JSON import/export #173

jking5 년 전을 오픈 · 0개의 코멘트
jking 코멘트됨, 5 년 전

While OPML is the de facto standard for subscription interchange, it does have one insurmountable problem: it is not possible to include literal commas in tags. Given this, it would make sense to have an ad hoc JSON import/export for lossless round-trip backup and restore.

While OPML is the de facto standard for subscription interchange, it does have one insurmountable problem: it is not possible to include literal commas in tags. Given this, it would make sense to have an ad hoc JSON import/export for lossless round-trip backup and restore.
jking Future 5 년 전 마일스톤을 추가하였습니다.
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