The clean & modern RSS server that doesn't give you any crap.
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

222 linhas
9.2 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\CLI;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Conf;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Database;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Service;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\CLI;
use Phake;
/** @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\CLI */
class TestCLI extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
public function setUp() {
public function assertConsole(CLI $cli, string $command, int $exitStatus, string $output = "", bool $pattern = false) {
$argv = \Clue\Arguments\split($command);
$output = strlen($output) ? $output.\PHP_EOL : "";
if ($pattern) {
} else {
$this->assertSame($exitStatus, $cli->dispatch($argv));
public function assertLoaded(bool $loaded) {
$r = new \ReflectionClass(Arsse::class);
$props = array_keys($r->getStaticProperties());
foreach ($props as $prop) {
if ($loaded) {
$this->assertNotNull(Arsse::$$prop, "Global $prop object should be loaded");
} else {
$this->assertNull(Arsse::$$prop, "Global $prop object should not be loaded");
public function testPrintVersion() {
$this->assertConsole(new CLI, "arsse.php --version", 0, Arsse::VERSION);
/** @dataProvider provideHelpText */
public function testPrintHelp(string $cmd, string $name) {
$this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, 0, str_replace("arsse.php", $name, CLI::USAGE));
public function provideHelpText() {
return [
["arsse.php --help", "arsse.php"],
["arsse --help", "arsse"],
["thearsse --help", "thearsse"],
public function testStartTheDaemon() {
$srv = Phake::mock(Service::class);
$cli = Phake::partialMock(CLI::class);
Phake::when($srv)->watch->thenReturn(new \DateTimeImmutable);
$this->assertConsole($cli, "arsse.php daemon", 0);
/** @dataProvider provideFeedUpdates */
public function testRefreshAFeed(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) {
Arsse::$db = Phake::mock(Database::class);
Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate(1, true)->thenReturn(true);
Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate(2, true)->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("", new \PicoFeed\Client\InvalidUrlException));
$this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output);
public function provideFeedUpdates() {
return [
["arsse.php feed refresh 1", 0, ""],
["arsse.php feed refresh 2", 10502, ""],
/** @dataProvider provideDefaultConfigurationSaves */
public function testSaveTheDefaultConfiguration(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $file) {
$conf = Phake::mock(Conf::class);
$cli = Phake::partialMock(CLI::class);
Phake::when($conf)->exportFile("php://output", true)->thenReturn(true);
Phake::when($conf)->exportFile("good.conf", true)->thenReturn(true);
Phake::when($conf)->exportFile("bad.conf", true)->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Conf\Exception("fileUnwritable"));
$this->assertConsole($cli, $cmd, $exitStatus);
Phake::verify($conf)->exportFile($file, true);
public function provideDefaultConfigurationSaves() {
return [
["arsse.php conf save-defaults", 0, "php://output"],
["arsse.php conf save-defaults -", 0, "php://output"],
["arsse.php conf save-defaults good.conf", 0, "good.conf"],
["arsse.php conf save-defaults bad.conf", 10304, "bad.conf"],
/** @dataProvider provideUserList */
public function testListUsers(string $cmd, array $list, int $exitStatus, string $output) {
// Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead
Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class);
$this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output);
public function provideUserList() {
$list = ["", ""];
$str = implode(PHP_EOL, $list);
return [
["arsse.php user list", $list, 0, $str],
["arsse.php user", $list, 0, $str],
["arsse.php user list", [], 0, ""],
["arsse.php user", [], 0, ""],
/** @dataProvider provideUserAdditions */
public function testAddAUser(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) {
// Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead
Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class);
Arsse::$user->method("add")->will($this->returnCallback(function($user, $pass = null) {
switch ($user) {
case "":
throw new \JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Exception("alreadyExists");
case "":
return is_null($pass) ? "random password" : $pass;
$this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output);
public function provideUserAdditions() {
return [
["arsse.php user add", 10403, ""],
["arsse.php user add", 0, "random password"],
["arsse.php user add superman", 0, ""],
/** @dataProvider provideUserAuthentication */
public function testAuthenticateAUser(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) {
// Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead
Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class);
Arsse::$user->method("auth")->will($this->returnCallback(function($user, $pass) {
return (
($user == "" && $pass == "secret") ||
($user == "" && $pass == "superman")
$this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output);
public function provideUserAuthentication() {
$l = new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Lang;
return [
["arsse.php user auth secret", 0, $l("CLI.Auth.Success")],
["arsse.php user auth superman", 1, $l("CLI.Auth.Failure")],
["arsse.php user auth secret", 1, $l("CLI.Auth.Failure")],
["arsse.php user auth superman", 0, $l("CLI.Auth.Success")],
/** @dataProvider provideUserRemovals */
public function testRemoveAUser(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) {
// Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead
Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class);
Arsse::$user->method("remove")->will($this->returnCallback(function($user) {
if ($user == "") {
return true;
throw new \JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Exception("doesNotExist");
$this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output);
public function provideUserRemovals() {
return [
["arsse.php user remove", 0, ""],
["arsse.php user remove", 10402, ""],
/** @dataProvider provideUserPasswordChanges */
public function testChangeAUserPassword(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) {
// Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead
Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class);
Arsse::$user->method("passwordSet")->will($this->returnCallback(function($user, $pass = null) {
switch ($user) {
case "":
throw new \JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Exception("doesNotExist");
case "":
return is_null($pass) ? "random password" : $pass;
$this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output);
public function provideUserPasswordChanges() {
return [
["arsse.php user set-pass", 0, "random password"],
["arsse.php user set-pass superman", 0, ""],
["arsse.php user set-pass", 10402, ""],