[a]: https://atom.io [b]: https://github.com/atom/highlights [c]: https://macromates.com [d]: https://code.mensbeam.com/MensBeam/HTML # Lit # Lit is a multilanguage syntax highlighter written in PHP. It takes code as input and returns an HTML pre element containing the code highlighted using span elements with classes based upon tokens in the code. It is loosely based upon [Atom][a]'s [Highlights][b] which is used in the Atom text editor to syntax highlight code. Atom's Highlights is in turn based upon [TextMate][c]'s syntax highlighting using its concepts of scope selectors and common keywords for components of programming languages. Lit is not a port of Atom's Highlights but instead an independent implementation of what I can understand of TextMate's grammar syntax, parsing, and tokenization by analyzing other implementations. It aims to at least have feature parity or better with Atom's Highlights. ## Documentation ## ### dW\\Lit\\Grammar::__construct ### Creates a new `dW\Lit\Grammar` object. ```php public function dW\Lit\Grammar::__construct(?string $scopeName = null, ?array $patterns = null, ?string $name = null, ?array $injections = null, ?array $repository = null) ``` #### Parameters #### In normal usage of the library the parameters won't be used (see `dW\Lit\Grammar::loadJSON` and examples below for more information), but they are listed below for completeness' sake. ***scopeName*** - The scope name of the grammar ***patterns*** - The list of patterns in the grammar ***name*** - A human-readable name for the grammar ***injections*** - The list of injections in the grammar ***repository*** - The list of repository items in the grammar ### dW\\Lit\\Grammar::loadJSON ### Imports an Atom JSON grammar into the `dW\Lit\Grammar` object. ```php public function dW\Lit\Grammar::loadJSON(string $filename) ``` #### Parameters #### ***filename*** - The JSON file to be imported ### dW\\Lit\\GrammarRegistry::clear ### Clears all grammars from the registry ```php public static function dW\Lit\GrammarRegistry::clear() ``` ### dW\\Lit\\GrammarRegistry::get ### Retrieves a grammar from the registry ```php public static function dW\Lit\GrammarRegistry::get(string $scopeName): Grammar|false ``` #### Parameters #### ***scopeName*** - The scope name (eg: text.html.php) of the grammar that is being requested #### Return Values #### Returns a `dW\Lit\Grammar` object on success and `false` on failure. ### dW\\Lit\\GrammarRegistry::set ### Retrieves a grammar from the registry ```php public static function dW\Lit\GrammarRegistry::set(string $scopeName, dW\Lit\Grammar $grammar): bool ``` #### Parameters #### ***scopeName*** - The scope name (eg: text.html.php) of the grammar that is being set ***grammar*** - The grammar to be put into the registry #### Return Values #### Returns `true` on success and `false` on failure. ### dW\\Lit\\Highlight::toElement ### Highlights incoming string data and outputs a PHP `DOMElement`. ```php public static dW\Lit\Highlight::toElement(string $data, string $scopeName, ?\DOMDocument $document = null, string $encoding = 'windows-1252'): \DOMElement ``` #### Parameters #### ***data*** - The input data string ***scopeName*** - The scope name (eg: text.html.php) of the grammar that's needed to highlight the input data ***document*** - An existing `DOMDocument` to use as the owner document of the returned `DOMElement`; if omitted one will be created instead ***encoding*** - The encoding of the input data string; only used if a document wasn't provided in the previous parameter, otherwise it uses the encoding of the existing `DOMDocument`; defaults to HTML standard default windows-1252 #### Return Values #### Returns a `pre` `DOMElement`. ### dW\\Lit\\Highlight::toString ### Highlights incoming string data and outputs a string containing serialized HTML. ```php public static dW\Lit\Highlight::toString(string $data, string $scopeName, string $encoding = 'windows-1252'): string ``` #### Parameters #### ***data*** - The input data string ***scopeName*** - The scope name (eg: text.html.php) of the grammar that's needed to highlight the input data ***encoding*** - The encoding of the input data string; defaults to HTML standard default windows-1252 #### Return Values #### Returns a string. ## Examples ## Here's an example of highlighting PHP code: ```php $code = << CODE; // Use UTF-8 as the encoding to preserve the emojis. $element = dW\Lit\Highlight::toElement($code, 'text.html.php', null, 'UTF-8'); $element->setAttribute('class', 'highlighted'); // Use PHP DOM's DOMDocument::saveHTML method to print the highlighted markup // when finished with manipulating it. echo $element->ownerDocument->saveHTML($element); ``` This will produce: ```html
echo "🐵 OOK! 🐵";
``` An already existing `DOMDocument` may be used as the owner document of the returned `pre` element: ```php ... $document = new DOMDocument(); // $element will be owned by $document. $element = dW\Lit\Highlight::toElement($code, 'text.html.php', $document); ``` Other DOM libraries which inherit from PHP's DOM such as [`MensBeam\HTML`][d] may also be used: ```php ... $document = new MensBeam\HTML\Document(); // $element will be owned by $document. $element = dW\Lit\Highlight::toElement($code, 'text.html.php', $document); // MensBeam\HTML\Element can simply be cast to a string to serialize. $string = (string)$element; ``` Of course Lit can simply output a string, too: ```php ... $string = dW\Lit\Highlight::toString($code, 'text.html.php'); ``` Lit has quite a long list of out-of-the-bag supported languages, but sometimes other languages need to be highlighted: ```php ... // Import a hypothetical Ook Atom JSON language grammar into a Grammar object // and add it to the registry. $grammar = new dW\Lit\Grammar; $grammar->loadJSON('/path/to/source.ook.json'); dW\Lit\GrammarRegistry::set($grammar->scopeName, $grammar); // Now the grammar can be used to highlight code $element = dW\Lit\Highlight::toElement($code, $grammar->scopeName); ``` ## Supported Languages & Formats ## * AppleScript * C * C# * C# Cake file * C# Script file * C++ * CoffeeScript * CSS * Diff * Github Flavored Markdown * Git config * Go * Go modules * Go templates * Java * Java expression language * Java properties * JavaScript * JavaScript Regular Expressions * JSDoc * JSON * Less * Lua * Makefile * Markdown (CommonMark) * Objective C * Perl * Perl 6 * PHP * Plist * Plist (XML, old-style) * Python * Python console * Python Regular Expressions * Python traceback * Ruby * Ruby gemfile * Ruby on Rails (RJS) * Rust * Sass * SassDoc * SCSS * Shell (Bash) * Shell session (Bash) * Smarty * SQL * SQL (Mustache) * Textile * Todo * XML * XSL