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Simplify element sanitizing

This method simply loops through every single element and deletes it where appropriate. For now an XPath query is still used to iterating through elements straightforward; this may change later.

This should simplify handling XHTML (where arbitrary namespaces can be involved), and will ensure that every single element in the document is handled consistently.

There do, however, remain some cases that are not handled intelligently, such as if the root element is not in the keep list.
J. King 6 years ago
  1. 341


@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace JKingWeb\Lax;
class Sanitizer {
public $namespaces = [
'' => "html",
'' => "svg",
'' => "math",
public $attrKeep = [
@ -41,196 +47,175 @@ class Sanitizer {
public $tagPurge = [
"basefont", // arbitrary styling
"button", // form element
"canvas", // only useful to script
"datalist", // form element
"dialog", // expected to hold only form elements
"embed", // inherently unsafe
"fieldset", // expected to hold only form elements
"frame", // frames
"frameset", // frames
"input", // form element
"isindex", // form element
"label", // form element
"legend", // form element
"link", // typically used to embed stylesheets
"math", // embedded MathML is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"meter", // form element
"optgroup", // form element
"option", // form element
"output", // form element
"param", // always associated with programmatic objects
"progress", // form element
"script", // inherently unsafe
"select", // form element
"slot", // only useful to scripts (I think)
"style", // arbitrary styling; potentially unsafe
"svg", // embedded SVG is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"template", // only useful to scripts
"textarea", // form element
"html:basefont", // arbitrary styling
"html:button", // form element
"html:canvas", // only useful to script
"html:datalist", // form element
"html:dialog", // expected to hold only form elements
"html:embed", // inherently unsafe
"html:fieldset", // expected to hold only form elements
"html:frame", // frames
"html:frameset", // frames
"html:input", // form element
"html:isindex", // form element
"html:label", // form element
"html:legend", // form element
"html:link", // typically used to embed stylesheets
"html:math", // embedded MathML is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"math:math", // embedded MathML is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"html:meter", // form element
"html:optgroup", // form element
"html:option", // form element
"html:output", // form element
"html:param", // always associated with programmatic objects
"html:progress", // form element
"html:script", // inherently unsafe
"html:select", // form element
"html:slot", // only useful to scripts (I think)
"html:style", // arbitrary styling; potentially unsafe
"html:svg", // embedded SVG is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"svg:svg", // embedded SVG is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"html:template", // only useful to scripts
"html:textarea", // form element
public $tagStrip = [
"applet", // inherently unsafe
"blink", // especially annoying styling
"font", // arbitrary styling
"form", // form element
"marquee", // especially annoying styling
"noframes", // ensure frame fallback content is actually displayed
"object", // usually unsafe
"html:applet", // inherently unsafe
"html:blink", // especially annoying styling
"html:font", // arbitrary styling
"html:form", // form element
"html:marquee", // especially annoying styling
"html:noframes", // ensure frame fallback content is actually displayed
"html:object", // usually unsafe
public $tagKeep = [
'a' => ["href", "download", "hreflang", "type"], // "target", "ping", "rel", "referrerpolicy"
'abbr' => [],
'acronym' => [],
'address' => [],
'area' => ["alt", "coords", "shape", "href", "target", "download"], // "ping", "rel", "referrerpolicy"
'article' => [],
'aside' => [],
