xpath->query("(".$query.")[1]", $context ?? $this->subject); if ($node === false) { throw new \Exception("Invalid XPath query: $query"); // @codeCoverageIgnore } return ($node->length) ? $node->item(0) : null; } /** Retrieves the trimmed text content of one or more DOM elements based on an XPath query, optionally matching a pattern * * Returns null if no suitable nodes were found * * @param string $query The XPath query of the nodes to return * @param string|null $pattern The pattern to optionally filter matches with. The pattern should not include delimiters or anchors and is always case-insensitive * @param bool|null $multi Whether to return multiple results as an array (true) or one result as a string (false, default) * @param \DOMNode $context The context node for the XPath query * @return string|array|null */ protected function fetchString(string $query, ?string $pattern = null, ?bool $multi = null, ?\DOMNode $context = null) { $out = []; $pattern = strlen($pattern ?? "") ? "/^(?:".str_replace("/", "\\/", $pattern).")$/i" : ""; $multi = $multi ?? false; $nodes = $this->xpath->query($query, $context ?? $this->subject); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $t = $this->trimText($node->textContent); if (!$pattern || preg_match($pattern, $t)) { if (!$multi) { return $t; } else { $out[] = $t; } } } return ($out) ? $out : null; } /** Retrieves and parses a date from one or more DOM elements based on an XPath query * * Returns null if no suitable nodes were found * * @param string $query The XPath query of the nodes to return * @param bool|null $mode Whether to return the first valid date found (DATE_ANY), the earliest chronologically (DATE_EARLIEST), latest chronologically (DATE_LATEST), or all valid dates (DAATE_ALL) in a sorted array * @param \DOMNode $context The context node for the XPath query * @return \MensBeam\Lax\Date|array|null */ protected function fetchDate(string $query, int $mode, \DOMNode $context = null) { $out = []; $tz = new \DateTimeZone("UTC"); assert(in_array($mode, [self::DATE_ANY, self::DATE_ALL, self::DATE_EARLIEST, self::DATE_LATEST])); foreach ((array) $this->fetchString($query, null, true, $context) as $d) { if ($d = Date::createFromString($d ?? "")) { if ($mode === self::DATE_ANY) { return $d; } else { // add the date to the output only if it is a unique moment in time so far $ts = $d->setTimezone($tz)->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\Z"); if (!isset($out[$ts])) { $out[$ts] = $d; } } } } // sort the dates earliest to latest and produce an indexed array ksort($out); $out = array_values($out); // return based on requested mode switch ($mode) { case self::DATE_ALL: return $out; case self::DATE_EARLIEST: return $out ? $out[0] : null; case self::DATE_LATEST: return $out ? array_pop($out) : null; } } /** Returns the first valid URL matching an XPath query. Relative URLs are resolved when possible * * @param string $query The XPath query of the node to return * @param \DOMNode $context The context node for the XPath query */ protected function fetchUrl(string $query, \DOMNode $context = null): ?Url { foreach ($this->xpath->query($query, $context ?? $this->subject) as $node) { $url = trim($node->textContent); if (strlen($url)) { try { return new Url($url, $node->baseURI); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { // don't return a result that doesn't evaluate to a valid URL of some sort } } } return null; } protected function fetchText(string $query, string $format, \DOMNode $context = null): ?Text { foreach ($this->xpath->query($query, $context ?? $this->subject) as $node) { $data = trim($node->textContent); if (strlen($data)) { $out = new Text; if ($format === "plain") { $data = $this->trimText($data); } elseif ($format === "html" || $format === "loose") { $out->htmlBase = strlen($node->baseURI) ? $node->baseURI : null; } $out->$format = $data; return $out; } } return null; } /** Finds and parses RSS person-texts and returns a collection of person objects * * Each can have a name, e-mail address, or both * * The following forms will yield both a name and address: * * - user@example.com (Full Name) * - Full Name * - Full Name */ protected function fetchPeople(string $query, string $role, ?\DOMNode $context = null): ?PersonCollection { $out = new PersonCollection; foreach ($this->fetchString($query, ".+", true, $context) ?? [] as $person) { $p = new Person; if (preg_match("/^([^@\s]+@\S+) \((.+?)\)$/", $person, $match)) { // tests "user@example.com (Full Name)" form if ($this->validateMail($match[1])) { $p->name = trim($match[2]); $p->mail = $match[1]; } else { $p->name = $person; } } elseif (preg_match("/^((?:\S|\s(?!