A modern, accurate HTML parser and serializer for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 , Dustin Wilson, J. King et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
use MensBeam\HTML\Parser;
trait AttributeSetter {
protected $mangledAttributes = false;
public function elementSetAttribute(\DOMElement $element, ?string $namespaceURI, string $qualifiedName, string $value): void {
if ($namespaceURI === Parser::XMLNS_NAMESPACE) {
// NOTE: We create attribute nodes so that xmlns attributes
// don't get lost; otherwise they cannot be serialized.
// Furthermore we create the attribute node in a temporary
// document to avoid some related PHP bugs
$d = new \DOMDocument;
try {
$a = $d->createAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (\DOMException $e) {
// The attribute name is invalid for XML 1.0 Second Edition
// Replace any offending characters with "UHHHHHH" where H are the
// uppercase hexadecimal digits of the character's code point
// NOTE: This case is never encountered by the parser
$qualifiedName = self::coerceName($qualifiedName, true);
$a = $d->createAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$a->value = self::escapeString($value, true);
} elseif ($namespaceURI !== null || strpos($qualifiedName, "xml:") === 0) {
try {
$element->setAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, $value);
} catch (\DOMException $e) {
// The attribute name is invalid for XML 1.0 Second Edition
// Replace any offending characters with "UHHHHHH" where H are the
// uppercase hexadecimal digits of the character's code point
$qualifiedName = self::coerceName($qualifiedName, ($namespaceURI !== null));
$element->setAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $qualifiedName, $value);
$this->mangledAttributes = true;
} elseif ($namespaceURI === null && $qualifiedName === 'xmlns') {
// There are even more bugs with xmlns attributes. Xmlns attributes on html
// elements are parsed in the null namespace per the specification. PHP still
// goes a bit screwy when trying to access them afterwards. Attempt to work
// around that.
$a = $element->ownerDocument->createAttribute('xmlns');
$a->value = $value;
} else {
try {
$element->setAttribute($qualifiedName, $value);
} catch (\DOMException $e) {
// The attribute name is invalid for XML 1.0 Second Edition
// Replace any offending characters with "UHHHHHH" where H are the
// uppercase hexadecimal digits of the character's code point
$qualifiedName = self::coerceName($qualifiedName, false);
$element->setAttribute($qualifiedName, $value);
$this->mangledAttributes = true;
if ($qualifiedName === "id") {
$element->setIdAttribute($qualifiedName, true);