A set of dependency-free basic internationalization tools
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

318 lines
13 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\UTF8;
abstract class UTF8 {
public static $replacementChar = "\u{FFFD}";
public static $errMode = self::M_REPLACE;
const M_REPLACE = 0;
const M_SKIP = 1;
const M_HALT = 2;
/** Retrieve a character from $string starting at byte offset $pos
* $next is a variable in which to store the next byte offset at which a character starts
* The returned character may be a replacement character, or the empty string if $pos is beyond the end of $string
public static function get(string $string, int $pos, &$next = null, int $errMode = null): string {
// get the byte at the specified position
$b = @$string[$pos];
if ($b < "\x80" || $b=="") {
// if the byte is an ASCII character or end of input, simply return it
$next = $pos + 1;
return $b;
} else {
$errMode = $errMode ?? self::$errMode;
// otherwise determine the numeric code point of the character, as well as the position of the next character
$p = self::ord($string, $pos, $next, self::M_REPLACE);
if (is_int($p)) {
// if the character is valid, return its serialization
// we do a round trip (bytes > code point > bytes) to normalize overlong sequences
return self::chr($p);
} elseif ($errMode==self::M_REPLACE) {
// if the byte is invalid and we're supposed to replace, return a replacement character
return self::$replacementChar;
} elseif ($errMode==self::M_SKIP) {
// if the character is invalid and we're supposed to skip invalid characters, advance the position and start over
$pos = $next;
goto start;
} else {
// if the byte is invalid and we're supposed to halt, halt
throw new \Exception;
/** Starting from byte offset $pos, advance $num characters through $string and return the byte offset of the found character
* If $num is negative, the operation will be performed in reverse
* If $pos is omitted, the start of the string will be used for a forward seek, and the end for a reverse seek
public static function seek(string $string, int $num, int $pos = null, int $errMode = null): int {
$errMode = $errMode ?? self::$errMode;
if ($num > 0) {
$pos = $pos ?? 0;
do {
$c = self::get($string, $pos, $pos, $errMode); // the current position is getting overwritten with the next position, by reference
} while (--$num && $c != ""); // stop after we have skipped the desired number of characters, or reached EOF
return $pos;
} elseif ($num < 0) {
$pos = $pos ?? strlen($string);
if (!$pos) {
// if we're already at the start of the string, we can't go further back
return $pos;
$num = abs($num);
do {
$pos = self::sync($string, $pos -1, $errMode);
} while ($num && $pos);
return $pos;
} else {
// seeking zero characters is equivalent to a sync
return self::sync($string, $pos, $errMode);
/** Synchronize to the byte offset of the start of the nearest character at or before byte offset $pos */
public static function sync(string $string, int $pos, int $errMode = null): int {
$errMode = $errMode ?? self::$errMode;
if (!$pos || $pos >= strlen($string)) {
// if we're at the start of the string or past its end, then this is the character start
return $pos;
// save the start position for later, and increment before the coming decrement loop
$s = $pos++;
// examine the current byte and skip up to three continuation bytes, going backward and counting the number of examined bytes (between 1 and 4)
$t = 0;
do {
$b = ($pos < strlen($string)) ? $string[$pos] : "";
} while (
$b >= "\x80" && $b <= "\xBF" && // continuation bytes
($t < 4 || $errMode==self::M_SKIP) && // stop after four bytes, unless we're skipping invalid sequences
$pos > 0 // stop once the start of the string has been reached
// attempt to extract a code point at the current position
$p = self::ord($string, $pos, $n, self::M_REPLACE);
// if the position of the character after the one we just consumed is earlier than our start position,
// then there was at least one invalid sequence between the consumed character and the start position
if ($n < $s) {
if ($errMode==self::M_SKIP) {
// if we're supposed to skip invalid sequences, there is no need to do anything
} elseif ($errMode==self::M_REPLACE) {
// if we're supposed to replace invalid sequences, return the starting offset: it is itself a character
return $s;
} else {
// otherwise if the character is invalid and we're expected to halt, halt
throw new \Exception;
// if the consumed character is valid, return the current position
if (is_int($p)) {
return $pos;
} elseif ($errMode==self::M_SKIP) {
// if we're supposed to skip invalid sequences:
