TextMate-style syntax highlighting in PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

264 lines
11 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2021 Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE file for details */
namespace dW\Lit;
use dW\Lit\Grammar\{
use dW\Lit\Scope\{
Parser as ScopeParser
class Tokenizer {
protected \Generator $data;
protected Grammar $grammar;
protected int $offset = 0;
protected ?Pattern $activeInjection = null;
protected array $ruleStack;
protected array $scopeStack;
protected int $debug = 0;
public function __construct(\Generator $data, Grammar $grammar) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->grammar = $grammar;
$this->ruleStack = [ $this->grammar ];
$this->scopeStack = [ $this->grammar->scopeName ];
public function tokenize(): \Generator {
foreach ($this->data as $lineNumber => $line) {
$this->debug = $lineNumber;
$this->offset = 0;
$tokens = $this->tokenizeLine($line);
// If after tokenizing the line the entire line still hasn't been tokenized then
// create a token of the rest of the line.
$lineLength = strlen($line);
if ($this->offset < $lineLength) {
$tokens[] = new Token(
substr($line, $this->offset, $lineLength)
yield $lineNumber => $tokens;
protected function resolveScopeName(string $scopeName, array $match): string {
return preg_replace_callback('/\$(\d+)|\${(\d+):\/(downcase|upcase)}/', function($m) use ($match) {
$replacement = $match[(int)$m[1]][0] ?? $m[1];
$command = $m[2] ?? null;
switch ($command) {
case 'downcase': return strtolower($replacement);
case 'upcase': return strtoupper($replacement);
default: return $replacement;
}, $scopeName);
protected function tokenizeLine(string $line): array {
$tokens = [];
$lineLength = strlen($line);
if ($this->activeInjection === null && $this->grammar->injections !== null) {
foreach ($this->grammar->injections as $selector => $injection) {
$selector = ScopeParser::parseSelector($selector);
if ($selector->matches($this->scopeStack)) {
$prefix = $selector->getPrefix($this->scopeStack);
if ($prefix === Filter::PREFIX_LEFT || $prefix === Filter::PREFIX_BOTH) {
$this->scopeStack[] = $injection;
$this->activeInjection = $injection;
while (true) {
$currentRules = end($this->ruleStack)->patterns;
$currentRulesCount = count($currentRules);
for ($i = 0; $i < $currentRulesCount; $i++) {
while (true) {
$rule = $currentRules[$i];
if ($rule instanceof Pattern) {
echo "Match: {$rule->match}\n\n";
// If the rule is a Pattern and matches the line at the offset then tokenize the
// matches.
if ($rule instanceof Pattern && preg_match($rule->match, $line, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->offset)) {
// ¡TEMPORARY! Haven't implemented begin and end line
// anchors, so let's toss them completely.
if (preg_match('/\\\(?:A|G|Z)/', $rule->match)) {
continue 2;
// Add the name and contentName to the scope stack
// if present.
if ($rule->name !== null) {
$this->scopeStack[] = $this->resolveScopeName($rule->name, $match);
if ($rule->captures !== null) {
// Iterate through each of the matched subpatterns and create tokens from the
// captures.
foreach ($match as $k => $m) {
if ($m[0] === '') {
// If the subpattern begins after the offset then create a token from the bits
// of the line in-between the last token and the one about to be created.
if ($m[1] > $this->offset) {
$scopeStack = $this->scopeStack;
// If this is the first capture, then the scopes added to the stack need to be
// removed from this token's scope stack as this will grab everything before
// this match began.
if ($k === 0 && $rule->name !== null) {
$tokens[] = new Token(
substr($line, $this->offset, $m[1])
$this->offset = $m[1];
if ($k === 0 && !isset($rule->captures[0])) {
// If the capture rule has patterns of its own then
// those must be matched, too.
if ($rule->captures[$k]->patterns !== null) {
$this->ruleStack[] = $rule->captures[$k];
if ($rule->captures[$k]->name !== null) {
$this->scopeStack[] = $this->resolveScopeName($rule->captures[$k]->name, $match);
$tokens = [ ...$tokens, ...$this->tokenizeLine($line) ];
} else {
// If it's not the 0 capture and a capture without any patterns add the name
// and content names if they exist to the token's scope stack but not to the
// global one.
$scopeStack = $this->scopeStack;
if ($rule->captures[$k]->name !== null) {
$scopeStack[] = $this->resolveScopeName($rule->captures[$k]->name, $match);
$tokens[] = new Token(
if ($rule->captures[$k]->name !== null) {
$this->offset = $m[1] + strlen($m[0]);
// If the pattern is a begin pattern and has a content name then add that to the
// scope stack before processing the children.
if ($rule->beginPattern && $rule->contentName !== null) {
$this->scopeStack[] = $this->resolveScopeName($rule->contentName, $match);
$this->ruleStack[] = $rule;
if ($rule->patterns !== null && $this->offset < $lineLength) {
$tokens = [ ...$tokens, ...$this->tokenizeLine($line) ];
if (!$rule->beginPattern) {
if ($rule->endPattern) {
while (!end($this->ruleStack)->beginPattern) {
$popped = array_pop($this->ruleStack);
if ($popped->name !== null) {
// If what was just popped is the active injection then remove it, too.
if ($popped === $this->activeInjection) {
$this->activeInjection = null;
$popped = array_pop($this->ruleStack);
// If the original rule was an end pattern the one just popped will be its begin
// pattern. Pop its content name if it exists.
if ($rule->endPattern && $popped->contentName !== null) {
if ($popped->name !== null) {
// If what was just popped is the active injection then remove it, too.
if ($popped === $this->activeInjection) {
$this->activeInjection = null;
break 2;
// Otherwise, if the rule is a Reference then retrieve its patterns, splice into
// the rule list, and reprocess the rule.
elseif ($rule instanceof Reference && $obj = $rule->get()) {
if ($obj instanceof Grammar || ($rule instanceof RepositoryReference && $obj->match === null)) {
$obj = $obj->patterns;
array_splice($currentRules, $i, 1, $obj);
$currentRulesCount = count($currentRules);
if ($this->activeInjection === null && $this->grammar->injections !== null) {
foreach ($this->grammar->injections as $selector => $injection) {
$selector = ScopeParser::parseSelector($selector);
if ($selector->matches($this->scopeStack) && $selector->getPrefix($this->scopeStack) !== Filter::PREFIX_LEFT) {
$this->ruleStack[] = $injection;
$this->activeInjection = $injection;
if ($this->offset < $lineLength) {
continue 2;
return $tokens;