A modern, accurate HTML parser and serializer for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4302 lines
222 KiB

namespace dW\HTML5;
class Parser {
/* Non-static properties */
// Context element for fragments
public $fragmentContext;
// The DOMDocument that is assembled by the tree builder
public $DOM;
// If a fragment a fragment is assembled instead
public $DOMFragment;
// Input data that's being parsed, uses DataStream
public $data;
// The form element pointer points to the last form element that was opened and
// whose end tag has not yet been seen. It is used to make form controls associate
// with forms in the face of dramatically bad markup, for historical reasons. It is
// ignored inside template elements
public $formElement;
// Flag for determining whether to use the foster parenting (badly nested table
// elements) algorithm.
public $fosterParenting = false;
// Flag that shows whether the content that's being parsed is a fragment or not
public $fragmentCase = false;
// Flag used to determine whether elements are okay to be used in framesets or not
public $framesetOk = true;
// Once a head element has been parsed (whether implicitly or explicitly) the head
// element pointer gets set to point to this node
public $headElement;
// The stack of open elements, uses Stack
public $stack;
// Controls the primary operation of the tokenizer
public $tokenizerState;
// Treebuilder insertion mode
public $insertionMode;
// Used to check if the document is in quirks mode
public $quirksMode;
/* Static properties */
// Property used as an instance for the non-static properties
public static $self;
// For debugging
public static $debug = false;
/* Constants */
// Constants used for the tokenizer state
const DATA_STATE = 0;
const RCDATA_STATE = 1;
const RAWTEXT_STATE = 2;
const TAG_OPEN_STATE = 5;
const TAG_NAME_STATE = 7;
const COMMENT_STATE = 44;
const DOCTYPE_STATE = 48;
// Constants used for insertion modes
const INITIAL_MODE = 0;
const IN_HEAD_MODE = 3;
const AFTER_HEAD_MODE = 5;
const IN_BODY_MODE = 6;
const TEXT_MODE = 7;
const IN_TABLE_MODE = 8;
const IN_CAPTION_MODE = 10;
const IN_TABLE_BODY_MODE = 12;
const IN_ROW_MODE = 13;
const IN_CELL_MODE = 14;
const IN_SELECT_MODE = 15;
const IN_TEMPLATE_MODE = 17;
const AFTER_BODY_MODE = 18;
const IN_FRAMESET_MODE = 19;
// Ctype constants
const CTYPE_ALPHA = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
// Namespace constants
const HTML_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
const MATHML_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML';
const SVG_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
const XLINK_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink';
const XML_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace';
const XMLNS_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/';
// Quirks mode constants
const QUIRKS_MODE_OFF = 0;
const QUIRKS_MODE_ON = 1;
// Protected construct used for creating an instance to access properties which must
// be reset on every parse
protected function __construct() {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$this->insertionMode = static::INITIAL_MODE;
$this->quirksMode = static::QUIRKS_MODE_OFF;
$this->stack = new Stack();
public static function parse(string $data, bool $file = false) {
// If parse() is called by parseFragment() then don't create an instance. It has
// already been created.
$c = __CLASS__;
if (!(static::$self instanceof $c && !static::$self->fragmentCase)) {
static::$self = new $c;
// Create the document if it doesn't already exist. Will be overwritten if there is a DOCTYPE.
if (is_null(static::$self->DOM)) {
$imp = new \DOMImplementation;
static::$self->DOM = $imp->createDocument();
// Process the input stream.
static::$self->data = new DataStream(($file === true) ? '' : $data, ($file === true) ? $data : 'STDIN');
// Set the locale for CTYPE to en_US.UTF8 so ctype functions and strtolower only
// work on basic latin characters. Used extensively when tokenizing.
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US.UTF8');
return static::$self->fixDOM();
public static function parseFragment(string $data, \DOMDocument $dom = null, \DOMElement $context = null, bool $file = false): \DOMDocument {
// If a context is provided and either the DOM isn't provided or the DOM isn't
// the owner document of the provided context then the context is invalid and
// should be set to null.
if (!is_null($context) && (is_null($dom) || !$dom->isSameNode($context->ownerDocument))) {
$context = null;
// Create an instance of this class to use the non static properties.
$c = __CLASS__;
static::$self = new $c;
if (!is_null($dom)) {
static::$self->DOM = $dom;
} else {
$imp = new \DOMImplementation;
static::$self->DOM = $imp->createDocument();
static::$self->DOMFragment = static::$self->DOM->createDocumentFragment();
// DEVIATION: The spec says to let the document be in quirks mode if the
// DOMDocument is in quirks mode. Cannot check whether the context element is in
// quirks mode, so going to assume it isn't.
// DEVIATION: The spec's version of parsing fragments isn't remotely useful in
// the context this library is intended for use in. This implementation uses a
// DOMDocumentFragment for inserting nodes into. There's no need to have a
// different process for when there isn't a context. There will always be one:
// the DOMDocumentFragment.
static::$self->fragmentContext = (!is_null($context)) ? $context : static::$self->DOMFragment;
$name = static::$self->fragmentContext->nodeName;
# Set the state of the HTML parser's tokenization stage as follows:
if ($name === 'title' || $name === 'textarea') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
} elseif ($name === 'style' || $name === 'xmp' || $name === 'iframe' || $name === 'noembed' || $name === 'noframes') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
} elseif ($name === 'script') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_STATE;
} elseif ($name === 'noscript') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::NOSCRIPT_STATE;
} elseif ($name === 'plaintext') {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::PLAINTEXT_STATE;
} else {
static::$self->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// DEVIATION: Since this implementation uses a DOMDocumentFragment for insertion
// there is no need to create an html element for inserting stuff into.
# If the context element is a template element, push "in template" onto the
# stack of template insertion modes so that it is the new current template
# insertion mode.
// FIX ME: I am not sure this is needed without scripting.
if ($name === 'template') {
static::$self->templateInsertionModeStack[] = static::IN_TEMPLATE_MODE;
# Reset the parser's insertion mode appropriately.
// DEVIATION: The insertion mode will be always 'in body', not 'before head' if
// there isn't a context. There isn't a need to reconstruct a valid HTML
// document when using a DOMDocumentFragment.
# Set the parser's form element pointer to the nearest node to the context element
# that is a form element (going straight up the ancestor chain, and including the
# element itself, if it is a form element), if any. (If there is no such form
# element, the form element pointer keeps its initial value, null.)
static::$self->formElement = ($name === 'form') ? $context : DOM::getAncestor('form', $context);
# Start the parser and let it run until it has consumed all the characters just inserted into the input stream.
static::$self->fragmentCase = true;
static::parse($data, $file);
# If there is a context element, return the child nodes of root, in tree order.
# Otherwise, return the children of the Document object, in tree order.
// DEVIATION: This method will always return a DOMDocumentFragment.
return static::$self->DOMFragment;
protected function fixDOM($dom = null) {
if (is_null($dom)) {
$dom = &$this->DOM;
// TODO: Take fragments, append them to a document, fix shit, and then poop out a
// fragment so selecting id attributes works on fragments.
