
260 lines
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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\Lax;
class Sanitizer {
/** @var string[] An array of namespace URIs (the keys) and prefixes (the values). The prefixes are used in the element and attribute lists that follow */
public $namespaces = [
'' => "html",
'' => "svg",
'' => "math",
/** @var string[] An array of elements to completely remove from the document, such as <script>. This should be used rather than the strip list below for empty elements, since XHTML documents can include content in usually empty elements */
public $elemPurge = [
"html:basefont", // arbitrary styling
"html:bgsound", // audio outside the reader's control
"html:button", // form element
"html:canvas", // only useful to script
"html:datalist", // form element
"html:dialog", // expected to hold only form elements
"html:embed", // inherently unsafe
"html:fieldset", // expected to hold only form elements
"html:frame", // frames
"html:frameset", // frames
"html:input", // form element
"html:isindex", // form element
"html:keygen", // form element
"html:label", // form element
"html:legend", // form element
"html:link", // typically used to embed stylesheets
"html:math", // embedded MathML is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"math:math", // embedded MathML is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"html:menuitem", // form element
"html:meter", // form element
"html:nextid", // obsolete and obscure
"html:nobr", // potentially reader-hostile
"html:optgroup", // form element
"html:option", // form element
"html:output", // form element
"html:param", // always associated with programmatic objects
"html:progress", // form element
"html:script", // inherently unsafe
"html:select", // form element
"html:slot", // only useful to scripts (I think)
"html:spacer", // obsolete styling
"html:style", // arbitrary styling; potentially unsafe
"html:svg", // embedded SVG is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"svg:svg", // embedded SVG is too complicated and esoteric to support at this time
"html:template", // only useful to scripts
"html:textarea", // form element
/** @var string[] An array of elements to remove from the document while leaving their contents behind, such as <font>. This should not be used for empty elements such as <img> as XHTML documents can include content in such elements */
public $elemStrip = [
"html:applet", // inherently unsafe
"html:blink", // especially annoying styling
"html:font", // arbitrary styling
"html:form", // form element
"html:marquee", // especially annoying styling
"html:noembed", // ensure embed fallback content is actually displayed
"html:noframes", // ensure frame fallback content is actually displayed
"html:object", // usually unsafe
/** @var array[] An array of elements which are allowed (the keys) and their allowed attributes (the values) */
public $elemKeep = [
'html:a' => ["href", "download", "hreflang", "type", "coords", "shape"], // "target", "ping", "rel", "referrerpolicy"
'html:abbr' => [],
'html:acronym' => [],
'html:address' => [],
'html:area' => ["alt", "coords", "shape", "href", "target", "download"], // "ping", "rel", "referrerpolicy"
'html:article' => [],
'html:aside' => [],
'html:audio' => ["src", "crossorigin", "loop", "muted"], // "autoplay", "controls", "preload"
'html:b' => [],
'html:base' => ["href"], // "target"
'html:bdi' => [],
'html:bdo' => [],
'html:big' => [],
'html:blockquote' => ["cite"],
'html:body' => [], // "onafterprint", "onbeforeprint", "onbeforeunload", "onhashchange", "onlanguagechange", "onmessage", "onmessageerror", "onoffline", "ononline", "onpagehide", "onpageshow", "onpopstate", "onrejectionhandled", "onstorage", "onunhandledrejection", "onunload"
'html:br' => [],
'html:caption' => [],
'html:center' => [],
'html:cite' => [],
'html:code' => [],
'html:col' => ["span"],
'html:colgroup' => ["span"],
'html:data' => ["value"],
'html:dd' => [],
'html:del' => ["cite", "datetime"],
'html:details' => ["open"],
'html:dfn' => [],
'html:dir' => [],
'html:div' => [],
'html:dl' => [],
'html:dt' => [],
'html:em' => [],
'html:figcaption' => [],
'html:figure' => [],
'html:footer' => [],
'html:h1' => [],
'html:h2' => [],
'html:h3' => [],
'html:h4' => [],
'html:h5' => [],
'html:h6' => [],
'html:head' => [],
'html:header' => [],
'html:hgroup' => [],
