An implementation of the WHATWG Mime Sniffing specification
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

133 lines
5.2 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2020 J. King
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\Mime\TestCase;
use MensBeam\Mime\MimeType as Mime;
/** @covers \MensBeam\Mime\MimeType */
class MimeTypeTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
/** @dataProvider provideStandardParsingTests */
public function testStandardTestSuite(string $input, ?string $exp): void {
if (is_null($exp)) {
} else {
$this->assertSame($exp, (string) Mime::parse($input));
public function provideStandardParsingTests(): iterable {
foreach (new \GlobIterator(__DIR__."/*mime-types.json", \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME | \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME) as $file => $path) {
$indexOffset = 0;
$description = "";
foreach (json_decode(file_get_contents($path)) as $index => $test) {
if (is_string($test)) {
// the array member is a description of the next member
// the index offset should be decremented, the description stored, and this entry skipped
$description = $test;
} else {
$index += $indexOffset;
$description = $description ? ": $description" : "";
yield "$file #$index$description" => [$test->input, $test->output];
$description = null;
/** @dataProvider provideMimeTypeGroups */
public function testDetermineMimeTypeGroups(string $type, array $booleans): void {
$t = Mime::parse($type);
foreach ($booleans as $prop => $exp) {
$this->assertSame($exp, $t->$prop, "Property $prop does not match expectation");
public function provideMimeTypeGroups(): iterable {
$propMap = [
'image' => "isImage",
'audio or video' => "isAudioVideo",
'font' => "isFont",
'ZIP-based' => "isZipBased",
'archive' => "isArchive",
'XML' => "isXml",
'HTML' => "isHtml",
'scriptable' => "isScriptable",
'JavaScript' => "isJavascript",
'JSON' => "isJson",
foreach (new \GlobIterator(__DIR__."/mime-groups.json", \FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME | \FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME) as $file => $path) {
$indexOffset = 0;
$description = "";
foreach (json_decode(file_get_contents($path)) as $index => $test) {
if (is_string($test)) {
// the array member is a description of the next member
// the index offset should be decremented, the description stored, and this entry skipped
$description = $test;
} else {
$index += $indexOffset;
$description = $description ? ": $description" : "";
$output = array_combine(array_values($propMap), array_fill(0, sizeof($propMap), false));
foreach ($test->groups as $group) {
assert(isset($propMap[$group]), "Group '$group' is not mapped to a property");
$output[$propMap[$group]] = true;
yield "$file #$index$description" => [$test->input, $output];
$description = null;
public function testDecodeAByteString(): void {
// set up the test with the Intl extension
$input = "";
$exp = "";
for ($a = 0; $a <= 0xFF; $a++) {
$input .= chr($a);
$exp .= \IntlChar::chr($a);
// perform the test
$this->assertSame($exp, Mime::decode($input));
public function testEncodeAValidString(): void {
// set up the test with the Intl extension
$input = "";
$exp = "";
for ($a = 0; $a <= 0xFF; $a++) {
$exp .= chr($a);
$input .= \IntlChar::chr($a);
// perform the test
$this->assertSame($exp, Mime::encode($input));
public function testEncodeAnInvalidString(): void {
$input = "!\u{1F4A9}!";
public function testParseAByteString(): void {
$input = "application/unknown;param=\"\xE9tude\"";
$exp = "application/unknown;param=\"\u{E9}tude\"";
$this->assertSame($exp, (string) Mime::parseBytes($input));
public function testAccessInstanceProperties(): void {
$input = "TEXT/HTML; VERSION=3.2; charset=utf-8; charset=iso-8859-1;";
$obj = Mime::parse($input);
$this->assertInstanceOf(Mime::class, $obj);
$this->assertSame("text", $obj->type);
$this->assertSame("html", $obj->subtype);
$this->assertSame("text/html", $obj->essence);
$this->assertSame(['version' => "3.2", 'charset' => "utf-8"], $obj->params);