CLI for user metadata #181

aperto 4 anni fa da jking · 0 commenti
jking 4 anni fa ha commentato

With the addition of user metadata, it would be helpful to be able to set any such data via the CLI. The following signatures would probably suffice:

arsse user <user> get [<setting>]
arsse user <user> set <setting> <value>
arsse user <user> unset <setting>

The general "get" form would print a table of settings and their values.

With the addition of user metadata, it would be helpful to be able to set any such data via the CLI. The following signatures would probably suffice: ``` arsse user <user> get [<setting>] arsse user <user> set <setting> <value> arsse user <user> unset <setting> ``` The general "get" form would print a table of settings and their values.
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#180 User metadata
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