A lax Web news feed parser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

258 lines
9.8 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Lax\Parser\XML\Primitives;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Person\Person;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Person\Collection as PersonCollection;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Category\Category;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Category\Collection as CategoryCollection;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Date;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Parser\XML\Entry as FeedEntry;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Text;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Url;
trait Construct {
/** Primitive to fetch an Atom feed/entry title
protected function getTitleAtom(): ?Text {
// FIXME: fetch rich text
return $this->fetchStringAtom("atom:title");
/** Primitive to fetch an RSS feed/entry title */
protected function getTitleRss2(): ?Text {
return $this->fetchString("title");
/** Primitive to fetch an RDF feed/entry title */
protected function getTitleRss1(): ?Text {
return $this->fetchString("rss1:title|rss0:title");
/** Primitive to fetch a Dublin Core feed/entry title */
protected function getTitleDC(): ?Text {
return $this->fetchString("dc:title");
/** Primitive to fetch an Apple podcast/episdoe title */
protected function getTitlePod(): ?Text {
return $this->fetchString("apple:title");
/** Primitive to fetch an Atom feed/entry Web-representation URL */
protected function getLinkAtom(): ?Url {
// FIXME: Atom link fetching should ideally prefer links to text/html resources or the like over e.g. other-format newsfeeds, generic XML, images, etc
$node = $this->fetchAtomRelations();
return $node->length ? $this->resolveNodeUrl($node->item(0), "href") : null;
/** Primitive to fetch an RSS feed/entry Web-representation URL */
protected function getLinkRss2(): ?Url {
return $this->fetchUrl("link") ?? $this->fetchUrl("guid[not(@isPermalink='false')]");
/** Primitive to fetch an RDF feed/entry Web-representation URL */
protected function getLinkRss1(): ?Url {
return $this->fetchUrl("rss1:link|rss0:link");
/** Primitive to fetch Atom feed/entry categories */
protected function getCategoriesAtom(): ?CategoryCollection {
$out = new CategoryCollection;
foreach ($this->fetchElements("atom:category[@term]") ?? [] as $node) {
$c = new Category;
$c->domain = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("scheme"));
$c->label = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("label"));
$c->name = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("term"));
if (strlen($c->name)) {
$out[] = $c;
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch RSS feed/entry categories */
protected function getCategoriesRss2(): ?CategoryCollection {
$out = new CategoryCollection;
foreach ($this->fetchElements("category") ?? [] as $node) {
$c = new Category;
$c->domain = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("domain"));
$c->name = $this->trimText($node->textContent);
if (strlen($c->name)) {
$out[] = $c;
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch Dublin Core feed/entry categories
* Dublin Core doesn't have an obvious category type, so we use 'subject' as a nearest approximation
protected function getCategoriesDC(): ?CategoryCollection {
$out = new CategoryCollection;
foreach ($this->fetchStringMulti("dc:subject") ?? [] as $text) {
if (strlen($text)) {
$c = new Category;
$c->name = $text;
$out[] = $c;
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch podcast/episode categories */
protected function getCategoriesPod(): ?CategoryCollection {
$out = new CategoryCollection;
foreach ($this->fetchElements("apple:category|gplay:category") ?? [] as $node) {
$c = new Category;
$c->name = $this->trimText($node->getAttribute("text"));
if (strlen($c->name)) {
$out[] = $c;
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch an Atom feed/entry identifier */
protected function getIdAtom(): ?string {
return $this->fetchString("atom:id");
/** Primitive to fetch an RSS feed/entry identifier
* Using RSS' <guid> for feed identifiers is non-standard, but harmless
protected function getIdRss2(): ?string {
return $this->fetchString("guid");
/** Primitive to fetch a Dublin Core feed/entry identifier */
protected function getIdDC(): ?string {
return $this->fetchString("dc:identifier");
