essence; foreach ([XMLParser::class, JSONParser::class] as $class) { if (in_array($normalized, $class::MIME_TYPES)) { return $class; } } throw new Exception("notSupportedType"); } return null; } public static function findTypeForContent(string $data): string { if (preg_match('/^\s*\{\s*"./s', $data)) { return "application/json"; } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*<\?xml/s', $data)) { return "application/xml"; } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*))*-->\s*)*/s', $data, $match) ? strlen($match[0]) : 0; $prefix = substr($data, $offset, 100); if (preg_match('/^<(?:!DOCTYPE\s+html|html|body|head|table|div|title|p|link|meta)[\s>]/si', $prefix)) { return "text/html"; } elseif (preg_match('/^\/]/', $prefix)) { return "application/rss+xml"; } elseif (preg_match('/^<(?:[A-Za-z0-9\-\._]+:)?(feed|RDF)\s/', $prefix, $match)) { if ($match[1] === "feed") { return "application/atom+xml"; } else { return "application/rdf+xml"; } } else { // FIIXME: Is there a better fallback that could used here? return "application/xml"; } } else { return "application/octet-stream"; } } /** Parses a string into a supplied feed, irrespective of format * * @param \MensBeam\Lax\Feed $feed The newfeed object to populate * @param string $data The newsfeed to parse * @param string|null $contentType The HTTP Content-Type of the document; it is considered authoritative if supplied * @param string|null $url The URL used to retrieve the newsfeed, if applicable */ public static function parseDataIntoFeed(Feed $feed, string $data, ?string $contentType = null, ?string $url = null): Feed { $type = $contentType ?? $feed->meta->type ?? self::findTypeForContent($data); $url = $url ?? $feed->meta->url; $class = self::findParserForType($type); $parser = new $class($data, (string) $contentType, (string) $url); return $parser->parse($feed); } /** Parses an HTTP message's metadata into a metadata object * * @param \MensBeam\Lax\Feed $feed The newfeed object to populate * @param string $data The HTTP message to parse * @param string|null $url The URL used to retrieve the newsfeed, if applicable */ public static function parseMessageIntoMeta(Metadata $meta, MessageInterface $data, ?string $url = null): Metadata { $parser = new HTTP\Message($data, $url); $parser->parse($meta); return $meta; } }