The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\Db\SQLite3;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\SQLite3\Driver;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
* @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\SQLite3\Driver<extended>
* @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\SQLite3\ExceptionBuilder */
class TestCreation extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
protected $data;
protected $drv;
protected $ch;
protected $files;
protected $path;
public function setUp(): void {
if (!Driver::requirementsMet()) {
$this->markTestSkipped("SQLite extension not loaded");
// test files
$this->files = [
// cannot create files
'Cmain' => [],
'Cshm' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'Cwal' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
// cannot write to files
'Wmain' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
'Wwal' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
'Wshm' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
// cannot read from files
'Rmain' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
'Rwal' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
'Rshm' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
// can neither read from or write to files
'Amain' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
'Awal' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
'Ashm' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
// non-filesystem errors
'corrupt' => [
'arsse.db' => "",
'arsse.db-wal' => "",
'arsse.db-shm' => "",
$vfs = vfsStream::setup("dbtest", 0777, $this->files);
$this->path = $path = $vfs->url()."/";
// set up access blocks
chmod($path."Cmain", 0555);
chmod($path."Cwal", 0555);
chmod($path."Cshm", 0555);
chmod($path."Rmain/arsse.db", 0333);
chmod($path."Rwal/arsse.db-wal", 0333);
chmod($path."Rshm/arsse.db-shm", 0333);
chmod($path."Wmain/arsse.db", 0555);
chmod($path."Wwal/arsse.db-wal", 0555);
chmod($path."Wshm/arsse.db-shm", 0555);
chmod($path."Amain/arsse.db", 0111);
chmod($path."Awal/arsse.db-wal", 0111);
chmod($path."Ashm/arsse.db-shm", 0111);
// set up configuration
public function testFailToCreateDatabase(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Cmain/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUncreatable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToCreateJournal(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Cwal/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUncreatable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToCreateSharedMmeory(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Cshm/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUncreatable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToReadDatabase(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Rmain/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnreadable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToReadJournal(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Rwal/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnreadable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToReadSharedMmeory(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Rshm/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnreadable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToWriteToDatabase(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Wmain/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnwritable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToWriteToJournal(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Wwal/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnwritable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToWriteToSharedMmeory(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Wshm/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnwritable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToAccessDatabase(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Amain/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnusable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToAccessJournal(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Awal/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnusable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testFailToAccessSharedMmeory(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."Ashm/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileUnusable", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testAssumeDatabaseCorruption(): void {
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $this->path."corrupt/arsse.db";
$this->assertException("fileCorrupt", "Db");
new Driver;
public function testSetFileMode(): void {
$f = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "arsse");
Arsse::$conf->dbSQLite3File = $f;
// delete the file PHP just created
// recreate the file
new Driver;
// check the mode
$mode = base_convert((string) stat($f)['mode'], 10, 8);
$this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/640$/", $mode);