s", " ", $text)); } /** Takes an HTML string as input and returns a sanitized version of that string * * The $outputHtml parameter, when false, outputs only the plain-text content of the sanitized HTML */ protected function sanitizeString(string $markup, bool $outputHtml = true): string { if (!preg_match("/<\S/", $markup)) { // if the string does not appear to actually contain markup besides entities, we can skip most of the sanitization return $outputHtml ? $markup : $this->trimText(html_entity_decode($markup, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5, "UTF-8")); } else { return "OOK!"; } } /** Tests whether a string is a valid e-mail address * * Accepts IDN hosts and Unicode localparts */ protected function validateMail(string $addr): bool { $out = preg_match("/^(.+?)@([^@]+)$/", $addr, $match); if (!$out) { return false; } $local = $match[1]; $domain = $match[2]; // PHP's filter_var does not accept IDN hosts, so we have to perform an IDNA transformation first $domain = idn_to_ascii($domain, \IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII | \IDNA_CHECK_BIDI | \IDNA_CHECK_CONTEXTJ, \INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46); // settings for IDNA2008 algorithm (I think) if ($domain !== false) {$addr = "$local@$domain"; return (bool) filter_var($addr, \FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, \FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE); } return false; } protected function parseDate(string $date): ?Date { $out = null; $date = $this->trimText($date); if (strlen($date)) { $tz = new \DateTimeZone("UTC"); foreach (Date::$supportedFormats as $format) { $out = Date::createFromFormat($format, $date, $tz); if ($out) { break; } } } return $out ?: null; } protected function parseMediaType(string $type, ?Url $url = null): ?string { if (preg_match('<^\s*([0-9a-z]+(?:/[!#$%&\'\*\+\-\.^_`|~0-9a-z]+)?)(?:\s|;|,|$)>i', $type, $match)) { /* NOTE: The pattern used here is a subset of what is technically allowed by RFC 7231: the "type" portion is supposed to be as general as the "subtype" portion, but in practice only alphabetic types have ever been registered, making a more specific pattern more practically useful for detecting media types. See: Additionally, types without subtypes are accepted as we foresee the general type still being useful to feed processors. */ return strtolower($match[1]); } if ($url && (strlen($url->getScheme()) && $url->host !== null)) { $file = substr($url->getPath(), (int) strrpos($url->getPath(), "/")); $ext = strrpos($file, "."); if ($ext !== false) { $ext = substr($file, $ext + 1); if (strlen($ext)) { return ($this->mime ?? ($this->mime = new \Mimey\MimeTypes))->getMimeType($ext); } } } elseif ($url && $url->getScheme() === "data") { return $this->parseMediaType($url->getPath()) ?? "text/plain"; } return null; } protected function empty($o): bool { return !array_filter((array) $o, function($v) { return !is_null($v) && (!$v instanceof Collection || sizeof($v) > 0); }); } }