<))+) <(?:mailto:)?([^>]+)>$/", $person, $match)) { // tests "Full Name " form if ($this->validateMail($match[2])) { $p->name = trim($match[1]); $p->mail = $match[2]; } else { $p->name = $person; } } elseif ($this->validateMail($person)) { $p->name = $person; $p->mail = $person; } else { $p->name = $person; } $p->role = $role; $out[] = $p; } return count($out) ? $out : null; } /** Returns a node-list of Atom link elements with the desired relation or equivalents. * * Links without an href attribute are excluded. * * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287#section- */ protected function fetchAtomRelations(string $rel = "", \DOMNode $context = null): array { // normalize the relation $custom = false; $rel = trim($rel); if ($rel === "") { $rel = "alternate"; // @codeCoverageIgnore } elseif (strpos(strtolower($rel), "http://www.iana.org/assignments/relation/") === 0) { $rel = substr($rel, 41); // @codeCoverageIgnore } elseif (preg_match("<^[a-z\.\-]+$>i", $rel)) { $rel = strtolower($rel); } else { $custom = true; $url = (string) new Url($rel); } // look at all the links that have a non-empty href attribute $out = []; foreach ($this->xpath->query("atom:link[normalize-space(@href)]", $context ?? $this->subject) as $l) { try { new Url($l->getAttribute("href")); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { // reject any links which do not have valid URLs continue; } $r = trim($l->getAttribute("rel")); if ($custom) { if ($url === (string) new Url($r)) { $out[] = $l; } } else { $r = trim(strtolower(rawurldecode($r))); $r = (strpos($r, "http://www.iana.org/assignments/relation/") === 0) ? substr($r, 41) : $r; $r = !strlen($r) ? "alternate" : $r; if ($r === $rel) { $out[] = $l; } } } return $out; } /** Returns the first Atom link URL which matches the desired relation, with nearest desired media type */ protected function fetchAtomRelation(string $rel = "", array $mediaTypes = [], \DOMNode $context = null): ?Url { // tidy ther list of media types; this orders them worst (0)to best (highest index) and then creates a hashtable $mediaTypes = array_flip(array_reverse(array_values(array_unique(array_map(function(string $t) { return strtolower(trim($t)); }, $mediaTypes))))); $rels = $this->fetchAtomRelations($rel, $context); if ($rels && !$mediaTypes) { return new Url($rels[0]->getAttribute("href"), $rels[0]->baseURI); } $result = array_reduce($rels, function($best, $cur) use ($mediaTypes) { $t = trim($cur->getAttribute("type")); // absence of media type is acceptable if no better match yet exists if (!strlen($t) && (!$best || $best[1] < -1)) { return [$cur, -1]; // any preferred type will rank higher than -1 } $t = MimeType::parse($t); if ($t) { $rank = $mediaTypes[$t->essence] ?? -2; // even no type will rank higher than a non-preferred type if (!$best || $rank > $best[1]) { // if there is currently no candidate or the candidate ranks lower, use the current link return [$cur, $rank]; } } return $best; }); return $result ? new Url($result[0]->getAttribute("href"), $result[0]->baseURI) : null; } protected function fetchAtomText(string $query, \DOMNode $context = null): ?Text { $out = new Text; $populated = false; foreach ($this->xpath->query($query, $context ?? $this->subject) as $node) { if ($node->hasAttribute("src")) { // ignore any external content continue; } // get the content type; assume "text" if not provided switch (MimeType::parseAtom(trim($node->getAttribute("type")))->essence) { case "text/plain": if (is_null($out->plain)) { $plain = $this->trimText($node->textContent); if (strlen($plain)) { $out->plain = $plain; } } break; case "text/html": if (is_null($out->html)) { $html = trim($node->textContent); if (strlen($html)) { $out->html = $html; $out->htmlBase = strlen($node->baseURI) ? $node->baseURI : null; } } break; case "application/xhtml+xml": if (is_null($out->xhtml) && ($xhtml = $this->fetchElement("xhtml:div", $node))) { $out->xhtml = $xhtml->ownerDocument->saveXML($xhtml); $out->xhtmlBase = strlen($xhtml->baseURI) ? $xhtml->baseURI : null; } break; } } return (!$this->empty($out)) ? $out : null; } /** Finds and parses Atom person-constructs, and returns a collection of Person objects */ protected function fetchAtomPeople(string $query, string $role, \DOMNode $context = null): ?PersonCollection { $nodes = $this->xpath->query($query, $context ?? $this->subject); $out = new PersonCollection; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $p = new Person; $mail = $this->fetchString("atom:email", null, null, $node) ?? ""; $p->mail = $this->validateMail($mail) ? $mail : null; $p->name = $this->fetchString("atom:name", ".