A set of dependency-free basic internationalization tools
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\Intl\TestCase\Encoding;
use MensBeam\Intl\Encoding\UTF16BE;
class TestUTF16BE extends TestUTF16LE {
protected $testedClass = UTF16BE::class;
Byte Order Mark (2 bytes) Offset 0
Char 0 U+007A (2 bytes) Offset 2
Char 1 U+00A2 (2 bytes) Offset 4
Char 2 U+6C34 (2 bytes) Offset 6
Char 3 U+1D11E (4 bytes) Offset 8
Char 4 U+F8FF (2 bytes) Offset 12
Char 5 U+10FFFD (4 bytes) Offset 14
Char 6 U+FFFE (2 bytes) Offset 18
End of string at char 7, offset 20
protected $seekString = "FEFF 007A 00A2 6C34 D834DD1E F8FF DBFFDFFD FFFE";
protected $seekCodes = [0x007A, 0x00A2, 0x6C34, 0x1D11E, 0xF8FF, 0x10FFFD, 0xFFFE];
protected $seekOffsets = [2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20];
/* This string contains an invalid character sequence sandwiched between two null characters */
protected $brokenChar = "0000 DC00 0000";
/* This string conatins the ASCII characters "A" and "Z" followed by two arbitrary non-ASCII characters, followed by the two ASCII characters "0" and "9" */
protected $spanString = "0041 005A 6C34 D834DD1E 0030 0039";
protected $lowerA = "\x00a";
public function provideStrings() {
foreach (parent::provideStrings() as $name => $test) {
if (sizeof($test) == 2) {
$test[] = null;
list($string, $codes, $altCodes) = $test;
$words = explode(" ", $string);
foreach ($words as $a => $word) {
if (strlen($word) == 4) {
$words[$a] = $word[2].$word[3].$word[0].$word[1];
$string = implode(" ", $words);
yield $name => [$string, $codes, $altCodes];