'audio' => ["src", "crossorigin", "preload", "loop", "muted", "controls"], // "autoplay"
'b' => [],
'base' => ["href"], // "target"
'bdi' => [],
'bdo' => [],
'big' => [],
'blockquote' => ["cite"],
'body' => [], // "onafterprint", "onbeforeprint", "onbeforeunload", "onhashchange", "onlanguagechange", "onmessage", "onmessageerror", "onoffline", "ononline", "onpagehide", "onpageshow", "onpopstate", "onrejectionhandled", "onstorage", "onunhandledrejection", "onunload"
'br' => [],
'caption' => [],
'center' => [],
'cite' => [],
'code' => [],
'col' => ["span"],
'colgroup' => ["span"],
'data' => ["value"],
'dd' => [],
'del' => ["cite", "datetime"],
'details' => ["open"],
'dfn' => [],
'dir' => [],
'div' => [],
'dl' => [],
'dt' => [],
'em' => [],
'figcaption' => [],
'figure' => [],
'footer' => [],
'h1' => [],
'h2' => [],
'h3' => [],
'h4' => [],
'h5' => [],
'h6' => [],
'head' => [],
'header' => [],
'hgroup' => [],
'hr' => [],
'html' => [], // "manifest"
'i' => [],
'iframe' => ["src", "srcdoc", "name", "sandbox", "allowfullscreen", "allowpaymentrequest", "allowusermedia", "width", "height", "referrerpolicy"],
'img' => ["alt", "src", "srcset", "crossorigin", "usemap", "ismap", "width", "height", "decoding", "referrerpolicy"],
'ins' => ["cite", "datetime"],
'kbd' => [],
'li' => ["value"],
'main' => [],
'map' => ["name"],
'mark' => [],
'menu' => [],
'meta' => ["name", "http-equiv", "content", "charset"],
'nav' => [],
'noscript' => [],
'ol' => ["reversed", "start", "type"],
'p' => [],
'picture' => [],
'pre' => [],
'q' => ["cite"],
'rp' => [],
'rt' => [],
'ruby' => [],
's' => [],
'samp' => [],
'section' => [],
'small' => [],
'source' => ["src", "type srcset", "sizes", "media"],
'span' => [],
'strike' => [],
'strong' => [],
'sub' => [],
'summary' => [],
'sup' => [],
'table' => [],
'tbody' => [],
'td' => ["colspan", "rowspan", "headers"],
'tfoot' => [],
'th' => ["colspan", "rowspan", "headers", "scope", "abbr"],
'thead' => [],
'time' => ["datetime"],
'title' => [],
'tr' => [],
'track' => ["default", "kind", "label", "src", "srclang"],
'tt' => [],
'u' => [],
'ul' => [],
'var' => [],
'video' => ["src", "crossorigin", "poster", "preload", "autoplay", "playsinline", "loop", "muted", "controls", "width", "height"],
'wbr' => [],
'html:a' => ["href", "download", "hreflang", "type"], // "target", "ping", "rel", "referrerpolicy"
'html:abbr' => [],
'html:acronym' => [],
'html:address' => [],
'html:area' => ["alt", "coords", "shape", "href", "target", "download"], // "ping", "rel", "referrerpolicy"
'html:article' => [],
'html:aside' => [],
'html:audio' => ["src", "crossorigin", "preload", "loop", "muted", "controls"], // "autoplay"
'html:b' => [],
'html:base' => ["href"], // "target"
'html:bdi' => [],
'html:bdo' => [],
'html:big' => [],
'html:blockquote' => ["cite"],
'html:body' => [], // "onafterprint", "onbeforeprint", "onbeforeunload", "onhashchange", "onlanguagechange", "onmessage", "onmessageerror", "onoffline", "ononline", "onpagehide", "onpageshow", "onpopstate", "onrejectionhandled", "onstorage", "onunhandledrejection", "onunload"
'html:br' => [],
'html:caption' => [],
'html:center' => [],
'html:cite' => [],
'html:code' => [],
'html:col' => ["span"],
'html:colgroup' => ["span"],
'html:data' => ["value"],
'html:dd' => [],
'html:del' => ["cite", "datetime"],
'html:details' => ["open"],
'html:dfn' => [],
'html:dir' => [],
'html:div' => [],
'html:dl' => [],
'html:dt' => [],
'html:em' => [],
'html:figcaption' => [],
'html:figure' => [],
'html:footer' => [],
'html:h1' => [],
'html:h2' => [],
'html:h3' => [],
'html:h4' => [],
'html:h5' => [],
'html:h6' => [],
'html:head' => [],
'html:header' => [],
'html:hgroup' => [],
'html:hr' => [],
'html:html' => [], // "manifest"
'html:i' => [],
'html:iframe' => ["src", "srcdoc", "name", "sandbox", "allowfullscreen", "allowpaymentrequest", "allowusermedia", "width", "height", "referrerpolicy"],
'html:img' => ["alt", "src", "srcset", "crossorigin", "usemap", "ismap", "width", "height", "decoding", "referrerpolicy"],
'html:ins' => ["cite", "datetime"],
'html:kbd' => [],
