An implementation of the WHATWG Mime Sniffing specification
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
5.0 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2020 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\Mime;
abstract class Sniffing {
protected const SNIFF_PATTERNS_IMAGE = [
'/^\x{00}\x{00}[\x{01}\x{02}]\x{00}/s' => "image/x-icon",
'/^BM/s' => "image/bmp",
'/^GIF8[79]a/s' => "image/gif",
'/^RIFF.{4}WEBPVP/s' => "image/webp",
'/^\x{89}PNG\r\n\x{1A}\n/s' => "image/png",
'/^\x{FF}\x{D8}\x{FF}/s' => "imaged/jpeg",
'/^\.snd/s' => "audio/basic",
'/^FORM.{4}AIFF/s' => "audio/aiff",
'/^ID3/s' => "audi/mpeg",
'/^OggS\x{00}/s' => "application/ogg",
'/^MThd\x{00}{3}\x{06}/s' => "audio/midi",
'/^RIFF.{4}AVI /s' => "video/avi",
'/^RIFF.{4}WAVE/s' => "audio/wave",
protected const SNIFF_PATTERNS_FONT = [
'/^.{34}LP/s' => "application/",
'/^\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}{2}/s' => "font/ttf",
'/^OTTO/s' => "font/otf",
'/^ttcf/s' => "font/collection",
'/^wOFF/s' => "font/woff",
'/^wOF2/s' => "font/woff2",
protected const SNIFF_PATTERNS_ARCHIVE = [
'/^\x{1F}\x{8B}\x{08}/s' => "application/x-gzip",
'/^PK\x{03}\x{04}/s' => "application/zip",
'/^Rar \x{1A}\x{07}\x{00}/s' => "application/x-rar-compressed",
'/^\s*<\?xml/s' => "text/xml",
'/^%PDF-/s' => "application/pdf",
protected const SNIFF_PATTERN_UNKNWON_SAFE = [
'/^%!PS-Adobe-/s' => "application/postscript",
'/^(?:(?:\x{FE}\x{FF}|\x{FF}\x{FE})..|\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}.)/s' => "text/plain",
public static function interpretHttpMessage(\Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface $msg, bool $sniff = true): ?MimeType {
$checkForApacheBug = false;
// Use the last Content-Type header-field
$type = array_pop($msg->getHeader("Content-Type"));
if (!is_null($type)) {
if ($msg instanceof \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface) {
$checkForApacheBug = (bool) preg_match("<^text/plain(?:; charset=(?:UTF-8|(?:ISO|iso)-8859-1))?$>", $type);
$type = MimeType::decode($type);
# stub
return null;
public static function sniffImage(string $resource): ?MimeType {
foreach (self::SNIFF_PATTERNS_IMAGE as $pattern => $type) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $resource)) {
return MimeType::parse($type);
return null;
public static function sniffAudioVideo(string $resource): ?MimeType {
foreach (self::SNIFF_PATTERNS_AUDIOVIDEO as $pattern => $type) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $resource)) {
return MimeType::parse($type);
return static::sniffMp4($resource) ?? static::sniffWebm($resource) ?? static::sniffMp3($resource);
protected static function sniffMp4(string $d): ?MimeType {
if (strlen($d) < 12) {
return null;
$boxSize = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($d, 0, 4)));
if (strlen($d) < $boxSize || $boxSize % 4 > 0 || substr($d, 4, 4) !== "ftyp") {
return null;
if (substr($d, 8, 3) === "mp4") {
return MimeType::parse("video/mp4");
$bytesRead = 16;
while ($bytesRead < $boxSize) {
if (substr($d, $bytesRead, 3) === "mp4") {
return MimeType::parse("video/mp4");
$bytesRead += 4;
return null;
protected static function sniffWebm(string $d): ?MimeType {
$length = strlen($d);
if ($length < 4 || substr($d, 0, 4) !== "\x1A\x45\xDF\xA3") {
return null;
$iter = 4;
while ($iter < 38 && $iter < $length) {
if (substr($d, $iter, 2) === "\x42\x82") {
$iter += 2;
if ($iter >= $length) {
return null;
$iter += static::parseVint($d, $iter);
return null;
protected static function parseVint(string $d, int $iter): int {
return 1;
protected static function sniffMp3(string $d): ?MimeType {
return null;