// Fix id attributes so they may be selected by the DOM. Fix the PHP id attribute
// bug. Allows DOMDocument->getElementById() to work on id attributes.
if (!static::$self->fragmentCase) {
$dom->relaxNGValidateSource('<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">
<ref name="anythingID"/>
<define name="anythingID">
<ref name="anythingID"/>
<attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
# Normalize the document before outputting.
return $dom;
protected function tokenize() {
# The tokenizer state machine consists of the states defined in the following
# subsections.
// DEVIATION: The tokenizer spec has it work around NULL characters.
// HTML5DataStream removes all NULL characters from the document instead. There
// isn't a need to work around them when there isn't any scripting in this
// implementation. When the HTML5DataStream class removes them it triggers parse errors
// then instead. So, all mentions of "U+0000 NULL" in the spec are ignored.
while (true) {
if (static::$debug) {
echo "State: ";
switch ($this->tokenizerState) {
case static::DATA_STATE: echo "Data\n";
case static::RCDATA_STATE: echo "RCDATA\n";
case static::RAWTEXT_STATE: echo "RAWTEXT\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE: echo "Script data\n";
case static::PLAINTEXT_STATE: echo "PLAINTEXT\n";
case static::TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "Tag open\n";
case static::END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "End tag open\n";
case static::TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "Tag name\n";
case static::RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "RCDATA less-than sign\n";
case static::RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "RCDATA end tag open\n";
case static::RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "RCDATA end tag name\n";
case static::RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "RAWTEXT less than sign\n";
case static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "RAWTEXT end tag open\n";
case static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "RAWTEXT end tag name\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "Script data less-than sign\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "Script data end tag open\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "Script data end tag name\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_STATE: echo "Script data escape start\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data escape start dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE: echo "Script data escaped\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data escaped dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data escaped dash dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "Script data escaped less-than sign\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE: echo "Script data escaped end tag open\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME_STATE: echo "Script data escaped end tag name\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START_STATE: echo "Script data double escape start\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE: echo "Script data double escaped\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data double escaped dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE: echo "Script data double escaped dash dash\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE: echo "Script data double escaped less-than sign\n";
case static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END_STATE: echo "Script data double escape end\n";
case static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE: echo "Before attribute\n";
case static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE: echo "Attribute name\n";
case static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE: echo "After attribute name\n";
case static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE: echo "Before attribute value\n";
case static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "Attribute value (double quoted)\n";
case static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "Attribute value (single quoted)\n";
case static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE: echo "Attribute value (unquoted)\n";
case static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "After attribute value (quoted)\n";
case static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE: echo "Self-closing start tag\n";
case static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE: echo "Bogus comment\n";
case static::MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE: echo "Markup declaration open\n";
case static::COMMENT_START_STATE: echo "Comment start\n";
case static::COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE: echo "Comment start dash\n";
case static::COMMENT_STATE: echo "Comment\n";
case static::COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE: echo "Comment end dash\n";
case static::COMMENT_END_STATE: echo "Comment end\n";
case static::COMMENT_END_BANG_STATE: echo "Comment end bang\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE\n";
case static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE: echo "Before DOCTYPE name\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE name\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE name\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE public keyword\n";
case static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE: echo "Before DOCTYPE public identifier\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE public identifier (double quoted)\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE public identifier (single quoted)\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE public identifier\n";
case static::BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS_STATE: echo "Between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE system keyword\n";
case static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE: echo "Before DOCTYPE system identifier\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted)\n";
case static::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE: echo "DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted)\n";
case static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE: echo "After DOCTYPE system identifier\n";
case static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE: echo "Bogus comment\n";
case static::CDATA_SECTION_STATE: echo "CDATA section\n";
# Data state
if ($this->tokenizerState === static::DATA_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
if ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in data state.
# Character reference in data state:
# Switch to the data state.
# Attempt to consume a character reference, with no additional allowed character.
# If nothing is returned, emit a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) token.
# Otherwise, emit the character tokens that were returned.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
// function for which it is more suited for.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($this->data->consumeCharacterReference()));
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the tag open state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::TAG_OPEN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$token = new EOFToken();
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('&<')));
# Character reference in data state
// OPTIMIZATION: This is instead done in the block above.
# RCDATA state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RCDATA_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
if ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in RCDATA state.
# Character reference in RCDATA state:
# Switch to the RCDATA state.
# Attempt to consume a character reference, with no additional allowed character.
# If nothing is returned, emit a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) token.
# Otherwise, emit the character tokens that were returned.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
// function for which it is more suited for.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($this->data->consumeCharacterReference()));
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the RCDATA less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$this->emitToken(new EOFToken());
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('&<')));
# Character reference in RCDATA state
// OPTIMIZATION: This is instead done in the block above.
# RAWTEXT state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RAWTEXT_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the RAWTEXT less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$this->emitToken(new EOFToken());
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('<')));
# Script data state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$this->emitToken(new EOFToken());
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('<')));
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::PLAINTEXT_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '') {
# Emit an end-of-file token.
$this->emitToken(new EOFToken());
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that don't match what is above and emit
// that as a character token instead to prevent having to loop back through here
// every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('')));
# Tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '!') {
# Switch to the markup declaration open state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE;
# U+002F SOLIDUS (/)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the end tag open state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new start tag token, set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point), then switch
# to the tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled
# in before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new start tag token, set its tag name to the current input character,
# then switch to the tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details
# will be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token = new StartTagToken(strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA)));
$this->tokenizerState = static::TAG_NAME_STATE;
elseif ($char === '?') {
# Parse error. Switch to the bogus comment state.
// Making errors more expressive.
if ($char !== '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
} else {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character
# token. Reconsume the current input character.
// Making errors more expressive.
if ($char !== '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
} else {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# End tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point), then switch
# to the tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled
# in before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, set its tag name to the current input character,
# then switch to the tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details
# will be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA)));
$this->tokenizerState = static::TAG_NAME_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character
# token and a U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the EOF character.
// Making errors more expressive.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the bogus comment state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE;
# Tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before attribute name state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are Uppercase ASCII characters to
// prevent having to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name = $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_UPPER));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
// Making errors more expressive.
if ($char !== '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::TAG_NAME_EXPECTED, $this->data, $char);
} else {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name = $token->name.$char.$this->data->consumeUntil("\t\n\x0c />".static::CTYPE_UPPER);
# RCDATA less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the RCDATA end tag open
# state.
$temporaryBuffer = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RCDATA state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token.
# Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'));
# RCDATA end tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Append the
# current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to the RCDATA
# end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled in
# before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the current input character.
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to
# the RCDATA end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will
# be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RCDATA state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# RCDATA end tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# before attribute name state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# self-closing start tag state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# data state and emit the current tag token. Otherwise, treat it as per the
# "anything else" entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name. Append the current
# input character to the temporary buffer.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name. Append
# the current input character to the temporary buffer.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RCDATA state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and a character token for each of the characters
# in the temporary buffer (in the order they were added to the buffer). Reconsume
# the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RCDATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# RAWTEXT less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the RAWTEXT end tag open
# state.
$temporaryBuffer = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RAWTEXT state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token.
# Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'));
# RAWTEXT end tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Append the
# current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to the RAWTEXT
# end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be filled in
# before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the current input character.
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to
# the RAWTEXT end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will
# be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RAWTEXT state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# RAWTEXT end tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# before attribute name state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# self-closing start tag state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# data state and emit the current tag token. Otherwise, treat it as per the
# "anything else" entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name. Append the current
# input character to the temporary buffer.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name. Append
# the current input character to the temporary buffer.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the RAWTEXT state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and a character token for each of the characters
# in the temporary buffer (in the order they were added to the buffer). Reconsume
# the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::RAWTEXT_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Script data less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the script data end tag
# open state.
$temporaryBuffer = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# "!" (U+0021)
elseif ($char === '!') {
# Switch to the script data escape start state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN
# character token and a U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<!'));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token.
# Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'));
# Script data end tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Append the
# current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to the script
# data end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will be
# filled in before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the current input character.
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to
# the script data end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details
# will be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token
# and a U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# Script data end tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# before attribute name state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# self-closing start tag state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# data state and emit the current tag token. Otherwise, treat it as per the
# "anything else" entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name. Append the current
# input character to the temporary buffer.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name. Append
# the current input character to the temporary buffer.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and a character token for each of the characters
# in the temporary buffer (in the order they were added to the buffer). Reconsume
# the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Script data escape start state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data escape start dash state. Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
# Script data escape start dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data escaped dash dash state. Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
# Script data escaped state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data escaped dash state. Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# "<" (U+003C)
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data escaped less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Switch to the data state. Parse error. Reconsume the EOF character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'script data');
# Anything else
else {
# Emit the current input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char.$this->data->consumeUntil('-<')));
# Script data escaped dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data escaped dash dash state. Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# "<" (U+003C)
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data escaped less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Switch to the data state. Parse error. Reconsume the EOF character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'script data');
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data escaped state. Emit the current input character as a
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Script data escaped dash dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Emit a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character token.
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# "<" (U+003C)
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data escaped less-than sign state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character
# token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('>'));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Switch to the data state. Parse error. Reconsume the EOF character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'script data');
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data escaped state. Emit the current input character as a
# character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Script data escaped less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the script data escaped
# end tag open state.
$temporaryBuffer .= '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Append the lowercase version of
# the current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point) to the
# temporary buffer. Switch to the script data double escape start state. Emit a
# U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and the current input character as a
# character token.
# Lowercase:
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Append the current input character
# to the temporary buffer. Switch to the script data double escape start state.
# Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token and the current input character as
# a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
$temporaryBuffer = strtolower($char);
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'.$char));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data escaped state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character
# token. Reconsume the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Script data escaped end tag open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
if (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Append the
# current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to the script
# data escaped end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further details will
# be filled in before it is emitted.)
# Lowercase:
# Create a new end tag token, and set its tag name to the current input character.
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Finally, switch to
# the script data escaped end tag name state. (Don't emit the token yet; further
# details will be filled in before it is emitted.)
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token = new EndTagToken(strtolower($char));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data escaped state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character
# token and a U+002F SOLIDUS character token. Reconsume the current input
# character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'));
# Script data escaped end tag name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# before attribute name state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# self-closing start tag state. Otherwise, treat it as per the "anything else"
# entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# If the current end tag token is an appropriate end tag token, then switch to the
# data state and emit the current tag token. Otherwise, treat it as per the
# "anything else" entry below.
if ($token->name === $this->stack->currentNode()->name) {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current tag token's tag name. Append the current
# input character to the temporary buffer.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the current tag token's tag name. Append
# the current input character to the temporary buffer.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $token->name.strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
$temporaryBuffer .= $char;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character token, a
# U+002F SOLIDUS character token, and a character token for each of the characters
# in the temporary buffer (in the order they were added to the buffer). Reconsume
# the current input character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('</'.$temporaryBuffer));
# Script data double escaped state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the script data double escaped dash dash state. Emit a U+002D
# HYPHEN-MINUS character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('-'));
# "<" (U+003C)
elseif ($char === '<') {
# Switch to the script data double escaped less-than sign state. Emit a U+003C
# LESS-THAN SIGN character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('<'));
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the script data state. Emit a U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character
# token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('>'));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'script data');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data double escaped state. Emit the current input character
# as a character token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Script data double escaped less-than sign state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "/" (U+002F)
if ($char === '/') {
# Set the temporary buffer to the empty string. Switch to the script data double
# escape end state. Emit a U+002F SOLIDUS character token.
$temporaryBuffer = '';
$this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken('/'));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data double escaped state. Reconsume the current input
# character.
$this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE;
# Script data double escape end state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
# "/" (U+002F)
# ">" (U+003E)
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ' || $char === '/' || $char === '>') {
# If the temporary buffer is the string "script", then switch to the script data
# escaped state. Otherwise, switch to the script data double escaped state. Emit
# the current input character as a character token.
if ($temporaryBuffer === 'script') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
} else {
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_STATE;
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Uppercase ASCII letter
# Lowercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Uppercase:
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the temporary buffer. Emit the current input
# character as a character token.
# Lowercase:
# Append the current input character to the temporary buffer. Emit the current
# input character as a character token.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$char = $char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA);
$temporaryBuffer .= strtolower(strtolower($char));
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# Anything else
else {
# Switch to the script data double escaped state. Reconsume the current input
# character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_STATE;
# Before attribute name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's name to the
# lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's
# code point), and its value to the empty string. Switch to the attribute name
# state.
// DEVIATION: Will use a buffer for the attribute name instead.
$attributeName = strtolower($char);
$attributeValue = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# Anything else
else {
# Quotes, less than sign, equals:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's name to the
# current input character, and its value to the empty string. Switch to the
# attribute name state.
if ($char === '"' || $char === "'" || $char === '<' || $char === '=') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute name');
// DEVIATION: Will use a buffer for the attribute name instead.
$attributeName = $char;
$attributeValue = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# Attribute name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
if ($token->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS, $this->data, $attributeName);
# Switch to the after attribute name state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
if ($token->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS, $this->data, $attributeName);
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# "=" (U+003D)
elseif ($char === '=') {
if ($token->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS, $this->data, $attributeName);
# Switch to the before attribute value state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
if ($token->hasAttribute($attributeName)) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS, $this->data, $attributeName);
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current attribute's name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are uppercase ASCII letters to prevent
// having to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeName .= strtolower($char.$this->data-consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_UPPER));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# Anything else
else {
# Quotes, less than sign, equals:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's name.
if ($char === '"' || $char === "'" || $char === '<' || $char === '=') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute name');
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeName .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("\t\n\x0c /=>\"'<".static::CTYPE_UPPER);
# When the user agent leaves the attribute name state (and before emitting the tag
# token, if appropriate), the complete attribute's name must be compared to the
# other attributes on the same token; if there is already an attribute on the
# token with the exact same name, then this is a parse error and the new attribute
# must be removed from the token.
// DEVIATION: Because this implementation uses a buffer to hold the attribute name
// it is only added if it is valid. The result is the same, though.
# After attribute name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# "=" (U+003D)
elseif ($char === '=') {
# Switch to the before attribute value state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's name to the
# lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's
# code point), and its value to the empty string. Switch to the attribute name
# state.
// DEVIATION: Will use a buffer for the attribute name instead.