'html:li' => ["value"],
'html:main' => [],
'html:map' => ["name"],
'html:mark' => [],
'html:menu' => [],
'html:meta' => ["name", "http-equiv", "content", "charset"],
'html:nav' => [],
'html:noscript' => [],
'html:ol' => ["reversed", "start", "type"],
'html:p' => [],
'html:picture' => [],
'html:pre' => [],
'html:q' => ["cite"],
'html:rp' => [],
'html:rt' => [],
'html:ruby' => [],
'html:s' => [],
'html:samp' => [],
'html:section' => [],
'html:small' => [],
'html:source' => ["src", "type srcset", "sizes", "media"],
'html:span' => [],
'html:strike' => [],
'html:strong' => [],
'html:sub' => [],
'html:summary' => [],
'html:sup' => [],
'html:table' => [],
'html:tbody' => [],
'html:td' => ["colspan", "rowspan", "headers"],
'html:tfoot' => [],
'html:th' => ["colspan", "rowspan", "headers", "scope", "abbr"],
'html:thead' => [],
'html:time' => ["datetime"],
'html:title' => [],
'html:tr' => [],
'html:track' => ["default", "kind", "label", "src", "srclang"],
'html:tt' => [],
'html:u' => [],
'html:ul' => [],
'html:var' => [],
'html:video' => ["src", "crossorigin", "poster", "preload", "autoplay", "playsinline", "loop", "muted", "controls", "width", "height"],
'html:wbr' => [],
public function processDocument(\DOMDocument $doc, string $url): \DOMDocument {
$ns = [
'html' => "",
'svg' => "",
'math' => "",
// ready an XPath processor and register the XHTML, SVG, and MathML namespaces
$path = new \DOMXPath($doc);
foreach ($ns as $prefix => $url) {
$path->registerNamespace($prefix, $url);
// compile the blacklist
// this involves first formatting each blacklisted element as an XPath query
// then appending namespace-aware equivalents for each (usually the HTML
// namespace, the exceptions being "svg" and "math")
$blacklist = array_map(function($v) {
return "//$v";
}, $this->tagPurge);
$blacklist = array_merge(array_map(function($v) use ($ns) {
if (isset($ns[$v])) {
return "//$v:$v";
} else {
return "//html:$v";
}, $this->tagPurge), $blacklist);
$blacklist = implode("|", $blacklist);
// delete any blacklisted elements found
foreach ($path->query($blacklist) as $node) {
// compile the inverse of the whitelist
$whitelist = array_keys($this->tagKeep);
$blacklist = array_map(function($v) {
return "name()='$v'";
}, $whitelist);
$blacklist = array_merge(array_filter(array_map(function($v) use ($ns) {
if (isset($ns[$v])) {
return "name()='$v:$v'";
echo $doc->saveHTML();
// determine if the document is non-XML HTML
$isHtml = ($doc->documentElement->tagName=="html" && $doc->documentElement->namespaceURI=="");
// loop through each element in the document
foreach ((new \DOMXPath($doc))->query("//*") as $node) {
// resolve a qualified name for the element
if (($isHtml && $node->namespaceURI=="") || $node->namespaceURI=="") {
$qName = "html:".$node->tagName;
} elseif ($node->namespaceURI=="") {
$qName = $node->tagName;
} elseif (isset($this->namespaces[$node->namespaceURI])) {
$qName = $this->namespaces[$node->namespaceURI].":".$node->tagName;
} else {
return "name()='html:$v'";
$qName = $node->namespaceURI.":".$node->tagName;
}, $whitelist)), $blacklist);
$blacklist = implode(" or ", $blacklist);
$blacklist = "//*[not($blacklist)]";
// delete any blacklisted elements found
foreach ($path->query($blacklist) as $node) {
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
$f = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {
if (in_array($qName, $this->tagPurge)) {
// if the element is in the purge list, delete it from the document along with its children
} elseif (in_array($qName, $this->tagStrip) || !isset($this->tagKeep[$qName])) {
// if the element is in the strip list or not in the keep list, delete it from the document while putting its children in its place
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
$f = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
do {
} while ($node->hasChildNodes());
$node->parentNode->insertBefore($f, $node);
$node->parentNode->insertBefore($f, $node);
} else {
// if the element is in the keep list, do nothing (for now)
// return the result
return $doc;