'html:hr' => [],
'html:html' => [], // "manifest"
'html:i' => [],
'html:iframe' => ["src", "srcdoc", "width", "height"], // "name", "sandbox", "allowfullscreen", "allowpaymentrequest", "allowusermedia", "referrerpolicy"
'html:img' => ["alt", "src", "srcset", "usemap", "ismap", "width", "height"], // "crossorigin", "decoding", "referrerpolicy"
'html:ins' => ["cite", "datetime"],
'html:kbd' => [],
'html:li' => ["value"],
'html:listing' => [],
'html:main' => [],
'html:map' => ["name"],
'html:mark' => [],
'html:menu' => [],
'html:meta' => ["name", "http-equiv", "content", "charset"],
'html:nav' => [],
'html:noscript' => [],
'html:ol' => ["reversed", "start", "type"],
'html:p' => [],
'html:picture' => [],
'html:plaintext' => [],
'html:pre' => [],
'html:q' => ["cite"],
'html:rb' => [],
'html:rp' => [],
'html:rt' => [],
'html:rtc' => [],
'html:ruby' => [],
'html:s' => [],
'html:samp' => [],
'html:section' => [],
'html:small' => [],
'html:source' => ["src", "type", "srcset", "sizes", "media"],
'html:span' => [],
'html:strike' => [],
'html:strong' => [],
'html:sub' => [],
'html:summary' => [],
'html:sup' => [],
'html:table' => ["summary"],
'html:tbody' => [],
'html:td' => ["colspan", "rowspan", "headers", "scope", "abbr", "axis"],
'html:tfoot' => [],
'html:th' => ["colspan", "rowspan", "headers", "scope", "abbr", "axis"],
'html:thead' => [],
'html:time' => ["datetime"],
'html:title' => [],
'html:tr' => [],
'html:track' => ["default", "kind", "label", "src", "srclang"],
'html:tt' => [],
'html:u' => [],
'html:ul' => ["type"],
'html:var' => [],
'html:video' => ["src", "crossorigin", "poster", "loop", "width", "height"], // "preload", "autoplay", "controls", "playsinline", "muted"
'html:wbr' => [],
'html:xmp' => [],
/** @var string[] An array of attribute names which are allowed on any element */
public $attrKeep = [
//"autocapitalize", // not useful for static content
//"contenteditable", // not useful for static content
//"draggable", // not useful for static content
//"inputmode", // not useful for static content
//"is", // only used with custom elements
//"nonce", // only used via scripts (I think)
//"slot", // only used via scripts (I think)
//"spellcheck", // not useful for static content
//"style", // arbitrary styling; potentially unsafe
// For compatibility with XHTML
/** @var string[] An array of attribute names whose content is a URL */
public $attrUrl = [
* Sanitizes a DOMDocument object, returning the same document, modified
* The document may be an HTML document or or any partial XHTML tree, possibly mixed with other XML vocabularies
* The document's documentURI is assumed to already be set
public function processDocument(\DOMDocument $doc, string $url): \DOMDocument {
// determine if the document is non-XML HTML
$isHtml = ($doc->documentElement->tagName === "html" && $doc->documentElement->namespaceURI === "");
// loop through each element in the document
foreach ((new \DOMXPath($doc))->query("//*") as $node) {
// resolve a qualified name for the element
if (($isHtml && $node->namespaceURI === "") || $node->namespaceURI === "") {
$qName = "html:".$node->tagName;
} elseif ($node->namespaceURI === "") {
$qName = $node->tagName;
} elseif (isset($this->namespaces[$node->namespaceURI])) {
$qName = $this->namespaces[$node->namespaceURI].":".$node->tagName;
} else {
$qName = $node->namespaceURI.":".$node->tagName;
if (in_array($qName, $this->elemPurge)) {
// if the element is in the purge list, delete it from the document along with its children
} elseif (in_array($qName, $this->elemStrip) || !isset($this->elemKeep[$qName])) {
// if the element is in the strip list or not in the keep list, delete it from the document while putting its children in its place
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
$f = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
do {
} while ($node->hasChildNodes());
$node->parentNode->insertBefore($f, $node);
} else {
// if the element is in the keep list, clean up its attributes
foreach (iterator_to_array($node->attributes) as $attr) { // we use an array
if (!in_array($attr->name, $this->attrKeep) && !(isset($this->elemKeep[$qName]) && in_array($attr->name, $this->elemKeep[$qName]))) {
// if the attribute is not allowed globally or for the element, remove it
} else {
// otherwise normalize it if it's a URL
// return the result
return $doc;