[0x1101, "Document type is not supported"], 'notJSONType' => [0x1111, "Document Content-Type is not either that of JSON Feed or generic JSON"], 'notXMLType' => [0x1111, "Document Content-Type is not that of an XML newsfeed"], 'notJSON' => [0x1112, "Document is not valid JSON"], 'notXML' => [0x1112, "Document is not well-formed XML"], 'notJSONFeed' => [0x1113, "Document is not a JSON Feed document"], 'notXMLFeed' => [0x1113, "Document is not a newsfeed"], // Fetching: 0x1200 'badRequest' => [0x1201, "Client request was not accaptable to the server"], 'notFound' => [0x1202, "Resource was not found on server"], 'notAuthorized' => [0x1203, "Supplied credentials are insufficient to access the resource"], 'tooManyRedirects' => [0x1204, "The configured number of redirects was exceeded while trying to access the resource"], 'forbidden' => [0x1211, "Access to the resource is forbidden"], 'serverError' => [0x1212, "The server reported an error"], ]; public function __construct(string $symbol, \Exception $e = null) { $data = self::SYMBOLS[$symbol] ?? null; assert(is_array($data)); [$code, $msg] = $data; parent::__construct($msg, $code, $e); } }