$attributeName = strtolower($char);
$attributeValue = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute name, attribute value, or tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# Anything else
else {
# Quotes, less than sign, equals:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Start a new attribute in the current tag token. Set that attribute's name to the
# current input character, and its value to the empty string. Switch to the
# attribute name state.
if ($char === '"' || $char === "'" || $char === '<' || $char === '=') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute name, attribute value, or tag end');
$attributeName = $char;
$attributeValue = '';
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# Before attribute value state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Switch to the attribute value (double-quoted) state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE;
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
elseif ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the attribute value (unquoted) state. Reconsume the current input
# character.
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Switch to the attribute value (single-quoted) state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_TAG_END, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# "`" (U+0060)
# Anything else
else {
# less than sign, equals, tick:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's value. Switch to
# the attribute value (unquoted) state.
if ($char === '<' || $char === '=' || $char === '`') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute value');
$attributeValue .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE;
# Attribute value (double-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '"') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE;
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
elseif ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in attribute value state, with the additional
# allowed character being U+0022 QUOTATION MARK (").
# Character reference in attribute value state:
# Attempt to consume a character reference.
# If nothing is returned, append a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) to the current
# attribute's value.
# Otherwise, append the returned character tokens to the current attribute's
# value.
# Finally, switch back to the attribute value state that switched into this state.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
// function for which it is more suited for.
$attributeValue .= $this->data->consumeCharacterReference('"', true);
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeValue .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('"&');
# Attribute value (single-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "'" (U+0027)
if ($char === "'") {
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE;
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
elseif ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in attribute value state, with the additional
# allowed character being "'" (U+0027).
# Character reference in attribute value state:
# Attempt to consume a character reference.
# If nothing is returned, append a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) to the current
# attribute's value.
# Otherwise, append the returned character tokens to the current attribute's
# value.
# Finally, switch back to the attribute value state that switched into this state.
# DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
# function for which it is more suited for.
$attributeValue .= $this->data->consumeCharacterReference("'", true);
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeValue .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("'&");
# Attribute value (unquoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STATE;
# U+0026 AMPERSAND (&)
elseif ($char === '&') {
# Switch to the character reference in attribute value state, with the additional
# allowed character being ">" (U+003E).
# Switch to the character reference in attribute value state, with the additional
# allowed character being "'" (U+0027).
# Character reference in attribute value state:
# Attempt to consume a character reference.
# If nothing is returned, append a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&) to the current
# attribute's value.
# Otherwise, append the returned character tokens to the current attribute's
# value.
# Finally, switch back to the attribute value state that switched into this state.
// DEVIATION: This implementation does the character reference consuming in a
// function for which it is more suited for.
$attributeValue .= $this->data->consumeCharacterReference('>', true);
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
elseif ($char === '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute value');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "'" (U+0027)
# "<" (U+003C)
# "=" (U+003D)
# "`" (U+0060)
# Anything else
else {
# Quotes, less than sign, equals, tick:
# Parse error. Treat it as per the "anything else" entry below.
# Anything else:
# Append the current input character to the current attribute's value.
if ($char === '"' || $char === "'" || $char === '<' || $char === '=' || $char === '`') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute value');
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$attributeValue .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("\t\n\x0c &>\"'<=`");
# After attribute value (quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before attribute name state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# "/" (U+002F)
elseif ($char === '/') {
# Switch to the self-closing start tag state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current tag token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
// Need to add the current attribute name and value to the token if necessary.
if ($attributeName) {
$token->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'attribute name or tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the before attribute name state. Reconsume the character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'attribute name or tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# Self-closing start tag state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# ">" (U+003E)
if ($char === '>') {
# Set the self-closing flag of the current tag token. Switch to the data state.
# Emit the current tag token.
$token->selfClosing = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the before attribute name state. Reconsume the character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'tag end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STATE;
# Bogus comment state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE) {
# Consume every character up to and including the first ">" (U+003E) character or
# the end of the file (EOF), whichever comes first. Emit a comment token whose
# data is the concatenation of all the characters starting from and including the
# character that caused the state machine to switch into the bogus comment state,
# up to and including the character immediately before the last consumed character
# (i.e. up to the character just before the U+003E or EOF character), but with any
# U+0000 NULL characters replaced by U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER characters. (If
# the comment was started by the end of the file (EOF), the token is empty.
# Similarly, the token is empty if it was generated by the string "<!>".)
$char = $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('>');
$nextChar = $this->data->consume();
$this->emitToken(new CommentToken($char));
# Switch to the data state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# If the end of the file was reached, reconsume the EOF character.
if ($nextChar === '') {
# Markup declaration open state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN_STATE) {
# If the next two characters are both "-" (U+002D) characters, consume those two
# characters, create a comment token whose data is the empty string, and switch to
# the comment start state.
if ($this->data->peek(2) === '--') {
$token = new CommentToken();
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_START_STATE;
# Otherwise, if the next seven characters are an ASCII case-insensitive match for
# the word "DOCTYPE", then consume those characters and switch to the DOCTYPE
# state.
elseif (strtolower($this->data->peek(7)) === 'doctype') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Otherwise, if there is an adjusted current node and it is not an element in the
# HTML namespace and the next seven characters are a case-sensitive match for the
# string "[CDATA[" (the five uppercase letters "CDATA" with a U+005B LEFT SQUARE
# BRACKET character before and after), then consume those characters and switch to
# the CDATA section state.
else {
$adjustedCurrentNode = $this->stack->adjustedCurrentNode;
if ($adjustedCurrentNode && $adjustedCurrentNode->namespace !== static::HTML_NAMESPACE && $this->data->peek(7) === '[CDATA[') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::CDATA_SECTION_STATE;
# Otherwise, this is a parse error. Switch to the bogus comment state. The next
# character that is consumed, if any, is the first character that will be in the
# comment.
else {
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char !== '') {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'markup declaration');
} else {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'markup declaration');
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment start state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_START_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the comment start dash state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the comment token's data. Switch to the
# comment state.
$token->data .= $char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment start dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_START_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the comment start dash state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append a "-" (U+002D) character and the current input character to the comment
# token's data. Switch to the comment state.
$token->data .= '-'.$char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the comment end dash state
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the comment token's data.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->data .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('-');
# Comment end dash state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Switch to the comment end state
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append a "-" (U+002D) character and the current input character to the comment
# token's data. Switch to the comment state.
$token->data .= '-'.$char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment end state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_END_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# ">" (U+003E)
if ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# "!" (U+0021)
elseif ($char === '!') {
# Parse error. Switch to the comment end bang state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '!', 'comment end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_BANG_STATE;
# "-" (U+002D)
elseif ($char === '-') {
# Parse error. Append a "-" (U+002D) character to the comment token's data.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all '-' characters to prevent having to loop back through
// here every single time.
$char .= $this->data->consumeWhile('-');
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($char); $i++) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '-', 'comment end');
$token->data .= $char;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Append two "-" (U+002D) characters and the current input character
# to the comment token's data. Switch to the comment state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'comment end');
$token->data .= '--'.$char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# Comment end bang state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::COMMENT_END_BANG_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "-" (U+002D)
if ($char === '-') {
# Append two "-" (U+002D) characters and a "!" (U+0021) character to the comment
# token's data. Switch to the comment end dash state.
$token->data .= '--!';
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_END_DASH_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Emit the comment token. Reconsume the EOF
# character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'comment end');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Append two "-" (U+002D) characters, a "!" (U+0021) character, and the current
# input character to the comment token's data. Switch to the comment state.
$token->data .= '--!'.$char;
$this->tokenizerState = static::COMMENT_STATE;
# DOCTYPE state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before DOCTYPE name state.
// Spec doesn't say to create a token here, but if you don't it leads to a
// situation where a token doesn't exist.
