A lax Web news feed parser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
3.3 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\Lax\Parser\XML;
use MensBeam\Lax\Feed as FeedStruct;
use MensBeam\Lax\Entry as EntryStruct;
use MensBeam\Lax\Person\Collection as PersonCollection;
use MensBeam\Lax\Category\Collection as CategoryCollection;
use MensBeam\Lax\Enclosure\Collection as EnclosureCollection;
use MensBeam\Lax\Date;
use MensBeam\Lax\Text;
use MensBeam\Lax\Url;
5 years ago
class Entry extends Construct implements \MensBeam\Lax\Parser\Entry {
public function __construct(\DOMElement $data, XPath $xpath, FeedStruct $feed) {
$this->subject = $data;
$this->xpath = $xpath;
$this->feed = $feed;
public function parse(EntryStruct $entry = null): EntryStruct {
$entry = $entry ?? new EntryStruct;
$entry->lang = $this->getLang();
$entry->id = $this->getId();
$entry->link = $this->getLink();
$entry->relatedLink = $this->getRelatedLink();
$entry->title = $this->getTitle();
$entry->dateModified = $this->getDateModified();
$entry->dateCreated = $this->getDateCreated();
$entry->content = $this->getContent();
$entry->summary = $this->getSummary();
$entry->banner = $this->getBanner();
$entry->people = $this->getPeople();
$entry->categories = $this->getCategories();
$entry->enclosures = $this->getEnclosures();
return $entry;
public function getLang(): ?string {
return $this->getLangXML() // xml:lang attribute
?? $this->getLangDC() // Dublin Core language
?? $this->getLangRss2(); // RSS language
public function getId(): ?string {
return $this->fetchString("atom:id", ".+") // Item identifier
?? $this->fetchString("dc:identifier", ".+") // Dublin Core identifier
?? $this->fetchString("rss2:guid", ".+"); // RSS 2.0 GUID
public function getLink(): ?Url {
return $this->getLinkAtom() // Atom link
?? $this->getLinkRss1() // RSS 0.90 or RSS 1.0 link
?? $this->getLinkRss2(); // RSS 2.0 link
public function getRelatedLink(): ?Url {
return $this->fetchAtomRelation("related", ["text/html", "application/xhtml+xml"]);
public function getTitle(): ?Text {
return $this->getTitleAtom() // Atom title
?? $this->getTitleRss1() // RSS 0.90 or RSS 1.0 title
?? $this->getTitleRss2() // RSS 2.0 title
?? $this->getTitleDC() // Dublin Core title
?? $this->getTitlePod(); // iTunes podcast title
public function getDateModified(): ?Date {
return null;
public function getDateCreated(): ?Date {
return null;
7 years ago
public function getContent(): ?Text {
return null;
7 years ago
public function getSummary(): ?Text {
return null;
5 years ago
public function getBanner(): ?Url {
5 years ago
return null;
public function getPeople(): PersonCollection {
return new PersonCollection;
5 years ago
public function getCategories(): CategoryCollection {
return new CategoryCollection;
5 years ago
public function getEnclosures(): EnclosureCollection {
return new EnclosureCollection;
5 years ago