Cron-friendly update command #147

aperto 5 anni fa da jking · 0 commenti
jking 5 anni fa ha commentato

The Arsse can currently act act as a daemon to update feeds and can update a particular feed from the CLI, but it's not current possible to update all stale feeds immediate, only once. If someone want to use cron or similar to schedule updates, The Arsse does not make this practical. This situation should be corrected.

The Arsse can currently act act as a daemon to update feeds and can update a particular feed from the CLI, but it's not current possible to update all stale feeds immediate, only once. If someone want to use cron or similar to schedule updates, The Arsse does not make this practical. This situation should be corrected.
jking aggiunta alle pietre miliari Future 5 anni fa
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jking chiuso questo probleam 5 anni fa
jking pietra miliare modificata da Future a 0.7.0 5 anni fa
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