Full-text searching with SQLite #152

vor 5 Jahren von jking geöffnet · 0 Kommentare
jking hat vor 5 Jahren kommentiert

While the FTS5 extension for SQLite is not included in the standard PHP distribution (and loading the extension at run-time is practically impossible), recent Debian does include FTS5 in its libsqlite3-0 package, which PHP uses.

Given the above, The Arsse would need to detect the presence of FTS5 at start-up, check whether relevant full-text virtual tables exist if so, and create them if they do not exist.

While the FTS5 extension for SQLite is not included in the standard PHP distribution (and loading the extension at run-time is practically impossible), recent Debian does include FTS5 in its `libsqlite3-0` package, which PHP uses. Given the above, The Arsse would need to detect the presence of FTS5 at start-up, check whether relevant full-text virtual tables exist if so, and create them if they do not exist.
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