A lax Web news feed parser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

59 lines
2.2 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\Lax\Parser;
use MensBeam\Lax\Person\Collection as PersonCollection;
use MensBeam\Lax\Category\Collection as CategoryCollection;
use MensBeam\Lax\Date;
use MensBeam\Lax\Text;
use MensBeam\Lax\Feed as FeedStruct;
use MensBeam\Lax\Url;
interface Feed {
5 years ago
/** Returns the globally unique identifier of the newsfeed; this is usually a URI */
public function getId(): ?string;
/** Returns the human language of the newsfeed */
public function getLang(): ?string;
5 years ago
/** Returns the canonical URL of the newsfeed, as contained in the document itself */
public function getUrl(): ?Url;
5 years ago
/** Returns the title text of the newsfeed, which may be plain text or HTML */
public function getTitle(): ?Text;
5 years ago
/** Returns the URL of the publication this newsfeed summarizes */
public function getLink(): ?Url;
5 years ago
/** Returns a short description of the newsfeed, either in plain text or HTML */
public function getSummary(): ?Text;
5 years ago
/** Returns the date and time at which the newsfeed was last modified, as contained in the document itself */
public function getDateModified(): ?Date;
5 years ago
/** Returns the URL of a small image used as an icon to identify the newsfeed */
public function getIcon(): ?Url;
5 years ago
/** Returns the URL of a large image used as a poster or banner to identify the newsfeed */
public function getImage(): ?Url;
5 years ago
/** Returns a collection of categories associated with the newsfeed as a whole. Each category is a structured Category object */
public function getCategories(): CategoryCollection;
5 years ago
/** Returns a collection of persons associated with the newsfeed as a whole. Each person is a structured Person object */
public function getPeople(): PersonCollection;
/** Returns the list of entries
* @param \MensBeam\Lax\Feed $feed The newsfeed to which the entry belongs. Some data from the newsfeed may be used in parsing the entry
5 years ago
public function getEntries(FeedStruct $feed = null): array;
5 years ago
/** Returns whether the newsfeed has ceased publication */
public function getExpired(): ?bool;