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Added handler manipulation methods to Logger, warnings on errant throwables

Dustin Wilson 1 year ago
  1. 6
  2. 79
  3. 2
  4. 45
  5. 11
  6. 103


@ -19,4 +19,8 @@ This library attempts what we're calling an "opinionated" implementation of PSR-
3. The specification in [section 1.3][d] also specifies that if an `Exception` object is passed in the `$context` parameter it must be within an `exception` key. This makes sense, but curiously there's nary a mention of what to do with an `Error` object. They've existed since PHP 7 and can be thrown just like exceptions. _Logger_ will accept any `Throwable` in the `exception` key, but at present does nothing with it. Theoretically future handlers could be written to take advantage of it for structured data.
PSR-3 is a deeply flawed specification that is vague in many aspects it shouldn't be and is badly designed in others; sometimes it's both. Section 1.3 in the first paragraph states categorically that implementors must not trigger a warning when errant data is in the `$context` array and treat it with _as much lenience as possible_. It then states in the following paragraph that if an exception is present in the context data it *must* be in the `exception` key and that implementors *must* verify the `exception` key. This appears to be contradictory. You can't verify the `exception` key without triggering an error or exception when it's wrong. The user should be notified that they made a mistake; it's bad design otherwise. We at present do nothing. Since the `exception` key isn't currently utilized within _Logger_ we've left the issue open.
4. Also in the first item of [section 1.3][d] it states categorically that implementors must not trigger a warning when errant data is in the `$context` array and treat it with _"as much lenience as possible"_. It then states in the following ittem that if an exception is present in the context data it *must* be in the `exception` key and that implementors *must* verify the `exception` key. This is contradictory. You can't verify the `exception` key without triggering an error or exception when it's wrong. The user should be notified they've made a mistake; it's bad design otherwise. Our solution to this problem is to remove errant throwables from `$context` and also trigger warnings when they're encountered. However, `Logger->$warnOnInvalidContextThrowables` is provided to make it easy to suppress the warnings if necessary.
## Usage ##
To be continued...


@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
namespace MensBeam;
use MensBeam\Logger\{
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
@ -26,6 +28,12 @@ class Logger implements LoggerInterface {
public const INFO = 6;
public const DEBUG = 7;
* Flag that causes warnings to be triggered when invalid throwables are in the
* context array
public bool $warnOnInvalidContextThrowables = true;
/** The channel name identifier used for this instance of Logger */
protected ?string $channel;
@ -34,7 +42,7 @@ class Logger implements LoggerInterface {
* @var Handler[]
protected array $handlers;
protected array $handlers = [];
public function __construct(?string $channel = null, Handler ...$handlers) {
@ -49,7 +57,7 @@ class Logger implements LoggerInterface {
$this->handlers = $handlers;
@ -58,12 +66,49 @@ class Logger implements LoggerInterface {
return $this->channel;
public function getHandlers(): array {
return $this->handlers;
public function popHandler(): Handler {
if (count($this->handlers) === 1) {
throw new UnderflowException('Popping the last handler will cause the Logger to have zero handlers; there must be at least one');
return array_pop($this->handlers);
public function pushHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void {
if (count($handlers) === 0) {
throw new ArgumentCountError(__METHOD__ . ' expects at least 1 argument, 0 given');
$this->handlers = [ ...$this->handlers, ...$handlers ];
public function setHandlers(Handler ...$handlers): void {
$this->handlers = [];
public function setChannel(?string $value): void {
$this->channel = ($value !== null) ? substr($value, 0, 29) : null;
public function getHandlers(): array {
return $this->handlers;
public function shiftHandler(): Handler {
if (count($this->handlers) === 1) {
throw new UnderflowException('Shifting the last handler will cause the Logger to have zero handlers; there must be at least one');
return array_shift($this->handlers);
public function unshiftHandler(Handler ...$handlers): void {
if (count($handlers) === 0) {
throw new ArgumentCountError(__METHOD__ . 'expects at least 1 argument, 0 given');
$this->handlers = [ ...$handlers, ...$this->handlers ];
@ -156,10 +201,28 @@ class Logger implements LoggerInterface {
# is actually an Exception before using it as such, as it MAY contain
# anything.
// Really shitty user experience to not trigger a warning when someone does
// something incorrectly, but okay...
// The first paragraph states that we must be lenient with objects in the
// context array, but the second paragraph says that exceptions MUST be in the
// exception key and that we MUST verify it. They're contradictory. We
// can't verify the exception while at the same time be lenient.
// Our solution is to essentially violate the specification; we will remove
// errant throwables and trigger warnings when encountered. Not issuing warnings
// here provides a bad user experience. The user can be left in a situation
// where it becomes difficult to ascertain why something isn't working. We do,
// however, provide an easy way to suppress these warnings when necessary.
foreach ($context as $k => $v) {
if (($v instanceof \Throwable && $k !== 'exception') || (!$v instanceof \Throwable && $k === 'exception')) {
if ($k === 'exception' && !$v instanceof \Throwable) {
if ($this->warnOnInvalidContextThrowables) {
$type = gettype($v);
$type = ($type === 'object') ? $v::class : $type;
trigger_error(sprintf('The \'exception\' key in argument #3 ($context) can only contain values of type \Throwable, %s given', $type), \E_USER_WARNING);
} elseif ($k !== 'exception' && $v instanceof \Throwable) {
if ($this->warnOnInvalidContextThrowables) {
trigger_error(sprintf('Values of type %s can only be contained in the \'exception\' key in argument #3 ($context)', $v::class), \E_USER_WARNING);