$token = new DOCTYPEToken();
$this->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set its
# force-quirks flag to on. Emit the token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token = new DOCTYPEToken();
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Switch to the before DOCTYPE name state. Reconsume the character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
# Before DOCTYPE name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_upper($char)) {
# Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set the token's name to the lowercase version of the
# current input character (add 0x0020 to the character's code point). Switch to
# the DOCTYPE name state.
$token = new DOCTYPEToken($char);
$token->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set its force-quirks flag to on. Switch
# to the data state. Emit the token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE');
$token = new DOCTYPEToken();
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set its
# force-quirks flag to on. Emit the token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token = new DOCTYPEToken();
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Create a new DOCTYPE token. Set the token's name to the current input character.
# Switch to the DOCTYPE name state.
$token = new DOCTYPEToken($char);
$token->tokenizerState = static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
# DOCTYPE name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE name state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Uppercase ASCII letter
elseif (ctype_alpha($char)) {
# Append the lowercase version of the current input character (add 0x0020 to the
# character's code point) to the current DOCTYPE token's name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Will just check for alpha characters and strtolower the
// characters.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that are ASCII characters to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= strtolower($char.$this->data->consumeWhile(static::CTYPE_ALPHA));
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's name.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->name .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("\t\n\x0c >".static::CTYPE_ALPHA);
# After DOCTYPE name state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE name state.
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE name');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# If the six characters starting from the current input character are an ASCII
# case-insensitive match for the word "PUBLIC", then consume those characters and
# switch to the after DOCTYPE public keyword state.
// Simpler to just consume and then unconsume if they're not needed.
$char .= $this->data->consume(5);
if (strtolower($char) === 'public') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD_STATE;
# Otherwise, if the six characters starting from the current input character are
# an ASCII case-insensitive match for the word "SYSTEM", then consume those
# characters and switch to the after DOCTYPE system keyword state.
elseif (strtolower($char) === 'system') {
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD_STATE;
# Otherwise, this is a parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to
# on. Switch to the bogus DOCTYPE state.
else {
// Need to unconsume what was consumed earlier.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char[0], 'DOCTYPE name');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# After DOCTYPE public keyword state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before DOCTYPE public identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's public identifier to the empty string (not
# missing), then switch to the DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '"', 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$token->public = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's public identifier to the empty string (not
# missing), then switch to the DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, "'", 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$token->public = '';
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE public keyword');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Before DOCTYPE public identifier state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's public identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state.
$token->public = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's public identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state.
$token->public = '';
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '"') {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE public identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's public identifier.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->public .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('">');
# DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "'" (U+0027)
if ($char === "'") {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE public identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's public identifier.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->public .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("'>");
# After DOCTYPE public identifier state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers state.
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE public identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# After DOCTYPE system keyword state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the before DOCTYPE system identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not
# missing), then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '"', 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$token->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not
# missing), then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, "'", 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$token->system = '';
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE system keyword');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Before DOCTYPE system identifier state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Ignore the character.
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
$token->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
$token->system = '';
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
if ($char === '"') {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE system identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's system identifier.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->system .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil('">');
# DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "'" (U+0027)
if ($char === "'") {
# Switch to the after DOCTYPE system identifier state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE;
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the data
# state. Emit that DOCTYPE token.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, '>', 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Append the current input character to the current DOCTYPE token's system identifier.
// OPTIMIZATION: Consume all characters that aren't listed above to prevent having
// to loop back through here every single time.
$token->system .= $char.$this->data->consumeUntil("'>");
# After DOCTYPE system identifier state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# "tab" (U+0009)
# "LF" (U+000A)
# "FF" (U+000C)
# U+0020 SPACE
if ($char === "\t" || $char === "\n" || $char === "\x0c" || $char === ' ') {
# Switch to the between DOCTYPE system and system identifiers state.
# ">" (U+003E)
elseif ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the current DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '"') {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
# "'" (U+0027)
elseif ($char === "'") {
# Set the DOCTYPE token's system identifier to the empty string (not missing),
# then switch to the DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state.
$this->system = '';
elseif ($char === '') {
# Parse error. Switch to the data state. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag
# to on. Emit that DOCTYPE token. Reconsume the EOF character.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_EOF, $this->data, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
$token->forceQuirks = true;
# Anything else
else {
# Parse error. Set the DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Switch to the
# bogus DOCTYPE state.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER, $this->data, $char, 'DOCTYPE system identifier');
$token->forceQuirks = true;
$this->tokenizerState = static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE;
# Bogus DOCTYPE state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE) {
# Consume the next input character
$char = $this->data->consume();
# ">" (U+003E)
if ($char === '>') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
elseif ($char === '') {
# Switch to the data state. Emit the DOCTYPE token.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Anything else
else {
# Ignore the character.
# CDATA section state
elseif ($this->tokenizerState === static::CDATA_SECTION_STATE) {
# Switch to the data state.
$this->tokenizerState = static::DATA_STATE;
# Consume every character up to the next occurrence of the three character
# GREATER-THAN SIGN (]]>), or the end of the file (EOF), whichever comes first.
# Emit a series of character tokens consisting of all the characters consumed
# except the matching three character sequence at the end (if one was found before
# the end of the file).
$char = '';
while (true) {
$char .= $this->data->consumeUntil(']');
$peek = $this->data->peek(3);
$peeklen = strlen($peek);
if ($peek === ']]>') {
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
} elseif ($peek === '') {
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# If the end of the file was reached, reconsume the EOF character.
} elseif ($peeklen < 3) {
$char .= $this->data->consume($peeklen);
$this->emitToken(new CharacterToken($char));
# If the end of the file was reached, reconsume the EOF character.
} else {
$char .= $this->data->consume();
protected function emitToken(Token $token) {
// Loop used for reprocessing.
while (true) {
$adjustedCurrentNode = $this->stack->adjustedCurrentNode;
$adjustedCurrentNodeName = $this->stack->adjustedCurrentNodeName;
$adjustedCurrentNodeNamespace = $this->stack->adjustedCurrentNodeNamespace;
# 8.2.5 Tree construction
# As each token is emitted from the tokenizer, the user agent must follow the
# appropriate steps from the following list, known as the tree construction dispatcher:
# If the stack of open elements is empty
if ($this->stack->length === 0 ||
# If the adjusted current node is an element in the HTML namespace
$adjustedCurrentNodeNamespace === static::HTML_NAMESPACE || (
# If the adjusted current node is a MathML text integration point and the token is a
# start tag whose tag name is neither "mglyph" nor "malignmark"
# If the adjusted current node is a MathML text integration point and the token is a
# character token
DOM::isMathMLTextIntegrationPoint($adjustedCurrentNode) && ((
$token instanceof StartTagToken && (
$token->name !== 'mglyph' && $token->name !== 'malignmark'
) ||
$token instanceof CharacterToken
) || (
# If the adjusted current node is an annotation-xml element in the MathML namespace and
# the token is a start tag whose tag name is "svg"
$adjustedCurrentNodeNamespace === static::MATHML_NAMESPACE &&
$adjustedCurrentNodeName === 'annotation-xml' &&
$token instanceof StartTagToken &&
$token->name === 'svg'
) || (
# If the adjusted current node is an HTML integration point and the token is a start tag
# If the adjusted current node is an HTML integration point and the token is a character
# token
DOM::isHTMLIntegrationPoint($adjustedCurrentNode) && (
$token instanceof StartTagToken || $token instanceof CharacterToken
) ||
# If the token is an end-of-file token
$token instanceof EOFToken) {
# Process the token according to the rules given in the section corresponding to
# the current insertion mode in HTML content.
// Returns false when needing to reprocess.
