result { // run tests with code coverage reporting enabled $exec = $this->findCoverageEngine(); return $this->runTests($exec, "coverage", array_merge(["--coverage-html", BASE_TEST."coverage"], $args)); } /** Produces a code coverage report, with redundant tests * * Depending on the environment, some tests that normally provide * coverage may be skipped, while working alternatives are normally * suppressed for reasons of time. This coverage report will try to * run all tests which may cover code. * * See also help for the "coverage" task for more details. */ public function coverageFull(array $args): Result { // run tests with code coverage reporting enabled $exec = $this->findCoverageEngine(); return $this->runTests($exec, "typical", array_merge(["--coverage-html", BASE_TEST."coverage"], $args)); } /** Runs the coding standards fixer */ public function clean($opts = ['demo|d' => false]): Result { $t = $this->taskExec(realpath(BASE."vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer")); $t->arg("fix")->arg("--allow-risky=yes"); if ($opts['demo']) { $t->args("--dry-run", "--diff")->option("--diff-format", "udiff"); } return $t->run(); } /** Runs a performance evaluation. * * The performance of the library's basic functionality is tested against * the IntlCodePointBreakIterator class */ public function perf(array $args): Result { $execpath = realpath(norm(BASE."perf/perf.php")); return $this->taskExec("php")->arg($execpath)->args($args)->run(); } protected function findCoverageEngine(): string { $dir = rtrim(ini_get("extension_dir"), "/").\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $ext = IS_WIN ? "dll" : (IS_MAC ? "dylib" : "so"); $php = escapeshellarg(\PHP_BINARY); $code = escapeshellarg(BASE."lib"); if (extension_loaded("pcov")) { return "$php -d pcov.enabled=1 -d$code"; } elseif (extension_loaded("xdebug")) { return $php; } elseif (file_exists($dir."pcov.$ext")) { return "$php -d extension=pcov.$ext -d pcov.enabled=1 -d$code"; } elseif (file_exists($dir."pcov.$ext")) { return "$php -d zend_extension=xdebug.$ext"; } else { if (IS_WIN) { $dbg = dirname(\PHP_BINARY)."\\phpdbg.exe"; $dbg = file_exists($dbg) ? $dbg : ""; } else { $dbg = trim(`which phpdbg 2>/dev/null`); } if ($dbg) { return escapeshellarg($dbg)." -qrr"; } else { return $php; } } } protected function runTests(string $executor, string $set, array $args): Result { error_reporting(0); switch ($set) { case "typical": $set = ["--exclude-group", "optional"]; break; case "quick": $set = ["--exclude-group", "optional,slow"]; break; case "coverage": $set = ["--exclude-group", "optional,coverageOptional"]; break; case "full": $set = []; break; default: throw new \Exception; } $execpath = norm(BASE."vendor-bin/phpunit/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit"); $confpath = realpath(BASE_TEST."phpunit.dist.xml") ?: norm(BASE_TEST."phpunit.xml"); return $this->taskExec($executor)->option("-d", "zend.assertions=1")->arg($execpath)->option("-c", $confpath)->args(array_merge($set, $args))->run(); } }