A set of dependency-free basic internationalization tools
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
1.3 KiB

$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/encodings.json"), true) or die("encoding list could not be retrieved from network.");
$labels = [];
$classes = [];
$longest = 0;
foreach ($data as $block) {
foreach ($block['encodings'] as $encoding) {
foreach($encoding['labels'] as $label) {
$labels[$label] = $encoding['name'];
$longest = max(strlen($label), $longest);
$name = $encoding['name'];
if ($name == "gb18030") {
$class = strtoupper($name);
} else {
$class = $name;
$class = strtoupper($class[0]).substr($class, 1);
$class = str_replace("_", "-", $class);
$found = 0;
while(($found = strpos($class, "-", $found + 1)) !== false) {
$class = substr($class,0, $found).strtoupper($class[$found + 1]).substr($class, $found + 2);
$class = str_replace("-", "", $class);
$classes[$name] = $class;
$out = [];
foreach($labels as $label => $name) {
$pad = str_repeat(" ", $longest - strlen($label));
$class = $classes[$name];
$out[] = " '$label'$pad => \"$class\",";
array_unshift($out, ' const LABELS = [');
$out[] = " ];";
echo implode("\n", $out);