[], 'scope' => [] ]; // The tokenized scope string protected Data $data; // Used for incrementing the blocks of debug information; useful for creating // breakpoints when debugging. protected int $debugCount = 1; // Used for instancing data tokens in static methods. protected static Parser $instance; // strspn mask used to check whether a token could be a valid scope. protected const SCOPE_MASK = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+_*'; protected function __construct(string $selector) { $this->data = new Data($selector); } /** Parses strings into Selectors */ public static function parseSelector(string $string): Selector { if (isset(self::$cache['selector'][$string])) { return self::$cache['selector'][$string]; } self::$instance = new self($string); $result = self::_parseSelector(); // If not at the end of input throw an exception. $token = self::$instance->data->consume(); if ($token !== false) { self::throw(false, $token); } self::$cache['selector'][$string] = $result; return $result; } /** Parses strings into Scopes */ public static function parseScope(string $string): Scope { if (isset(self::$cache['scope'][$string])) { return self::$cache['scope'][$string]; } self::$instance = new self($string); $result = self::_parseScope(); // If not at the end of input throw an exception. $token = self::$instance->data->consume(); if ($token !== false) { self::throw(false, $token); } self::$cache['scope'][$string] = $result; return $result; } protected static function parseComposite(): Composite { assert((fn() => self::debug())()); $expressions = [ self::parseExpression() ]; $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); while ($peek !== false && in_array($peek, [ '&', '|', '-' ])) { self::$instance->data->consume(); switch ($peek) { case '&': $operator = Expression::OPERATOR_AND; break; case '|': $operator = Expression::OPERATOR_OR; break; case '-': $operator = Expression::OPERATOR_NOT; break; } $expressions[] = self::parseExpression($operator); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); } $result = new Composite(...$expressions); assert((fn() => self::debugResult($result))()); return $result; } protected static function parseExpression(int $operator = Expression::OPERATOR_NONE): Expression { assert((fn() => self::debug())()); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); $negate = false; if ($peek === '-') { self::$instance->data->consume(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); $negate = true; } if (in_array($peek[0], [ 'B', 'L', 'R' ])) { $child = self::parseFilter(self::$instance->data->consume()[0]); } elseif ($peek === '(') { $child = self::parseGroup(); } else { $child = self::parsePath(); } $result = new Expression($child, $operator, $negate); assert((fn() => self::debugResult($result))()); return $result; } protected static function parseFilter(string $prefix): Filter { assert((fn() => self::debug())()); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); if ($peek === '(') { $child = self::parseGroup(); } else { $child = self::parsePath(); } $result = new Filter($child, $prefix); assert((fn() => self::debugResult($result))()); return $result; } protected static function parseGroup(): Group { assert((fn() => self::debug())()); $token = self::$instance->data->consume(); if ($token !== '(') { self::throw('"("', $token); } $child = self::_parseSelector(); $token = self::$instance->data->consume(); if ($token !== ')') { self::throw('")"', $token); } $result = new Group($child); assert((fn() => self::debugResult($result))()); return $result; } protected static function parsePath(): Path { assert((fn() => self::debug())()); $anchorStart = false; if (self::$instance->data->peek() === '^') { $anchorStart = true; self::$instance->data->consume(); } $first = self::_parseScope(); if ($first->anchorToPrevious) { self::throw('first scope', '>'); } $scopes = [ $first ]; $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); while ($peek !== false && $peek !== '-' && ($peek === '>' || strspn($peek, self::SCOPE_MASK) === strlen($peek))) { $anchorToPrevious = false; if ($peek === '>') { self::$instance->data->consume(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); $anchorToPrevious = true; } $scopes[] = self::_parseScope(end($scopes), $anchorToPrevious); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); } $anchorEnd = false; if ($peek === '$') { $anchorEnd = true; self::$instance->data->consume(); } if ($anchorStart && $anchorEnd) { $anchor = Path::ANCHOR_BOTH; } elseif ($anchorStart) { $anchor = Path::ANCHOR_START; } elseif ($anchorEnd) { $anchor = Path::ANCHOR_END; } else { $anchor = Path::ANCHOR_NONE; } $result = new Path($anchor, ...$scopes); assert((fn() => self::debugResult($result))()); return $result; } protected static function _parseSelector(): Selector { assert((fn() => self::debug())()); $composites = [ self::parseComposite() ]; $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); while ($peek === ',') { self::$instance->data->consume(); $composites[] = self::parseComposite(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); } $result = new Selector(...$composites); assert((fn() => self::debugResult($result))()); return $result; } protected static function _parseScope(?Scope $parent = null, bool $anchorToPrevious = false): Scope { assert((fn() => self::debug())()); $atoms = []; $first = true; do { if (!$first) { // Consume the period self::$instance->data->consume(); } $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); if ($peek !== false && strspn($peek, self::SCOPE_MASK) !== strlen($peek)) { self::throw([ 'A-Z', 'a-z', '0-9', '-', '+', '_', '*' ], $peek); } $atoms[] = self::$instance->data->consume(); $first = false; } while (self::$instance->data->peek() === '.'); $result = new Scope($parent, $anchorToPrevious, ...$atoms); assert((fn() => self::debugResult($result))()); return $result; } protected static function debug(): bool { $message = <<debugCount++, ltrim($methodTree, '->'), self::$instance->data->position + 1, var_export(self::$instance->data->peek(), true) ); return true; } protected static function debugResult($result): bool { printf("%s Result: %s\n", debug_backtrace()[2]['function'], // Removes bullshit from var_exported classes for easier reading str_replace([ '::__set_state(array', __NAMESPACE__.'\\', '))' ], [ '', '', ')' ], var_export($result, true)) ); return true; } protected static function throw(array|string|bool $expected, string|bool $found) { throw new ParserException($expected, $found, self::$instance->data->offset()); } }