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Build debian packages with OBS

J. King 3 years ago
  1. 4
  2. 65
  3. 4
  4. 19


@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# Temporary files
@ -12,6 +11,9 @@
# Dependencies


@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
if (!$result->wasSuccessful()) {
return $result;
// if the generic tarball could be built, try to Arch, Debian, and RPM files; these might legitimately not exist in old releases
// if the generic tarball could be built, try to produce Arch, Debian, and RPM files; these might legitimately not exist in old releases
// start by getting the list of files from the tarball
$archive = new \Archive_Tar($tarball);
$filelist = array_flip(array_column($archive->listContent(), "filename"));
@ -203,7 +203,6 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
// Produce an Arch PKGBUILD if appropriate
if (isset($filelist['arsse/dist/arch/PKGBUILD'])) {
$t->addCode(function() use ($tarball, $archive) {
$this->say("Preparing PKGBUILD");
$dir = dirname($tarball).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$archive->extractList("arsse/dist/arch/PKGBUILD", $dir, "arsse/dist/arch/", false);
// update the tarball's checksum
@ -220,7 +219,6 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
// Produce an RPM spec file if appropriate
if (isset($filelist['arsse/dist/rpm/arsse.spec'])) {
$t->addCode(function() use ($tarball, $archive) {
$this->say("Preparing RPM spec file");
$dir = dirname($tarball).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$archive->extractList("arsse/dist/rpm/arsse.spec", $dir, "arsse/dist/rpm/", false);
// perform a do-nothing filesystem operation since we need a Robo task result
@ -273,8 +271,10 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
// save commit description to VERSION file for reference
// perform Composer installation in the temp location with dev dependencies
if (file_exists($dir."docs") || file_exists($dir."manpages")) {
// perform Composer installation in the temp location with dev dependencies to include Robo and Daux
$t->addTask($this->taskExec("composer install")->arg("-q")->dir($dir));
if (file_exists($dir."manpages")) {
// generate manpages
$t->addTask($this->taskExec("./robo manpage")->dir($dir));
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
$t->addTask($this->taskExec("./robo manual -q")->dir($dir));
// perform Composer installation in the temp location for final output
$t->addTask($this->taskExec("composer install")->dir($dir)->arg("--no-dev")->arg("-o")->arg("--no-scripts")->arg("-q"));
// delete unwanted files
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
// re-pack the tarball using a specific name special to Debian
$t->addTask($this->taskPack($dir."arsse_$baseVersion.orig.tar.gz")->addDir("arsse-$baseVersion", $base));
// pack the debian tarball
$t->addTask($this->taskPack($dir."arsse_$debVersion.debian.tar.gz")->addDir("debian", $base."dist"));
$t->addTask($this->taskPack($dir."arsse_$debVersion.debian.tar.gz")->addDir("debian", $base."dist/debian"));
// generate the DSC file
$t->addCode(function() use ($t, $debVersion, $baseVersion, $dir, $base) {
try {
@ -452,7 +452,8 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
return $this->taskWriteToFile($dir."arsse_$debVersion.dsc")->text($dsc)->run();
// delete any existing files
$t->AddTask($this->taskFilesystemStack()->remove([BASE."release/$version/arsse_$baseVersion.orig.tar.gz", BASE."release/$version/arsse_$debVersion.debian.tar.gz", BASE."release/$version/arsse_$debVersion.dsc"]));
// copy the new files over
$t->addTask($this->taskFilesystemStack()->copy($dir."arsse_$baseVersion.orig.tar.gz", BASE."release/$version/arsse_$baseVersion.orig.tar.gz")->copy($dir."arsse_$debVersion.debian.tar.gz", BASE."release/$version/arsse_$debVersion.debian.tar.gz")->copy($dir."arsse_$debVersion.dsc", BASE."release/$version/arsse_$debVersion.dsc"));
return $t->run();
@ -466,35 +467,39 @@ class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
* Generic release tarballs will always be generated, but distribution-specific
* packages are skipped when the required tools are not available
public function packageBin(string $commit = null): Result {
public function packageBin(string $commit = null, string $target = null): Result {
if (!$this->toolExists("git")) {
throw new \Exception("Git is required in PATH to produce packages");
[$commit,] = $this->commitVersion($commit);
// determine whether the distribution-specific packages can be built
$dist = [
'Arch' => $this->toolExists("git", "makepkg", "updpkgsums"),
'Deb' => $this->toolExists("git", "sudo", "pbuilder"),
// start a collection
$t = $this->collectionBuilder();
// build the generic release tarball
$t->addTask($this->taskExec(BASE."robo package:generic $commit"));
// build other packages
foreach ($dist as $distro => $run) {
if ($run) {
$subcmd = strtolower($distro);
$t->addTask($this->taskExec(BASE."robo package:$subcmd $commit"));
[$commit, $version] = $this->commitVersion($commit);
$tarball = BASE."release/$version/arsse-$version.tar.gz";
$dir = dirname($tarball).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// build the generic release tarball and related files if the tarball doesn't exist
if (!file_exists($tarball)) {
$result = $this->taskExec(BASE."robo package $commit")->run();
if (!$result->wasSuccessful()) {
return $result;
$out = $t->run();
// note any packages which were not built
foreach ($dist as $distro => $run) {
if (!$run) {
$this->say("Packages for $distro skipped");
// import settings
$settings = (@include BASE."release/settings.default.php");
$t = $this->collectionBuilder();
foreach ($settings as $target => $s) {
// glob the recipe and use the first one found
$recipe = glob($dir.$s['recipe']);
if (!$recipe) {
$this->say("Build target '$target' skipped");
$recipe = escapeshellarg($recipe[0]);
$dist = "--dist ".escapeshellarg($s['dist']);
$repo = implode(" ", array_map(function($repo) {
return "--repo ".escapeshellarg($repo);
}, $s['repos']));
$t->addTask($this->taskExec("sudo build $dist $repo $recipe"));
// TODO: copy output back
return $out;
return $t->run();
/** Generates static manual pages in the "manual" directory


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ DH_VERBOSE = 1
dh $@
# Adapt the systemd service for Debian: this involves using only the "arsse-fetch" unit (renamed to "arsse"), removing the "PartOf" directive, and changing the user and group to "www-data"
cp dist/systemd/arsse-fetch.service debian/arsse.service
sed -i -se 's/^PartOf=.*//' debian/arsse.service
@ -24,3 +24,5 @@ execute_before_dh_install:
# Change PHP-FPM socket paths
cp -r dist/apache dist/nginx debian
sed -i -se 's/arsse\.sock/php-fpm.sock/' debian/apache/arsse.conf debian/nginx/arsse.conf
# Execute dh_install as normal


@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
return [
//'arch' => [
// 'type' => "arch",
// 'repos' => ["", ""],
// 'keys' => [],
// 'dist' => "arch",
// 'recipe' => "PKGBUILD",
// 'output' => "*.pkg.tar.zst",
'deb' => [
'type' => "debian",
'repos' => [""],
'keys' => [],
'dist' => "debian10",
'recipe' => "*.dsc",
'output' => "*.deb",