Browse Source

Simplify CLI command processing

J. King 3 years ago
  1. 80


@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ Commands:
user set <username> <property> <value>
Sets a user's metadata proprty to the supplied value. See below for
Sets a user's metadata property to the supplied value. See below for
details on the various properties available.
user unset <username> <property>
Sets a user's metadata proprty to its default value. See below for
Sets a user's metadata property to its default value. See below for
details on the various properties available. What the default value
for a property evaluates to depends on which protocol is used.
@ -215,16 +215,14 @@ USAGE_TEXT;
return str_replace("arsse.php", $prog, self::USAGE);
protected function command(array $options, $args): string {
foreach ($options as $cmd) {
foreach (explode(" ", $cmd) as $part) {
if (!$args[$part]) {
continue 2;
protected function command($args): string {
$out = [];
foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
if (preg_match("/^[a-z]/", $k) && $v === true) {
$out[] = $k;
return $cmd;
return "";
return implode(" ", $out);
/** @codeCoverageIgnore */
@ -248,18 +246,18 @@ USAGE_TEXT;
'help' => false,
try {
$cmd = $this->command(["-h", "--help", "--version", "daemon", "feed refresh", "feed refresh-all", "conf save-defaults", "user", "export", "import"], $args);
if ($cmd && !in_array($cmd, ["-h", "--help", "--version", "conf save-defaults"])) {
$cmd = $this->command($args);
if ($cmd && !in_array($cmd, ["", "conf save-defaults"])) {
// only certain commands don't require configuration to be loaded
switch ($cmd) {
case "-h":
case "--help":
echo $this->usage($argv0).\PHP_EOL;
return 0;
case "--version":
case "":
if ($args['--version']) {
echo Arsse::VERSION.\PHP_EOL;
} elseif ($args['--help'] || $args['-h']) {
echo $this->usage($argv0).\PHP_EOL;
return 0;
case "daemon":
@ -272,8 +270,6 @@ USAGE_TEXT;
case "conf save-defaults":
$file = $this->resolveFile($args['<file>'], "w");
return (int) !Arsse::$obj->get(Conf::class)->exportFile($file, true);
case "user":
return $this->userManage($args);
case "export":
$u = $args['<username>'];
$file = $this->resolveFile($args['<file>'], "w");
@ -282,28 +278,13 @@ USAGE_TEXT;
$u = $args['<username>'];
$file = $this->resolveFile($args['<file>'], "r");
return (int) !Arsse::$obj->get(OPML::class)->importFile($file, $u, ($args['--flat'] || $args['-f']), ($args['--replace'] || $args['-r']));
} catch (AbstractException $e) {
return $e->getCode();
} // @codeCoverageIgnore
/** @codeCoverageIgnore */
protected function logError(string $msg): void {
fwrite(STDERR, $msg.\PHP_EOL);
protected function userManage($args): int {
$cmd = $this->command(["add", "remove", "show", "set", "unset", "set-pass", "unset-pass", "list", "auth"], $args);
switch ($cmd) {
case "add":
case "user add":
$out = $this->userAddOrSetPassword("add", $args["<username>"], $args["<password>"]);
if ($args['--admin']) {
Arsse::$user->propertiesSet($args["<username>"], ['admin' => true]);
return $out;
case "set-pass":
case "user set-pass":
if ($args['--fever']) {
$passwd = Arsse::$obj->get(Fever::class)->register($args["<username>"], $args["<password>"]);
if (is_null($args["<password>"])) {
@ -314,29 +295,36 @@ USAGE_TEXT;
return $this->userAddOrSetPassword("passwordSet", $args["<username>"], $args["<password>"], $args["--oldpass"]);
// no break
case "unset-pass":
case "user unset-pass":
if ($args['--fever']) {
} else {
Arsse::$user->passwordUnset($args["<username>"], $args["--oldpass"]);
return 0;
case "remove":
case "user remove":
return (int) !Arsse::$user->remove($args["<username>"]);
case "show":
case "user show":
return $this->userShowProperties($args["<username>"]);
case "set":
case "user set":
return (int) !Arsse::$user->propertiesSet($args["<username>"], [$args["<property>"] => $args["<value>"]]);
case "unset":
case "user unset":
return (int) !Arsse::$user->propertiesSet($args["<username>"], [$args["<property>"] => null]);
case "auth":
case "user auth":
return $this->userAuthenticate($args["<username>"], $args["<password>"], $args["--fever"]);
case "list":
case "":
case "user list":
case "user":
return $this->userList();
throw new Exception("constantUnknown", $cmd); // @codeCoverageIgnore
} catch (AbstractException $e) {
return $e->getCode();
} // @codeCoverageIgnore
/** @codeCoverageIgnore */
protected function logError(string $msg): void {
fwrite(STDERR, $msg.\PHP_EOL);
protected function userAddOrSetPassword(string $method, string $user, string $password = null, string $oldpass = null): int {