lib/Logger/IOException.php → lib/Logger/ArgumentCountError.php

@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
namespace MensBeam\Logger;
class IOException extends \RuntimeException {}
class ArgumentCountError extends \ArgumentCountError {}


@ -40,27 +40,7 @@ class StreamHandler extends Handler {
$this->chunkSize = min($this->chunkSize, max((int)($num / 10), 100 * 1024));
if (is_resource($stream)) {
$this->resource = $stream;
stream_set_chunk_size($this->resource, $this->chunkSize);
} elseif(is_string($stream)) {
$stream = Path::canonicalize($stream);
// This wouldn't be useful for validating a URI schema, but it's fine for what this needs
preg_match('/^(?:(?<scheme>[^:\s\/]+):)?(?<slashes>\/*)/i', $stream, $matches);
if (in_array($matches['scheme'], [ 'file', '' ])) {
$slashCount = strlen($matches['slashes'] ?? '');
$relative = ($matches['scheme'] === 'file') ? ($slashCount === 0 || $slashCount === 2) : ($slashCount === 0);
$stream = (($relative) ? getcwd() : '') . '/' . substr($stream, strlen($matches[0]));
$this->url = $stream;
$this->urlScheme = $matches['scheme'] ?: 'file';
} else {
$type = gettype($stream);
$type = ($type === 'object') ? $stream::class : $stream;
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource|string, %s given', $type));
// Bad dog, no biscuit!
if (($options['entryFormat'] ?? null) === '') {
@ -77,6 +57,29 @@ class StreamHandler extends Handler {
return $this->resource ?? $this->url;
public function setStream($value): void {
if (is_resource($value)) {
$this->resource = $value;
stream_set_chunk_size($this->resource, $this->chunkSize);
} elseif(is_string($value)) {
$value = Path::canonicalize($value);
// This wouldn't be useful for validating a URI schema, but it's fine for what this needs
preg_match('/^(?:(?<scheme>[^:\s\/]+):)?(?<slashes>\/*)/i', $value, $matches);
if (in_array($matches['scheme'], [ 'file', '' ])) {
$slashCount = strlen($matches['slashes'] ?? '');
$relative = ($matches['scheme'] === 'file') ? ($slashCount === 0 || $slashCount === 2) : ($slashCount === 0);
$value = (($relative) ? getcwd() : '') . '/' . substr($value, strlen($matches[0]));
$this->url = $value;
$this->urlScheme = $matches['scheme'] ?: 'file';
} else {
$type = gettype($value);
$type = ($type === 'object') ? $value::class : $value;
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument #1 ($value) must be of type resource|string, %s given', $type));
protected function invokeCallback(string $datetime, int $level, string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): void {
// Do entry formatting here.