if ($this->parseTokenInHTMLContent($token) === false) {
# Otherwise
else {
# Process the token according to the rules given in the section for parsing
# tokens in foreign content.
// Returns false when needing to reprocess.
if ($this->parseTokenInForeignContent($token) === false) {
echo "\n\n";
protected function parseTokenInHTMLContent(Token $token, int $insertionMode = null) {
$insertionMode = (is_null($insertionMode)) ? $this->insertionMode : $insertionMode;
// Loop used when processing the token under different rules; always breaks.
while (true) {
# The rules for parsing tokens in HTML content
switch ($insertionMode) {
# The "initial" insertion mode
case static::INITIAL_MODE:
# A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED
// OPTIMIZATION: Will check for multiple space characters at once as character
// tokens can contain more than one character.
if ($token instanceof CharacterToken && (strspn($token->data, "\t\n\x0c\x0d ") !== strlen($token->data))) {
# Ignore the token.
# A comment token
elseif ($token instanceof CommentToken) {
# Insert a comment as the last child of the Document object.
// DEVIATION: PHP's DOM cannot have comments before the DOCTYPE, so just going
// to ignore them instead.
//$this->insertCommentToken($token, $this->$DOM);
# A DOCTYPE token
elseif ($token instanceof DOCTYPEToken) {
# If the DOCTYPE token’s name is not a case-sensitive match for the string
# "html", or the token’s public identifier is not missing, or the token’s system
# identifier is neither missing nor a case-sensitive match for the string
# "about:legacy-compat", then there is a parse error.
6 years ago
if ($token->name !== 'html' || $token->public !== '' || ($token->system !== '' && $token->system !== 'about:legacy-compat')) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::INVALID_DOCTYPE, $this->data);
# Append a DocumentType node to the Document node, with the name attribute set
# to the name given in the DOCTYPE token, or the empty string if the name was
# missing; the publicId attribute set to the public identifier given in the
# DOCTYPE token, or the empty string if the public identifier was missing; the
# systemId attribute set to the system identifier given in the DOCTYPE token, or
# the empty string if the system identifier was missing; and the other
# attributes specific to DocumentType objects set to null and empty lists as
# appropriate. Associate the DocumentType node with the Document object so that
# it is returned as the value of the doctype attribute of the Document object.
// PHP's DOM cannot just append a DOCTYPE node to the document, so a document is
// created with the specified DOCTYPE instead.
$imp = new \DOMImplementation();
// DEVIATION: PHP's DOMImplementation::createDocumentType() method cannot accept
// an empty name, so if it is missing it is replaced with 'html' instead.
$this->DOM = $imp->createDocument('', '', $imp->createDocumentType((!is_null($token->name)) ? $token->name : 'html', $token->public, $token->system));
6 years ago
$public = strtolower($token->public);
# Then, if the document is not an iframe srcdoc document, and the DOCTYPE token
# matches one of the conditions in the following list, then set the Document to
# quirks mode:
// DEVIATION: This implementation does not render, so there is no nested
// browsing contexts to consider.
if ($token->forceQuirks === true || $token->name !== 'html' ||
$public === '-//w3o//dtd w3 html strict 3.0//en//' ||
$public === '-/w3c/dtd html 4.0 transitional/en' ||
$public === 'html' ||
strtolower($token->system) === 'http://www.ibm.com/data/dtd/v11/ibmxhtml1-transitional.dtd' ||
strpos($public, '+//silmaril//dtd html pro v0r11 19970101//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//as//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '+//silmaril//dtd html pro v0r11 19970101//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//as//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//advasoft ltd//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 1//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 2//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 1//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 2//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 2.1e//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 3.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 3.2 final//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 3.2//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html 3//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html level 0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html level 1//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html level 2//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html level 3//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html strict level 0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html strict level 1//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html strict level 2//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html strict level 3//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html strict//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//ietf//dtd html//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//metrius//dtd metrius presentational//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html strict//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 tables//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html strict//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 tables//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd html//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd strict html//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//o\'reilly and associates//dtd html 2.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//o\'reilly and associates//dtd html extended 1.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//o\'reilly and associates//dtd html extended relaxed 1.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//sq//dtd html 2.0 hotmetal + extensions//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//softquad software//dtd hotmetal pro 6.0::19990601::extensions to html 4.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//softquad//dtd hotmetal pro 4.0::19971010::extensions to html 4.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//spyglass//dtd html 2.0 extended//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava html//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava strict html//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 3 1995-03-24//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 draft//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 final//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 3.2s draft//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 frameset//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html experimental 19960712//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html experimental 970421//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd w3 html//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3o//dtd w3 html 3.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html 2.0//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html//') === 0 ||
(is_null($token->system) &&
(strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//') === 0))) {
$this->quirksMode = true;
# Otherwise, if the document is not an iframe srcdoc document, and the DOCTYPE
# token matches one of the conditions in the following list, then set the
# Document to limited-quirks mode:
// DEVIATION: There is no iframe srcdoc document because there are no nested
// browsing contexts in this implementation.
else {
if (strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 frameset//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//') === 0 ||
(!is_null($token->system) &&
(strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//') === 0 ||
strpos($public, '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//') === 0))) {
$this->quirksMode = 'limited';
# The system identifier and public identifier strings must be compared to the
# values given in the lists above in an ASCII case-insensitive manner. A system
# identifier whose value is the empty string is not considered missing for the
# purposes of the conditions above.
# Then, switch the insertion mode to "before html".
$this->insertionMode = static::BEFORE_HTML_MODE;
# Anything else
else {
# If the document is not an iframe srcdoc document, then this is a parse error;
# set the Document to quirks mode.
// DEVIATION: There is no iframe srcdoc document because there are no nested
// browsing contexts in this implementation.
