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您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
J. King 8834a65e4c Address case where user is already arsse 3 個月前
apache First steps in supporting php-legacy in Arc 4 個月前
arch Address case where user is already arsse 3 個月前
debian Require PHP 7.3 1 年前
man/man1 Use mdoc manual directly without any preprocessing 6 個月前
nginx First steps in supporting php-legacy in Arc 4 個月前
systemd Adapt dist files for Debian 3 年前
arsse Hopefully fix some Debian problems 3 年前
config.php Move generic configuration file 3 年前 Fix Debian bugs 3 年前
php-fpm.conf Use generic configuration where possible 3 年前
sysuser.conf Use generic configuration where possible 3 年前
tmpfiles.conf Run with the correct executable name visible to PHP 3 個月前