+", null, $node); $p->url = $this->fetchUrl("atom:uri", $node); $p->role = $role; if (!is_null($p->name)) { $out[] = $p; } } return count($out) ? $out : null; } /** Primitive to fetch an Atom feed/entry identifier */ protected function getIdAtom(): ?string { return $this->fetchString("atom:id", ".+"); } /** Primitive to fetch an RSS feed/entry identifier * * Using RSS' for feed identifiers is non-standard, but harmless */ protected function getIdRss2(): ?string { return $this->fetchString("rss2:guid", ".+"); } /** Primitive to fetch a Dublin Core feed/entry identifier */ protected function getIdDC(): ?string { return $this->fetchString("dc:identifier|dct:identifier", ".+"); } protected function getLangXML(): ?string { // walk up the tree looking for the nearest language tag $el = $this->subject; do { $out = $this->fetchString("@xml:lang", ".+", false, $el); $el = $el->parentNode; } while (is_null($out) && $el); return $out; } protected function getLangDC(): ?string { return $this->fetchString("dc:language|dct:language", ".+"); } protected function getLangRss2(): ?string { return $this->fetchString("rss2:language", ".+"); } protected function getLinkAtom(): ?Url { return $this->fetchAtomRelation("alternate", ["text/html", "application/xhtml+xml"]); } protected function getLinkRss2(): ?Url { return $this->fetchUrl("rss2:link") ?? $this->fetchUrl(self::QUERY_RSS_PERMALINK); } protected function getLinkRss1(): ?Url { return $this->fetchUrl("rss1:link") ?? $this->fetchUrl("rss0:link"); } protected function getTitleAtom(): ?Text { return $this->fetchAtomText("atom:title"); } protected function getTitleRss1(): ?Text { return $this->fetchText("rss1:title", self::TEXT_LOOSE) ?? $this->fetchText("rss0:title", self::TEXT_LOOSE); } protected function getTitleRss2(): ?Text { return $this->fetchText("rss2:title", self::TEXT_LOOSE); } protected function getTitleDC(): ?Text { return $this->fetchText("dc:title|dct:title", self::TEXT_PLAIN); } protected function getTitlePod(): ?Text { return $this->fetchText("apple:title", self::TEXT_PLAIN); } protected function getCategoriesFromNode(\DOMNode $context): ?CategoryCollection { return $this->getCategoriesAtom($context) ?? $this->getCategoriesRss2($context) ?? $this->getCategoriesGPlay($context) ?? $this->getCategoriesTunes($context) ?? $this->getCategoriesDC($context); } protected function getCategoriesAtom(\DOMNode $context): ?CategoryCollection { $out = new CategoryCollection; foreach ($this->xpath->query("atom:category[@term]", $context) as $node) { $c = new Category; $c->domain = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("scheme")); $c->label = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("label")); $c->name = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("term")); if (strlen($c->name)) { $out[] = $c; } } return count($out) ? $out : null; } protected function getCategoriesRss2(\DOMNode $context): ?CategoryCollection { $out = new CategoryCollection; foreach ($this->xpath->query("rss2:category", $context) as $node) { $c = new Category; $c->domain = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("domain")); $c->name = $this->trimText($node->textContent); if (strlen($c->name)) { $out[] = $c; } } return count($out) ? $out : null; } /** Dublin Core doesn't have an obvious category type, so we use 'subject' as a nearest approximation */ protected function getCategoriesDC(\DOMNode $context): ?CategoryCollection { $out = new CategoryCollection; foreach ($this->fetchString("dc:subject|dct:subject", null, true, $context) ?? [] as $text) { if (strlen($text)) { $c = new Category; $c->name = $text; $out[] = $c; } } return count($out) ? $out : null; } protected function getCategoriesTunes(\DOMNode $context): ?CategoryCollection { $out = new CategoryCollection; foreach ($this->xpath->query("apple:category", $context) as $node) { $c = new Category; $c->name = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("text")); if (strlen($c->name)) { foreach ($this->xpath->query("apple:category", $node) as $sub) { $sname = $this->trimText($sub->getAttribute("text")); if (strlen($sname)) { $c->subcategory = $sname; break; } } $out[] = $c; } } return count($out) ? $out : null; } protected function getCategoriesGPlay(\DOMNode $context): ?CategoryCollection { $out = new CategoryCollection; foreach ($this->xpath->query("gplay:category", $context) as $node) { $c = new Category; $c->name = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("text")); if (strlen($c->name)) { $out[] = $c; } } return count($out) ? $out : null; } }