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of authors associated with a feed/entry via Dublin Core */
protected function getAuthorsDC(): ?PersonCollection {
return $this->fetchPeople("dc:creator", "author");
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of contributors associated with a feed/entry via Dublin Core */
protected function getContributorsDC(): ?PersonCollection {
return $this->fetchPeople("dc:ccontributor", "contributor");
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of authors associated with an RSS feed/entry */
protected function getAuthorsRss2(): ?PersonCollection {
return $this->fetchPeople("author", "author");
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of editors associated with an RSS feed/entry */
protected function getEditorsRss2(): ?PersonCollection {
return $this->fetchPeople("managingEditor", "editor");
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of authors associated with an RSS feed/entry */
protected function getWebmastersRss2(): ?PersonCollection {
return $this->fetchPeople("webMaster", "webMaster");
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of contributors associated with an Atom feed */
protected function getContributorsAtom(): ?PersonCollection {
return $this->fetchPeopleAtom("atom:contributor", "contributor");
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of authors associated with a podcast/episode
* The collection only ever contains the first author found: podcasts implicitly have only one author
protected function getAuthorsPod(): ?PersonCollection {
$out = new PersonCollection;
$p = new Person;
$p->name = $this->fetchString("gplay:author|apple:author") ?? "";
$p->mail = $this->fetchString("gplay:email|apple:email") ?? "";
$p->role = "author";
if (strlen($p->name)) {
$out[] = $p;
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of webmasters associated with a podcast
* The collection only ever contains the first webmaster found: podcasts implicitly have only one webmaster
protected function getWebmastersPod(): ?PersonCollection {
$out = new PersonCollection;
$node = $this->fetchElement("gplay:owner|apple:owner");
if ($node) {
$p = new Person;
$p->name = $this->fetchString("gplay:author|apple:author", $node) ?? "";
$p->mail = $this->fetchString("gplay:email|apple:email", $node) ?? "";
$p->role = "webmaster";
if (strlen($p->name)) {
$out[] = $p;
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch an Atom feed or entry's canonical URL */
protected function getUrlAtom(): ?Url {
$node = $this->fetchAtomRelations("self");
return $node->length ? $this->resolveNodeUrl($node->item(0), "href") : null;
/** Primitive to fetch the modification date of an Atom feed/entry */
protected function getDateModifiedAtom(): ?Date {
return $this->fetchDate("atom:updated");
/** Primitive to fetch the modification date of an Atom feed/entry */
protected function getDateModifiedDC(): ?Date {
return $this->fetchDate("dc:date");
/** Primitive to fetch the modification date of an Atom entry */
protected function getDateCreatedAtom(): ?Date {
return $this->fetchDate("atom:published");
/** Primitive to fetch the list of entries in an Atom feed */
protected function getEntriesAtom(): ?array {
$out = [];
foreach ($this->fetchElements("atom:entry") ?? [] as $node) {
$out[] = new FeedEntry($node, $this, $this->xpath);
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch the list of entries in an RDF feed */
protected function getEntriesRss1(): ?array {
$out = [];
foreach ($this->fetchElements("rss1:item", $this->subject->ownerDocument->documentElement) ?? $this->fetchElements("rss1:item") ?? $this->fetchElements("rss0:item", $this->subject->ownerDocument->documentElement) ?? $this->fetchElements("rss0:item") ?? [] as $node) {
$out[] = new FeedEntry($node, $this, $this->xpath);
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch the list of entries in an RSS feed */
protected function getEntriesRss2(): ?array {
$out = [];
foreach ($this->fetchElements("item") ?? [] as $node) {
$out[] = new FeedEntry($node, $this, $this->xpath);
return count($out) ? $out : null;
/** Primitive to fetch the URL of a article related to the entry */
protected function getRelatedLinkAtom(): ?Url {
// FIXME: Atom link fetching should ideally prefer links to text/html resources or the like over e.g. other-format newsfeeds, generic XML, images, etc
$node = $this->fetchAtomRelations("related");
return $node->length ? $this->resolveNodeUrl($node->item(0), "href") : null;