data = new Data($selector); } /** * Static method entry point for the class. Creates the instance and parses the * string. */ public static function parse(string $selector): Matcher|false { self::$instance = new self($selector); return self::parseSelector(); } protected static function parseComposite(): Matcher { if (self::$debug) { self::debug(); } $result = self::parseExpression(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); while (in_array($peek, [ '|', '&', '-' ])) { $token = self::$instance->data->consume(); $new = self::parseExpression(); switch ($token) { case '|': $result = ($result instanceof OrMatcher) ? $result->add($new) : new OrMatcher($result, $new); break; case '-': $new = new NegateMatcher($new); case '&': $result = ($result instanceof AndMatcher) ? $result->add($new) : new AndMatcher($result, $new); break; } $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); } if (self::$debug) { self::debugResult($result); } return $result; } protected static function parseExpression(): Matcher { if (self::$debug) { self::debug(); } $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); $prefix = null; if ($peek !== false && in_array($peek[0], [ 'B', 'L', 'R' ]) && $peek[1] === ':') { $prefix = $peek[0]; self::$instance->data->consume(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); } if ($peek === '(') { self::$instance->data->consume(); $result = self::parseGroup($prefix); } elseif (!in_array($peek, [ '-', false ]) && strspn($peek, self::SCOPE_MASK) === strlen($peek)) { $result = self::parsePath($prefix); } else { if (!in_array($peek, [ '-', false ]) && ) // TODO: Take the effort to make this more descriptive self::throw([ 'Group', 'Path', 'Scope' ], $peek); } if (self::$debug) { self::debugResult($result); } return $result; } protected static function parseGroup(string|null $prefix = null): Matcher { if (self::$debug) { self::debug(); } $result = self::parseSelector(); $token = self::$instance->data->consume(); if ($token !== ')') { self::throw('")"', $token); } $result = ($prefix === null) ? $result : new GroupMatcher($prefix, $result); if (self::$debug) { self::debugResult($result); } return $result; } protected static function parsePath(string|null $prefix = null): PathMatcher|ScopeMatcher { if (self::$debug) { self::debug(); } $result = []; $result[] = self::parseScope(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); while (!in_array($peek, [ '-', false ]) && strspn($peek, self::SCOPE_MASK) === strlen($peek)) { $result[] = self::parseScope(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); } $result = ($prefix !== null || count($result) > 1) ? new PathMatcher($prefix, ...$result) : $result[0]; if (self::$debug) { self::debugResult($result); } return $result; } protected static function parseSelector(): Matcher { if (self::$debug) { self::debug(); } $result = []; $result[] = self::parseComposite(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); while ($peek === ',') { self::$instance->data->consume(); $result[] = self::parseComposite(); $peek = self::$instance->data->peek(); } $result = (count($result) > 1) ? new OrMatcher(...$result) : $result[0]; if (self::$debug) { self::debugResult($result); } return $result; } protected static function parseScope(): ScopeMatcher { if (self::$debug) { self::debug(); } $token = self::$instance->data->consume(); if ($token === false || !preg_match('/^(?:[A-Za-z0-9-_]+|\*)(?:\.(?:[A-Za-z0-9-+_]+|\*))*$/S', $token)) { // TODO: Take the effort to make this more descriptive self::throw('valid scope syntax', $token); } $result = new ScopeMatcher(...explode('.', $token)); if (self::$debug) { self::debugResult($result); } return $result; } protected static function debug() { $message = <<debugCount++, ltrim($methodTree, '->'), self::$instance->data->position + 1, var_export(self::$instance->data->peek(), true) ); } protected static function debugResult($result) { printf("%s Result: %s\n", debug_backtrace()[1]['function'], // Removes bullshit from printed classes for easier reading str_replace([ '::__set_state(array', __NAMESPACE__, '))' ], [ '', '', ')' ], var_export($result, true))); } protected static function throw(array|string $expected, string|bool $found) { throw new Exception($expected, $found, self::$instance->data->offset()); } }