$this->quirksMode = true;
# In any case, switch the insertion mode to "before html", then reprocess the
# token.
$this->insertionMode = static::BEFORE_HTML_MODE;
return false;
# The "before html" insertion mode
case static::BEFORE_HTML_MODE:
# A DOCTYPE token
if ($token instanceof DOCTYPEToken) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_DOCTYPE, $this->data, '');
# A comment token
elseif ($token instanceof CommentToken) {
# Insert a comment as the last child of the Document object.
$this->insertCommentToken($token, $this->$DOM);
# A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED
// OPTIMIZATION: Will check for multiple space characters at once as character
// tokens can contain more than one character.
elseif ($token instanceof CharacterToken && (strspn($token->data, "\t\n\x0c\x0d ") !== strlen($token->data))) {
# Ignore the token.
# A start tag whose tag name is "html"
elseif ($token instanceof StartTagToken && $token->name === 'html') {
# Create an element for the token in the HTML namespace, with the Document as
# the intended parent. Append it to the Document object. Put this element in the
# stack of open elements.
$element = $this->createElement($token);
$this->stack[] = $element;
# Switch the insertion mode to "before head".
$this->insertionMode = static::BEFORE_HEAD_MODE;
# Any other end tag
elseif ($token instanceof EndTagToken && $token->name !== 'head' && $token->name !== 'body' && $token->name !== 'html' && $token->name !== 'br') {
# Parse error.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_END_TAG, $this->data, $token->name, 'head, body, html, or br tag');
# An end tag whose tag name is one of: "head", "body", "html", "br"
# Anything else
else {
# Create an html element whose node document is the Document object. Append it
# to the Document object. Put this element in the stack of open elements.
$element = $this->DOM->createElement('html');
$this->stack[] = $element;
# Switch the insertion mode to "before head", then reprocess the token.
$this->insertionMode = static::BEFORE_HEAD_MODE;
return false;
# The document element can end up being removed from the Document object, e.g.,
# by scripts; nothing in particular happens in such cases, content continues
# being appended to the nodes as described in the next section.
// Good to know. There's no scripting in this implementation, though.
# The "before head" insertion mode
case static::BEFORE_HEAD_MODE:
# A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED
if ($token instanceof CharacterToken && (strspn($token->data, "\t\n\x0c\x0d ") !== strlen($token->data))) {
# Ignore the token.
# A comment token
elseif ($token instanceof CommentToken) {
# A DOCTYPE token
elseif ($token instanceof DOCTYPEToken) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_DOCTYPE, $this->data, '');
elseif ($token instanceof StartTagToken) {
# A start tag whose tag name is "html"
if ($token->name === 'html') {
# Process the token using the rules for the "in body" insertion mode.
$insertionMode = static::IN_BODY_MODE;
continue 2;
# A start tag whose tag name is "head"
elseif ($token->name === 'head') {
# Insert an HTML element for the token.
$element = $this->createElement($token);
# Set the head element pointer to the newly created head element.
$this->headElement = $element;
# Switch the insertion mode to "in head".
$this->insertionMode = static::IN_HEAD_MODE;
# Any other end tag
elseif ($token instanceof EndTagToken && $token->name !== 'head' && $token->name !== 'body' && $token->name !== 'html' && $token->name === 'br') {
# Parse error.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_END_TAG, $this->data, $token->name, 'head, body, html, or br tag');
# An end tag whose tag name is one of: "head", "body", "html", "br"
# Anything else
else {
# Insert an HTML element for a "head" start tag token with no attributes.
$element = $this->createElement(new StartTagToken('head'));
# Set the head element pointer to the newly created head element.
$this->headElement = $element;
# Switch the insertion mode to "in head".
$this->insertionMode = static::IN_HEAD_MODE;
# Reprocess the current token.
return false;
protected function parseTokenInForeignContent(Token $token) {
$currentNode = $this->stack->currentNode;
$currentNodeName = $this->stack->currentNodeName;
$currentNodeNamespace = $this->stack->currentNodeNamespace;
# The rules for parsing tokens in foreign content
# When the user agent is to apply the rules for parsing tokens in foreign
# content, the user agent must handle the token as follows:
if ($token instanceof CharacterToken) {
# A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, "LF" (U+000A),
# "FF" (U+000C), "CR" (U+000D), or U+0020 SPACE
# Any other character token
// OPTIMIZATION: Will check for multiple space characters at once as character
// tokens can contain more than one character.
if (strspn($token->data, "\t\n\x0c\x0d ") !== strlen($token->data)) {
# Set the frameset-ok flag to "not ok".
$this->$framesetOk = false;
# Insert the token's character.
# A comment token
elseif ($token instanceof CommentToken) {
# Insert a comment.
# A DOCTYPE token
elseif ($token instanceof DOCTYPEToken) {
# Parse error.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_DOCTYPE, $this->data, 'Character, Comment, Start Tag, or End Tag');
elseif ($token instanceof StartTagToken) {
# A start tag whose tag name is one of: "b", "big", "blockquote", "body", "br",
# "center", "code", "dd", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "embed", "h1", "h2", "h3",
# "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "hr", "i", "img", "li", "listing", "menu", "meta",
# "nobr", "ol", "p", "pre", "ruby", "s", "small", "span", "strong", "strike",
# "sub", "sup", "table", "tt", "u", "ul", "var"
# A start tag whose tag name is "font", if the token has any attributes named
# "color", "face", or "size"
if ($token->name === 'b' || $token->name === 'big' || $token->name === 'blockquote' || $token->name === 'body' || $token->name === 'br' || $token->name === 'center' || $token->name === 'code' || $token->name === 'dd' || $token->name === 'div' || $token->name === 'dl' || $token->name === 'dt' || $token->name === 'em' || $token->name === 'embed' || $token->name === 'h1' || $token->name === 'h2' || $token->name === 'h3' || $token->name === 'h4' || $token->name === 'h5' || $token->name === 'h6' || $token->name === 'head' || $token->name === 'hr' || $token->name === 'i' || $token->name === 'img' || $token->name === 'li' || $token->name === 'listing' || $token->name === 'menu' || $token->name === 'meta' || $token->name === 'nobr' || $token->name === 'ol' || $token->name === 'p' || $token->name === 'pre' || $token->name === 'ruby' || $token->name === 's' || $token->name === 'small' || $token->name === 'span' || $token->name === 'strong' || $token->name === 'strike' || $token->name === 'sub' || $token->name === 'sup' || $token->name === 'table' || $token->name === 'tt' || $token->name === 'u' || $token->name === 'var' || (
$token->name === 'font' && (
$token->hasAttribute('color') || $token->hasAttribute('face') || $token->hasAttribute('size')
) {
# Parse error.
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_START_TAG, $this->data, $token->name, 'Non-HTML start tag');
# If the parser was originally created for the HTML fragment parsing algorithm,
# then act as described in the "any other start tag" entry below. (fragment
# case)
if ($this->fragmentCase === true) {
goto foreignContentAnyOtherStartTag;
# Otherwise:
# Pop an element from the stack of open elements, and then keep popping more
# elements from the stack of open elements until the current node is a MathML
# text integration point, an HTML integration point, or an element in the HTML
# namespace.
do {
$popped = $this->stack->pop();
} while (!is_null($popped) && (
!DOM::isMathMLTextIntegrationPoint($this->stack->currentNode) &&
!DOM::isHTMLIntegrationPoint($this->stack->currentNode) &&
$this->stack->currentNode->namespaceURI !== static::HTML_NAMESPACE
# Then, reprocess the token.
return false;
