A set of dependency-free basic internationalization tools
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\Intl\Encoding;
interface Decoder {
public const E_INVALID_BYTE = 2;
/** Constructs a new decoder
* @param string $string The string to decode
* @param bool $fatal If true, throw enceptions when encountering invalid input. If false, substitute U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER instead
* @param bool $allowSurrogates If true, treats surrogate characters as valid input; this only affects UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings
public function __construct(string $string, bool $fatal = false, bool $allowSurrogates = false);
/** Returns the current byte position of the decoder */
public function posByte(): int;
/** Returns the current character position of the decoder */
public function posChar(): int;
/** Retrieve the next character in the string, in UTF-8 encoding
* The returned character may be a replacement character, or the empty string if the end of the string has been reached
public function nextChar(): string;
/** Decodes the next character from the string and returns its code point number
* If the end of the string has been reached, false is returned
* @return int|false
public function nextCode();
/** Advance $distance characters through the string
* If the end (or beginning) of the string was reached before the end of the operation, the remaining number of requested characters is returned
* @param int $distance The number of characters to advance. If negative, the operation will seek back toward the beginning of the string
public function seek(int $distance): int;
/** Seeks to the start of the string
* This is usually faster than using the seek method for the same purpose
public function rewind(): void;
/** Retrieves the next $num characters (in UTF-8 encoding) from the string without advancing the character pointer
* @param int $num The number of characters to retrieve
public function peekChar(int $num = 1): string;
/** Retrieves the next $num code points from the string, without advancing the character pointer
* @param int $num The number of code points to retrieve
public function peekCode(int $num = 1): array;
/** Calculates the length of the string in bytes */
public function lenByte(): int;
/** Calculates the length of the string in code points
* Note that this may involve processing to the end of the string
public function lenChar(): int;
/** Returns whether the character pointer is at the end of the string */
public function eof(): bool;
/** Generates an iterator which steps through each character in the string */
public function chars(): \Generator;
/** Generates an iterator which steps through each code point in the string */
public function codes(): \Generator;
/** Fast-forwards through a span of ASCII characters matching the supplied mask, returning any consumed characters
* The mask must consist only of ASCII characters.
* Note that if the empty string is returned, this does not necessarily signal the end of the string
* @param string $mask The set of ASCII characters to match
* @param int $length The maximum number oof characters to advance by
public function asciiSpan(string $mask, int $length = null): string;
/** Fast-forwards through a span of ASCII characters not matching the supplied mask, returning any consumed characters
* The mask must consist only of ASCII characters.
* Note that if the empty string is returned, this does not necessarily signal the end of the string
* @param string $mask The set of ASCII characters to not match
* @param int $length The maximum number oof characters to advance by
public function asciiSpanNot(string $mask, int $length = null): string;