Implementing Fever: Favicons #163

aperto 5 anni fa da jking · 0 commenti
jking 5 anni fa ha commentato

Heretofore, feed icons have merely been stored as URLs: this is all NextCloud News required, and TT-RSS could be served with redirections. Fever will require some sort of icon cache. It's probably worth looking at the requirements of other protential protocols before proceeding. In particularly, should the data be stored base64-encoded, or binary?

Heretofore, feed icons have merely been stored as URLs: this is all NextCloud News required, and TT-RSS could be served with redirections. Fever will require some sort of icon cache. It's probably worth looking at the requirements of other protential protocols before proceeding. In particularly, should the data be stored base64-encoded, or binary?
jking aggiunta alle pietre miliari 0.8.0 5 anni fa
jking added the
labels 5 anni fa
jking ha aggiunto una nuova dipendenza 5 anni fa
jking ha rimosso una dipendenza 5 anni fa
jking pietra miliare modificata da 0.8.0 a Future 5 anni fa
jking pietra miliare modificata da Future a Omitted features 5 anni fa
jking pietra miliare modificata da Omitted features a 0.9.0 4 anni fa
jking chiuso questo probleam 3 anni fa
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