A lax Web news feed parser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
6.2 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2018 J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Lax\Parser\JSON;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Feed as FeedStruct;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Entry as EntryStruct;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Person\Collection as PersonCollection;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Category\Collection as CategoryCollection;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Enclosure\Collection as EnclosureCollection;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Category\Category;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Date;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Enclosure\Enclosure;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Text;
use JKingWeb\Lax\Url;
class Entry implements \JKingWeb\Lax\Parser\Entry {
use Construct;
protected $url;
/** @var \JKingWeb\Lax\Feed */
protected $feed;
/** @var \Mimey\MimeTypes */
protected $mime;
public function __construct(\stdClass $data, FeedStruct $feed) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->feed = $feed;
$this->url = $feed->meta->url ?? null;
protected function init(EntryStruct $entry): EntryStruct {
return $entry;
public function parse(EntryStruct $entry = null): EntryStruct {
$entry = $this->init($entry ?? new EntryStruct);
$entry->lang = $this->getLang();
$entry->id = $this->getId();
$entry->link = $this->getLink();
$entry->relatedLink = $this->getRelatedLink();
$entry->title = $this->getTitle();
$entry->dateModified = $this->getDateModified();
$entry->dateCreated = $this->getDateCreated();
$entry->content = $this->getContent();
$entry->summary = $this->getSummary();
$entry->banner = $this->getBanner();
$entry->people = $this->getPeople();
$entry->categories = $this->getCategories();
$entry->enclosures = $this->getEnclosures();
return $entry;
public function getId(): ?string {
$id = $this->fetchMember("id", "str") ?? $this->fetchMember("id", "int") ?? $this->fetchMember("id", "float");
if (is_null($id)) {
return null;
} elseif (is_float($id)) {
if (!fmod($id, 1.0)) {
return (string) (int) $id; // @codeCoverageIgnore
} else {
$id = preg_split("/E\+?/i", str_replace(localeconv()['decimal_point'], ".", (string) $id));
if (sizeof($id) === 1) {
return $id[0];
} else {
$exp = (int) $id[1];
$mul = $exp > -1;
$exp = abs($exp);
list($int, $dec) = explode(".", $id[0]);
$dec = strlen($dec) ? str_split($dec, 1) : [];
$int = str_split($int, 1);
if ($int[0] === "-") {
$neg = true;
} else {
$neg = false;
while ($exp-- > 0) {
if ($mul && $dec) {
$int[] = array_shift($dec); // @codeCoverageIgnore
} elseif ($mul) {
$int[] = "0"; // @codeCoverageIgnore
} elseif (!$mul && $int) {
array_unshift($dec, array_pop($int));
} else {
array_unshift($dec, "0");
return ($neg ? "-" : "") . ($int ? implode("", $int) : "0") . ($dec ? ("." . rtrim(implode("", $dec), "0")) : "");
} else {
return (string) $id;
public function getLang(): ?string {
return $this->fetchMember("language", "str") ?? $this->feed->lang;
public function getPeople(): PersonCollection {
return $this->getAuthorsV1() ?? $this->getAuthorV1() ?? $this->feed->people ?? new PersonCollection;
public function getDateModified(): ?Date {
return $this->fetchDate("date_modified");
public function getDateCreated(): ?Date {
return $this->fetchDate("date_published");
public function getLink(): ?Url {
return $this->fetchUrl("url");
public function getRelatedLink(): ?Url {
return $this->fetchUrl("external_url");
public function getTitle(): ?Text {
return $this->fetchText("title");
public function getSummary(): ?Text {
return $this->fetchText("summary");
public function getContent(): ?Text {
$out = $this->fetchText("content_text");
$html = $this->fetchMember("content_html", "str");
if (strlen($html ?? "")) {
$out = $out ?? new Text;
$out->html = $html;
$out->htmlBase = $this->feed->meta->url;
return $out;
public function getBanner(): ?Url {
return $this->fetchUrl("banner_image");
public function getEnclosures(): EnclosureCollection {
$out = new EnclosureCollection;
// handle JSON Feed's special "image" key first
$img = $this->fetchUrl("image");
if ($img) {
$m = new Enclosure;
$m->url = $img;
$m->type = "image";
$m->preferred = true;
$out[] = $m;
// handle other attachments
foreach ($this->fetchMember("attachments", "array") ?? [] as $attachment) {
$url = $this->fetchUrl("url", $attachment);
if ($url) {
$m = new Enclosure;
$m->url = $url;
$m->type = $this->fetchType("mime_type", $url, $attachment);
$m->title = $this->fetchMember("title", "str", $attachment);
$m->size = $this->fetchMember("size_in_bytes", "int", $attachment);
$m->duration = $this->fetchMember("duration_in_seconds", "int", $attachment);
$out[] = $m;
return $out;
public function getCategories(): CategoryCollection {
$out = new CategoryCollection;
foreach ($this->fetchMember("tags", "array") ?? [] as $tag) {
if (is_string($tag) && strlen($tag)) {
$c = new Category;
$c->name = $tag;
$out[] = $c;
return $out;