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Simplify implied property parsing

J. King 10 months ago
  1. 40


@ -442,16 +442,6 @@ class Parser {
return $out;
/** Asserts whether the node is a microformat root node
* @param \DOMElement $node The element to examine
* @param bool $backcompatParent Whether the element is being checked in the context of a backcompat parent microformat structure
protected function hasRoots(\DOMElement $node, bool $backcompatParent = false): bool {
$classes = $this->parseTokens($node, "class");
return (bool) ($this->matchRootsMf2($classes) ?: $this->matchRootsBackcompat($classes, $backcompatParent));
/** Reads an array of classes and returns information on those which are
* Microformats v2 properties
@ -709,6 +699,8 @@ class Parser {
# imply properties for the found microformat
// NOTE: The ":not[.h-*]" condition referenced frequently in specification text is meaningless
// See
if (!$backcompat) {
# if no explicit "name" property, and no other p-* or e-* properties, and no nested microformats,
if (!isset($out['properties']['name']) && !$hasChild && !$hasP && !$hasE) {
@ -719,36 +711,30 @@ class Parser {
} elseif ($root->hasAttribute("title") && $root->localName === "abbr") {
# else if abbr.h-x[title] then use its title attribute for name
$name = $root->getAttribute("title");
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./img[@alt and @alt != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length && !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))) {
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./img[@alt and @alt != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length) {
# else if .h-x>img:only-child[alt]:not([alt=""]):not[.h-*] then use that img’s alt for name
$name = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("alt");
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./area[@alt and @alt != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length && !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))) {
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./area[@alt and @alt != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length) {
# else if .h-x>area:only-child[alt]:not([alt=""]):not[.h-*] then use that area’s alt for name
$name = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("alt");
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./abbr[@title and @title != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length && !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))) {
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./abbr[@title and @title != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length) {
# else if .h-x>abbr:only-child[title]:not([title=""]):not[.h-*] then use that abbr title for name
$name = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("title");
} elseif (
($set = $this->xpath->query("./*[not(self::template) and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
&& ($set = $this->xpath->query("./img[@alt and @alt != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $set->item(0)))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
) {
# else if .h-x>:only-child:not[.h-*]>img:only-child[alt]:not([alt=""]):not[.h-*] then use that img’s alt for name
$name = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("alt");
} elseif (
($set = $this->xpath->query("./*[not(self::template) and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
&& ($set = $this->xpath->query("./area[@alt and @alt != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $set->item(0)))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
) {
# else if .h-x>:only-child:not[.h-*]>area:only-child[alt]:not([alt=""]):not[.h-*] then use that area’s alt for name
$name = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("alt");
} elseif (
($set = $this->xpath->query("./*[not(self::template) and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
&& ($set = $this->xpath->query("./abbr[@title and @title != '' and count(../*) = 1]", $set->item(0)))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
) {
# else if .h-x>:only-child:not[.h-*]>abbr:only-child[title]:not([title=""]):not[.h-*] use that abbr’s title for name
$name = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("title");
@ -769,25 +755,21 @@ class Parser {
} elseif ($root->localName === "object" && $root->hasAttribute("data")) {
# else if object.h-x[data] then use data for photo
$photo = $root->getAttribute("data");
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./img[@src and count(../img) = 1]", $root))->length && !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))) {
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./img[@src and count(../img) = 1]", $root))->length) {
# else if .h-x>img[src]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] then use the result of "parse an img element for src and alt" (see Sec.1.5) for photo
$out['properties']['photo'] = [$this->parseImg($set->item(0))];
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./object[@data and count(../object) = 1]", $root))->length && !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))) {
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./object[@data and count(../object) = 1]", $root))->length) {
# else if .h-x>object[data]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] then use that object’s data for photo
$photo = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("data");
} elseif (
($set = $this->xpath->query("./*[not(self::template) and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
&& ($set = $this->xpath->query("./img[@src and count(../img) = 1]", $set->item(0)))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
) {
# else if .h-x>:only-child:not[.h-*]>img[src]:only-of-type:not[.h-*], then use the result of "parse an img element for src and alt" (see Sec.1.5) for photo
$out['properties']['photo'] = [$this->parseImg($set->item(0))];
} elseif (
($set = $this->xpath->query("./*[not(self::template) and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
&& ($set = $this->xpath->query("./object[@data and count(../object) = 1]", $set->item(0)))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
) {
# else if .h-x>:only-child:not[.h-*]>object[data]:only-of-type:not[.h-*], then use that object’s data for photo
$photo = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("data");
@ -808,25 +790,21 @@ class Parser {
if ($root->hasAttribute("href") && in_array($root->localName, ["a", "area"])) {
# if a.h-x[href] or area.h-x[href] then use that [href] for url
$url = $root->getAttribute("href");
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./a[@href and count(../a) = 1]", $root))->length && !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))) {
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./a[@href and count(../a) = 1]", $root))->length) {
# else if .h-x>a[href]:only-of-type:not[.h-*], then use that [href] for url
$url = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("href");
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./area[@href and count(../area) = 1]", $root))->length && !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))) {
} elseif (($set = $this->xpath->query("./area[@href and count(../area) = 1]", $root))->length) {
# else if .h-x>area[href]:only-of-type:not[.h-*], then use that [href] for url
$url = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("href");
} elseif (
($set = $this->xpath->query("./*[not(self::template) and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
&& ($set = $this->xpath->query("./a[@href and count(../a) = 1]", $set->item(0)))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
) {
# else if .h-x>:only-child:not[.h-*]>a[href]:only-of-type:not[.h-*], then use that [href] for url
$url = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("href");
} elseif (
($set = $this->xpath->query("./*[not(self::template) and count(../*) = 1]", $root))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
&& ($set = $this->xpath->query("./area[@href and count(../area) = 1]", $set->item(0)))->length
&& !$this->hasRoots($set->item(0))
) {
# else if .h-x>:only-child:not[.h-*]>area[href]:only-of-type:not[.h-*], then use that [href] for url
$url = $set->item(0)->getAttribute("href");
