A lax Web news feed parser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
1.4 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Lax\Parser\XML\Primitives;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Parser\XML\XPath;
trait Entry {
/** Primitive to fetch a collection of authors associated with an Atom entry
* This differs from feeds in that an entry's <source> element (which possibly contains metadata for the source feed) is checked for authors if the entry itself has none
protected function getAuthorsAtom() {
return $this->fetchPeopleAtom("atom:author", "author") ?? $this->fetchPeopleAtom("atom:source[1]/atom:author", "author");
/** Primitive to fetch an RDF entry's canonical URL */
protected function getUrlRss1() {
// XPath doesn't seem to like the query we'd need for this, so it must be done the hard way.
$node = $this->subject;
if ($node->localName === "item" && ($node->namespaceURI === XPath::NS['rss1'] || $node->namespaceURI == XPath::NS['rss0']) && $node->hasAttributeNS(XPath::NS['rdf'], "about")) {
return $this->resolveNodeUrl($node, "about", XPath::NS['rdf']);
} else {
return null;
/** Primitive to fetch the modification date of an RSS feed */
protected function getDateModifiedRss2() {
return $this->fetchDate("pubDate");