if ($pos < 1) {
// if we're already at the start of the string, give up
return $pos;
} else {
// otherwise skip over the last examined byte and start over
goto start;
} elseif ($errMode==self::M_REPLACE) {
// if we're supposed to replace invalid sequences, return the current offset: we've synchronized
return $pos;
} else {
// otherwise if the character is invalid and we're expected to halt, halt
throw new \Exception;
public static function len(string $string, int $start = 0, int $end = null, int $errMode = null): int {
$errMode = $errMode ?? self::$errMode;
$end = $end ?? strlen($string);
if (substr($string, $start, ($end - $start)) =="") {
return 0;
$count = 0;
$pos = $start;
do {
$c = self::get($string, $pos, $pos, $errMode);
} while ($c != "" && ++$count && $pos < $end);
return $count;
public static function substr(string $str, int $start = 0, int $length = null, &$next = null, int $errMode = null): string {
$errMode = $errMode ?? self::$errMode;
if ($length > 0) {
$pos = $start;
$buffer = "";
do {
$c = self::get($string, $pos, $pos, $errMode); // the current position is getting overwritten with the next position, by reference
$buffer .= $c;
} while (--$length && $c != ""); // stop after we have skipped the desired number of characters, or reached EOF
$next = $pos;
return $buffer;
} else {
$next = self::sync($string, $start, $errMode);
return "";
/** Decodes the first UTF-8 character from a byte sequence into a numeric code point, starting at byte offset $pos
* Upon success, returns the numeric code point of the character, an integer between 0 and 1114111
* Upon error, returns false; if $char is the empty string or $pos is beyond the end of the string, null is returned
* $next is a variable in which to store the next byte offset at which a character starts
public static function ord(string $string, int $pos = 0, &$next = null, int $errMode = null) {
// this function effectively implements https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#utf-8-decoder
// though it differs from a slavish implementation because it operates on only a single
// character rather than a whole stream
// optimization for ASCII characters
$b = @$string[$pos];
if ($b < "\x80") {
$next = $pos + 1;
return ord($b);
$eof = strlen($string);
$point = null;
$seen = 0;
$needed = 0;
$lower = 0x80;
$upper = 0xBF;
while ($pos < $eof && !($needed && $seen >= $needed)) {
$b = ord($string[$pos++]);
$next = $pos;
if(!$needed) {
$needed = self::l($b);
switch($needed) {
case 1:
$point = $b;
case 2:
$point = $b & 0x1F;
case 3:
if ($b==0xE0) {
$lower = 0xA0;
} elseif ($b==0xED) {
$upper = 0x9F;
$point = $b & 0xF;
case 4:
if ($b==0xF0) {
$lower = 0x90;
} elseif ($b==0xF4) {
$upper = 0x8F;
$point = $b & 0x7;
case 0:
switch ($errMode ?? self::$errMode) {
case self::M_SKIP:
goto start;
case self::M_REPLACE:
return false;
throw new \Exception;
} elseif ($b < $lower || $b > $upper) {
switch ($errMode ?? self::$errMode) {
case self::M_SKIP:
goto start;
case self::M_REPLACE:
return false;
throw new \Exception;
} else {
$lower = 0x80;
$upper = 0xBF;
$point = ($point << 6) | ($b & 0x3F);
if ($seen < $needed) {
switch ($errMode ?? self::$errMode) {
case self::M_SKIP:
goto start;
case self::M_REPLACE:
return false;
throw new \Exception;
} else {
return $point;
/** Returns the UTF-8 encoding of $codePoint
* If $codePoint is less than 0 or greater than 1114111, an empty string is returned
public static function chr(int $codePoint): string {
// this function implements https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#utf-8-encoder
if ($codePoint < 0 || $codePoint > 0x10FFFF) {
return "";
} elseif ($codePoint < 128) {
return chr($codePoint);
} elseif ($codePoint < 0x800) {
$count = 1;
$offset = 0xC0;
} elseif ($codePoint < 0x10000) {
$count = 2;
$offset = 0xE0;
} else {
$count = 3;
$offset = 0xF0;
$bytes = chr(($codePoint >> (6 * $count)) + $offset);
while ($count > 0) {
$temp = $codePoint >> (6 * ($count - 1));
$bytes .= chr(0x80 | ($temp & 0x3F));
return $bytes;
* Returns the expected byte length of a UTF-8 character starting with byte $b
* If the byte is not the start of a UTF-8 sequence, 0 is returned
protected static function l($b): int {
if ($b >= 0xC2 && $b <= 0xDF) { // two-byte character
return 2;
} elseif ($b >= 0xE0 && $b <= 0xEF) { // three-byte character
return 3;
} elseif ($b >= 0xF0 && $b <= 0xF4) { // four-byte character
return 4;
} elseif ($b < 0x80) { // ASCII byte: one-byte character
return 1;
} elseif ($b==="") { // end of input: pretend it's a valid single-byte character
return 1;
} else { // invalid byte
return 0;