Use PSR-7 #53

открыта 7 лет назад jking · комментариев: 2
jking прокомментировал 7 лет назад

PHP-FIG published PSR-7, a model for representing HTTP requests and responses in a consistent and coherent way. Currently Arsse has its own ad hoc lightweight representation, but switching to a tested PSR-7 implementation (such as that provided by Guzzle) would probably reduce the potential for bugs.

PHP-FIG published [PSR-7](, a model for representing HTTP requests and responses in a consistent and coherent way. Currently Arsse has its own ad hoc lightweight representation, but switching to a tested PSR-7 implementation (such as that provided by [Guzzle]( would probably reduce the potential for bugs.
jking поменял целевой этап с Future на 0.3.0 6 лет назад
jking прокомментировал 6 лет назад

For the time being, we will be using Diactoros for PSR-7 functionality. It provides significantly more compelling features than Guzzle.

For the time being, we will be using [Diactoros]( for PSR-7 functionality. It provides significantly more compelling features than Guzzle.
jking упомянул эту задачу в коммите 6 лет назад
jking закрыл(а) эту задачу 6 лет назад
jking прокомментировал 6 лет назад

Authentication is not properly handled via the server requests; this needs to be done to complete functionality.

Authentication is not properly handled via the server requests; this needs to be done to complete functionality.
jking переоткрыл(а) эту проблему 6 лет назад
jking упомянул эту задачу в коммите 6 лет назад
jking закрыл(а) эту задачу 6 лет назад
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