A lax Web news feed parser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

131 lines
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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Lax;
class XMLFeed extends XMLCommon {
use XMLCommonPrimitives;
use XMLFeedPrimitives;
public $type;
public $version;
public $url;
public $link;
public $title;
public $summary;
public $categories;
public $people;
public $author;
/** Returns a parsed feed */
public function __construct(string $data, string $contentType = null, string $url = null) {
$this->init($data, $contentType, $url);
/** Performs initialization of the instance */
protected function init(string $data, string $contentType = null, string $url = null) {
$this->document = new \DOMDocument();
$this->document->loadXML($data, \LIBXML_BIGLINES | \LIBXML_COMPACT);
$this->document->documentURI = $url;
$this->xpath = self::getXPathProcessor($this->document);
$this->subject = $this->document->documentElement;
$ns = $this->subject->namespaceURI;
$name = $this->subject->localName;
if (is_null($ns) && $name=="rss") {
$this->subject = $this->fetchElement("./channel") ?? $this->subject;
$this->type = "rss";
$this->version = $this->document->documentElement->getAttribute("version");
} elseif ($ns==self::NS['rdf'] && $name=="RDF") {
$this->type = "rdf";
$channel = $this->fetchElement("./rss1:channel|./rss0:channel");
if ($channel) {
$this->subject = $channel;
$this->version = ($channel->namespaceURI==self::NS['rss1']) ? "1.0" : "0.90";
} else {
$element = $this->fetchElement("./rss1:item|./rss0:item|./rss1:image|./rss0:image");
if ($element) {
$this->version = ($element->namespaceURI==self::NS['rss1']) ? "1.0" : "0.90";
} elseif ($ns==self::NS['atom'] && $name=="feed") {
$this->type = "atom";
$this->version = "1.0";
} else {
throw new \Exception;
$this->url = $url;
/** Parses the feed to extract sundry metadata */
protected function parse() {
$this->id = $this->getId();
$this->link = $this->getLink();
$this->title = $this->getTitle();
$this->summary = $this->getSummary();
$this->people = $this->getPeople();
$this->author = $this->people->primary();
// do a second pass on missing data we'd rather fill in
$this->link = strlen($this->link) ? $this->link : $this->url;
$this->title = strlen($this->title) ? $this->title : $this->link;
/** General function to fetch the feed title */
public function getTitle(): string {
return $this->getTitleAtom() ?? $this->getTitleRss1() ?? $this->getTitleRss2() ?? $this->getTitleDC() ?? $this->getTitlePod() ?? "";
/** General function to fetch the feed's Web-representation URL */
public function getLink(): string {
return $this->getLinkAtom() ?? $this->getLinkRss1() ?? $this->getLinkRss2() ?? "";
/** General function to fetch the description of a feed */
public function getSummary(): string {
// unlike most other data, Atom is not preferred, because Atom doesn't really have feed summaries
return $this->getSummaryDC() ?? $this->getSummaryRss1() ?? $this->getSummaryRss2() ?? $this->getSummaryPod() ?? $this->getSummaryAtom() ?? "";
/** General function to fetch the categories of a feed
* If the $grouped parameter is true, and array of arrays will be returned, keyed by taxonomy/scheme
* The $humanFriendly parameter only affects Atom categories
public function getCategories(bool $grouped = false, bool $humanFriendly = true): array {
return $this->getCategoriesAtom($grouped, $humanFriendly) ?? $this->getCategoriesRss2($grouped, $humanFriendly) ?? $this->getCategoriesDC($grouped, $humanFriendly) ?? $this->getCategoriesPod($grouped, $humanFriendly) ?? [];
/** General function to fetch the feed identifier */
public function getId(): string {
return $this->getIdAtom() ?? $this->getIdDC() ?? $this->getIdRss2() ?? "";
/** General function to fetch a collection of people associated with a feed */
public function getPeople(): PersonCollection {
$out = $this->getPeopleAtom() ?? $this->getPeopleDC() ?? $this->getPeoplePod();
if (!$out) {
// if no Atom, Dublin Core, or podcast people were found, return any available RSS people
return $this->getPeopleRss2() ?? new PersonCollection;
} elseif ($out->primary()->role != "author") {
// if none of the people found are an author (i.e. there are only contributors), add any available Podcast authors first
$more = $this->getPeoplePod();
if (!$more) {
// if no podcast author was found, add any available RSS people
$more = $this->getPeopleRss2() ?? new PersonCollection;
} else {
// otherwise add only non-author RSS people to the podcast people
$more = $more->merge(($this->getPeopleRss2() ?? new PersonCollection)->filterOutRole("author"));
// and finally add any additional people found to the contributor list
return $out->merge($more);
} else {
// if the search for Atom, DC and postcast people -did- find an author, add only non-author RSS people (i.e. editors and webmasters)
return $out->merge(($this->getPeopleRss2() ?? new PersonCollection)->filterOutRole("author"));