posByte = 0; $this->posChar = 0; $this->current = null; } public function valid() { return $this->posByte < $this->lenByte; } public function current() { return $this->current ?? ($this->current = $this->nextCode()); } public function key() { return isset($this->current) ? $this->posChar - 1 : $this->posChar; } public function next() { $this->current = null; } public function __construct(string $string, bool $fatal = false) { $this->string = $string; $this->lenByte = strlen($string); $this->errMode = $fatal ? self::MODE_FATAL_DEC : self::MODE_REPLACE; } public function posByte(): int { return $this->posByte; } public function posChar(): int { return $this->posChar; } /** Retrieve the next character in the string, in UTF-8 encoding * * The returned character may be a replacement character, or the empty string if the end of the string has been reached */ public function nextChar(): string { // get the byte at the current position $b = @$this->string[$this->posByte]; if ($b === "") { return ""; } elseif (ord($b) < 0x80) { // if the byte is an ASCII character or end of input, simply return it $this->posChar++; $this->posByte++; return $b; } else { // otherwise return the serialization of the code point at the current position return UTF8::encode($this->nextCode()); } } /** Decodes the next character from the string and returns its code point number * * If a character could not be decoded, null is returned; if the end of the string has already been reached, false is returned */ public function nextCode() { // this function effectively implements https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#utf-8-decoder // optimization for ASCII characters $b = @$this->string[$this->posByte]; if ($b === "") { return false; } elseif (($b = ord($b)) < 0x80) { $this->posChar++; $this->posByte++; return $b; } $this->posChar++; $point = 0; $seen = 0; $needed = 1; $lower = 0x80; $upper = 0xBF; while ($seen < $needed) { $b = ord(@$this->string[$this->posByte++]); if (!$seen) { if ($b >= 0xC2 && $b <= 0xDF) { // two-byte character $needed = 2; $point = $b & 0x1F; } elseif ($b >= 0xE0 && $b <= 0xEF) { // three-byte character $needed = 3; if ($b==0xE0) { $lower = 0xA0; } elseif ($b==0xED) { $upper = 0x9F; } $point = $b & 0xF; } elseif ($b >= 0xF0 && $b <= 0xF4) { // four-byte character $needed = 4; if ($b==0xF0) { $lower = 0x90; } elseif ($b==0xF4) { $upper = 0x8F; } $point = $b & 0x7; } else { // invalid byte return self::err($this->errMode, [$this->posChar, $this->posByte]); } } elseif ($b < $lower || $b > $upper) { return self::err($this->errMode, [$this->posChar, $this->posByte--]); } else { $lower = 0x80; $upper = 0xBF; $point = ($point << 6) | ($b & 0x3F); } $seen++; } return $point; } /** Advance $distance characters through the string * * If $distance is negative, the operation will be performed in reverse * * If the end (or beginning) of the string was reached before the end of the operation, the remaining number of requested characters is returned */ public function seek(int $distance): int { if ($distance > 0) { if ($this->posByte == strlen($this->string)) { // if we're already at the end of the string, we can't go further return $distance; } do { // get the next code point; this automatically increments the character position $p = $this->nextCode(); } while (--$distance && $p !== false); // stop after we have skipped the desired number of characters, or reached EOF return $distance; } elseif ($distance < 0) { $distance = abs($distance); if (!$this->posByte) { // if we're already at the start of the string, we can't go further back return $distance; } $mode = $this->errMode; $this->errMode = self::MODE_NULL; do { $this->sync($this->posByte - 1); // manually decrement the character position $this->posChar--; } while (--$distance && $this->posByte); $this->errMode = $mode; return $distance; } else { return 0; } } /** Retrieves the next $num characters from the string, without advancing the character pointer */ public function peekChar(int $num = 1): string { $out = ""; $state = $this->stateSave(); try { while ($num-- > 0 && ($b = $this->nextChar()) !== "") { $out .= $b; } } finally { $this->stateApply($state); } return $out; } /** Retrieves the next $num code points from the string, without advancing the character pointer */ public function peekCode(int $num = 1): array { $out = []; $state = $this->stateSave(); try { while ($num-- > 0 && ($b = $this->nextCode()) !== false) { $out[] = $b; } } finally { $this->stateApply($state); } return $out; } /** Calculates the length of the string in code points * * Note that this involves processing to the end of the string */ public function len(): int { return $this->lenChar ?? (function() { $state = $this->stateSave(); while ($this->nextCode() !== false); $this->lenChar = $this->posChar; $this->stateApply($state); return $this->lenChar; })(); } /** Synchronize to the byte offset of the start of the nearest character at or before byte offset $pos */ protected function sync(int $pos) { $b = ord(@$this->string[$pos]); if ($b < 0x80) { // if the byte is an ASCII byte or the end of input, then this is already a synchronized position $this->posByte = $pos; } else { $s = $pos; while ($b >= 0x80 && $b <= 0xBF && $pos > 0 && ($s - $pos) < 3) { // go back at most three bytes, no further than the start of the string, and only as long as the byte remains a continuation byte $b = ord(@$this->string[--$pos]); } $this->posByte = $pos; // decrement the character position because nextCode() increments it $this->posChar--; if (is_null($this->nextCode())) { $this->posByte = $s; } else { $this->posByte = ($this->posByte > $s) ? $pos : $s; } } } protected function stateSave(): array { return [ 'posChar' => $this->posChar, 'posByte' => $this->posByte, ]; } protected function stateApply(array $state) { foreach($state as $key => $value) { $this->$key = $value; } } protected static function err(int $mode, $data = null) { switch($mode) { case self::MODE_NULL: // used internally during backward seeking return null; case self::MODE_REPLACE: // standard "replace" mode return 0xFFFD; case self::MODE_HTML: // @codeCoverageIgnore // the "html" replacement mode; not applicable to Unicode transformation formats return "&#".(string) $data.";"; // @codeCoverageIgnore case self::MODE_FATAL_DEC: // fatal replacement mode for decoders throw new DecoderException("Invalid code sequence at character offset {$data[0]} (byte offset {$data[1]})", self::E_INVALID_BYTE); case self::MODE_FATAL_ENC: // @codeCoverageIgnore // fatal replacement mode for decoders; not applicable to Unicode transformation formats throw new EncoderException("Code point $data not available in target encoding", self::E_INVALID_BYTE); // @codeCoverageIgnore default: // indicative of internal bug; should never be triggered throw new DecoderException("Invalid replacement mode {$mode}", self::E_INVALID_MODE); // @codeCoverageIgnore } } /** Returns the UTF-8 encoding of $codePoint * * If $codePoint is less than 0 or greater than 1114111, an empty string is returned */ public static function encode(int $codePoint, bool $fatal = true): string { // this function implements https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#utf-8-encoder if ($codePoint < 0 || $codePoint > 0x10FFFF) { throw new EncoderException("Encountered code point outside Unicode range ($codePoint)", self::E_INVALID_CODE_POINT); } elseif ($codePoint < 128) { return chr($codePoint); } elseif ($codePoint < 0x800) { $count = 1; $offset = 0xC0; } elseif ($codePoint < 0x10000) { $count = 2; $offset = 0xE0; } else { $count = 3; $offset = 0xF0; } $bytes = chr(($codePoint >> (6 * $count)) + $offset); while ($count > 0) { $bytes .= chr(0x80 | (($codePoint >> (6 * ($count - 1))) & 0x3F)); $count--; } return $bytes; } }