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* @license MIT
* Copyright 2022 Dustin Wilson, et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
namespace MensBeam\Logger;
class UnderflowException extends \UnderflowException {}


@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace MensBeam\Logger\Test;
use MensBeam\Logger;
use MensBeam\Logger\{
/** @covers \MensBeam\Logger */
class TestLogger extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
class TestLogger extends ErrorHandlingTestCase {
public function testConstructor(): void {
$l = new Logger();
@ -46,6 +48,45 @@ class TestLogger extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
$this->assertSame(CWD . '/eek.log', $h[1]->getStream());
public function testHandlerStackManipulation(): void {
$l = new Logger();
$l->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(stream: 'ook'));
$h = $l->getHandlers();
$this->assertEquals(3, count($h));
$this->assertInstanceOf(StreamHandler::class, $h[0]);
$this->assertInstanceOf(StreamHandler::class, $h[1]);
$this->assertInstanceOf(StreamHandler::class, $h[2]);
$this->assertSame(CWD . '/ook', end($h)->getStream());
new StreamHandler(stream: 'ook'),
new StreamHandler(stream: 'eek')
$h = $l->getHandlers();
$this->assertEquals(2, count($h));
$this->assertSame(CWD . '/ook', $h[0]->getStream());
$this->assertSame(CWD . '/eek', $h[1]->getStream());
$h1 = $l->shiftHandler();
$this->assertSame($h[0], $h1);
$h = $l->getHandlers();
$this->assertSame(CWD . '/eek', $h[0]->getStream());
$this->assertEquals(1, count($l->getHandlers()));
$h = $l->getHandlers();
$this->assertSame($h[0], $h1);
$this->assertSame(CWD . '/ook', $h[0]->getStream());
$this->assertEquals(2, count($h));
$h2 = $l->popHandler();
$this->assertSame($h[1], $h2);
$h = $l->getHandlers();
$this->assertSame(CWD . '/ook', $h[0]->getStream());
$this->assertEquals(1, count($l->getHandlers()));
/** @dataProvider provideLoggingTests */
public function testLogging(string $levelName): void {
$s = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
@ -70,6 +111,13 @@ class TestLogger extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
$closure(new Logger());
/** @dataProvider provideNonFatalErrorTests */
public function testNonFatalErrors(int $code, string $message, \Closure $closure): void {
$closure(new Logger());
$this->assertEquals($code, $this->lastError?->getCode());
$this->assertSame($message, $this->lastError?->getMessage());
public static function provideLoggingTests(): iterable {
foreach ([ 'emergency', 'alert', 'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'notice', 'info', 'debug' ] as $l) {
@ -90,6 +138,57 @@ class TestLogger extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
function (Logger $l): void {
$l->log(42, 'Ook!');
function (Logger $l): void {
function (Logger $l): void {
function (Logger $l): void {
function (Logger $l): void {
foreach ($iterable as $i) {
yield $i;
public static function provideNonFatalErrorTests(): iterable {
$iterable = [
'The \'exception\' key in argument #3 ($context) can only contain values of type \Throwable, string given',
function (Logger $l): void {
$l->setHandlers(new StreamHandler('php://memory'));
$l->error('ook', [ 'exception' => 'ook' ]);
'Values of type Exception can only be contained in the \'exception\' key in argument #3 ($context)',
function (Logger $l): void {
$l->setHandlers(new StreamHandler('php://memory'));
$l->error('ook', [ 'ook' => new \Exception('ook') ]);
