assertSame([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ], $h->getLevels()); } public function testOptions(): void { $h = new StreamHandler(options: [ 'bubbles' => false, 'timeFormat' => 'Y-m-d\TH:i:sP' ]); $this->assertFalse($h->getOption('bubbles')); $this->assertSame('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP', $h->getOption('timeFormat')); $h->setOption('bubbles', true); $h->setOption('timeFormat', 'Y-m-d'); $this->assertTrue($h->getOption('bubbles')); $this->assertSame('Y-m-d', $h->getOption('timeFormat')); } /** @dataProvider provideFatalErrorTests */ public function testFatalErrors(string $throwableClassName, int $code, string $message, \Closure $closure): void { $this->expectException($throwableClassName); $this->expectExceptionMessage($message); if ($throwableClassName === Error::class) { $this->expectExceptionCode($code); } $closure(new StreamHandler()); } /** @dataProvider provideNonFatalErrorTests */ public function testNonFatalErrors(int $code, string $message, \Closure $closure): void { $closure(new StreamHandler()); $this->assertEquals($code, $this->lastError?->getCode()); $this->assertSame($message, $this->lastError?->getMessage()); } public function testInvocation(): void { $s = fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); // Test setting the timeFormat and messageTransform options, showing // a very simple example of using sprintf for interpolation. $l = new Logger('ook', new StreamHandler(stream: $s, options: [ 'timeFormat' => 'Y-m-d', 'messageTransform' => function (string $message, array $context): string { return vsprintf($message, $context); } ])); $l->error('Ook! %s', [ 'Eek!' ]); rewind($s); $o = stream_get_contents($s); $this->assertEquals(1, preg_match('/^' . (new \DateTimeImmutable())->format('Y-m-d') . ' ook ERROR Ook! Eek!\n/', $o)); fclose($s); } public function testInvocationWithUnsupportedLevel(): void { $s = fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); $l = new Logger('ook', new StreamHandler(stream: $s, levels: [ 0 ])); $l->error('ook'); rewind($s); $o = stream_get_contents($s); $this->assertSame('', $o); fclose($s); } // 'Return value of messageTransform option callable must be a string, %s given' public static function provideFatalErrorTests(): iterable { $iterable = [ [ TypeError::class, 0, 'Value of messageTransform option must be callable, integer given', function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('messageTransform', 42); } ], [ TypeError::class, 0, 'Value of messageTransform option must be callable, DateTimeImmutable given', function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('messageTransform', new \DateTimeImmutable()); } ], [ TypeError::class, 0, 'Return value of messageTransform option callable must be a string, integer given', function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('messageTransform', fn() => 42); $h(Level::Error->value, 'fail', 'fail'); } ], [ TypeError::class, 0, 'Return value of messageTransform option callable must be a string, DateTimeImmutable given', function (Handler $h): void { $h->setOption('messageTransform', fn() => new \DateTimeImmutable()); $h(Level::Error->value, 'fail', 'fail'); } ], [ InvalidArgumentException::class, 0, 'Argument #1 ($levels) must not be empty', function (Handler $h): void { $h->setLevels(); } ], [ InvalidArgumentException::class, 0, 'Value #5 of argument #2 ($levels) must be of type int|MensBeam\Logger\Level, string given', function (Handler $h): void { new StreamHandler(levels: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, '4', 5, 6, 7 ]); } ], [ RangeException::class, 0, 'Value #2 of argument #1 ($levels) cannot be 42; it is not in the range 0 - 7', function (Handler $h): void { $h->setLevels(0, 42); } ] ]; foreach ($iterable as $i) { yield $i; } } public static function provideNonFatalErrorTests(): iterable { $iterable = [ [ \E_USER_WARNING, 'Undefined option in ' . StreamHandler::class . ': ook', function (Handler $h): void { $h = new StreamHandler(options: [ 'ook' => 'eek' ]); } ], [ \E_USER_WARNING, 'Undefined option in ' . StreamHandler::class . ': ook', function (Handler $h): void { $ook = $h->getOption('ook'); } ], [ \E_USER_WARNING, 'Undefined option in ' . StreamHandler::class . ': ook', function (Handler $h): void { $ook = $h->setOption('ook', 'eek'); } ] ]; foreach ($iterable as $i) { yield $i; } } }