# Any other start tag
else {
# If the adjusted current node is an element in the SVG namespace, and the
# token’s tag name is one of the ones in the first column of the following
# table, change the tag name to the name given in the corresponding cell in the
# second column. (This fixes the case of SVG elements that are not all
# lowercase.)
if ($currentNode->namespaceURI === static::SVG_NAMESPACE) {
switch ($token->name) {
case 'altglyph': $token->name = 'altGlyph';
case 'altglyphdef': $token->name = 'altGlyphDef';
case 'altglyphitem': $token->name = 'altGlyphItem';
case 'animatecolor': $token->name = 'animateColor';
case 'animatemotion': $token->name = 'animateMotion';
case 'animatetransform': $token->name = 'animateTransform';
case 'clippath': $token->name = 'clipPath';
case 'feblend': $token->name = 'feBlend';
case 'fecolormatrix': $token->name = 'feColorMatrix';
case 'fecomponenttransfer': $token->name = 'feComponentTransfer';
case 'fecomposite': $token->name = 'feComposite';
case 'feconvolvematrix': $token->name = 'feConvolveMatrix';
case 'fediffuselighting': $token->name = 'feDiffuseLighting';
case 'fedisplacementmap': $token->name = 'feDisplacementMap';
case 'fedistantlight': $token->name = 'feDistantLight';
case 'feflood': $token->name = 'feFlood';
case 'fefunca': $token->name = 'feFuncA';
case 'fefuncb': $token->name = 'feFuncB';
case 'fefuncg': $token->name = 'feFuncG';
case 'fefuncr': $token->name = 'feFuncR';
case 'fegaussianblur': $token->name = 'feGaussianBlur';
case 'feimage': $token->name = 'feImage';
case 'femerge': $token->name = 'feMerge';
case 'femergenode': $token->name = 'feMergeNode';
case 'femorphology': $token->name = 'feMorphology';
case 'feoffset': $token->name = 'feOffset';
case 'fepointlight': $token->name = 'fePointLight';
case 'fespecularlighting': $token->name = 'feSpecularLighting';
case 'fespotlight': $token->name = 'feSpotLight';
case 'fetile': $token->name = 'feTile';
case 'feturbulence': $token->name = 'feTurbulence';
case 'foreignobject': $token->name = 'foreignObject';
case 'glyphref': $token->name = 'glyphRef';
case 'lineargradient': $token->name = 'linearGradient';
case 'radialgradient': $token->name = 'radialGradient';
case 'textpath': $token->name = 'textPath';
foreach ($token->attributes as &$a) {
# If the current node is an element in the MathML namespace, adjust MathML
# attributes for the token. (This fixes the case of MathML attributes that are
# not all lowercase.)
if ($currentNodeNamespace === static::MATHML_NAMESPACE && $a->name === 'definitionurl') {
$a->name = 'definitionURL';
# If the current node is an element in the SVG namespace, adjust SVG attributes
# for the token. (This fixes the case of SVG attributes that are not all
# lowercase.)
elseif ($currentNodeNamespace === static::SVG_NAMESPACE) {
switch ($a->name) {
case 'attributename': $a->name = 'attributeName';
case 'attributetype': $a->name = 'attributeType';
case 'basefrequency': $a->name = 'baseFrequency';
case 'baseprofile': $a->name = 'baseProfile';
case 'calcmode': $a->name = 'calcMode';
case 'clippathunits': $a->name = 'clipPathUnits';
case 'contentscripttype': $a->name = 'contentScriptType';
case 'contentstyletype': $a->name = 'contentStyleType';
case 'diffuseconstant': $a->name = 'diffuseConstant';
case 'edgemode': $a->name = 'edgeMode';
case 'externalresourcesrequired': $a->name = 'externalResourcesRequired';
case 'filterres': $a->name = 'filterRes';
case 'filterunits': $a->name = 'filterUnits';
case 'glyphref': $a->name = 'glyphRef';
case 'gradienttransform': $a->name = 'gradientTransform';
case 'gradientunits': $a->name = 'gradientUnits';
case 'kernelmatrix': $a->name = 'kernelMatrix';
case 'kernelunitlength': $a->name = 'kernelUnitLength';
case 'keypoints': $a->name = 'keyPoints';
case 'keysplines': $a->name = 'keySplines';
case 'keytimes': $a->name = 'keyTimes';
case 'lengthadjust': $a->name = 'lengthAdjust';
case 'limitingconeangle': $a->name = 'limitingConeAngle';
case 'markerheight': $a->name = 'markerHeight';
case 'markerunits': $a->name = 'markerUnits';
case 'markerwidth': $a->name = 'markerWidth';
case 'maskcontentunits': $a->name = 'maskContentUnits';
case 'maskunits': $a->name = 'maskUnits';
case 'numoctaves': $a->name = 'numOctaves';
case 'pathlength': $a->name = 'pathLength';
case 'patterncontentunits': $a->name = 'patternContentUnits';
case 'patterntransform': $a->name = 'patternTransform';
case 'patternunits': $a->name = 'patternUnits';
case 'pointsatx': $a->name = 'pointsAtX';
case 'pointsaty': $a->name = 'pointsAtY';
case 'pointsatz': $a->name = 'pointsAtZ';
case 'preservealpha': $a->name = 'preserveAlpha';
case 'preserveaspectratio': $a->name = 'preserveAspectRatio';
case 'primitiveunits': $a->name = 'primitiveUnits';
case 'refx': $a->name = 'refX';
case 'refy': $a->name = 'refY';
case 'repeatcount': $a->name = 'repeatCount';
case 'repeatdur': $a->name = 'repeatDur';
case 'requiredextensions': $a->name = 'requiredExtensions';
case 'requiredfeatures': $a->name = 'requiredFeatures';
case 'specularconstant': $a->name = 'specularConstant';
case 'specularexponent': $a->name = 'specularExponent';
case 'spreadmethod': $a->name = 'spreadMethod';
case 'startoffset': $a->name = 'startOffset';
case 'stddeviation': $a->name = 'stdDeviation';
case 'stitchtiles': $a->name = 'stitchTiles';
case 'surfacescale': $a->name = 'surfaceScale';
case 'systemlanguage': $a->name = 'systemLanguage';
case 'tablevalues': $a->name = 'tableValues';
case 'targetx': $a->name = 'targetX';
case 'targety': $a->name = 'targetY';
case 'textlength': $a->name = 'textLength';
case 'viewbox': $a->name = 'viewBox';
case 'viewtarget': $a->name = 'viewTarget';
case 'xchannelselector': $a->name = 'xChannelSelector';
case 'ychannelselector': $a->name = 'yChannelSelector';
case 'zoomandpan': $a->name = 'zoomAndPan';
# Adjust foreign attributes for the token. (This fixes the use of namespaced
# attributes, in particular XLink in SVG.)
# When the steps below require the user agent to adjust foreign attributes for a
# token, then, if any of the attributes on the token match the strings given in
# the first column of the following table, let the attribute be a namespaced
# attribute, with the prefix being the string given in the corresponding cell in
# the second column, the local name being the string given in the corresponding
# cell in the third column, and the namespace being the namespace given in the
# corresponding cell in the fourth column. (This fixes the use of namespaced
# attributes, in particular lang attributes in the XML namespace.)
// DOMElement::setAttributeNS requires the prefix and local name be in one
// string, so there is no need to separate the prefix and the local name here.
switch($a->name) {
case 'xlink:actuate':
case 'xlink:arcrole':
case 'xlink:href':
case 'xlink:role':
case 'xlink:show':
case 'xlink:title':
case 'xlink:type': $a->namespace = static::XLINK_NAMESPACE;
case 'xml:base':
case 'xml:lang':
case 'xml:space': $a->namespace = static::XML_NAMESPACE;
case 'xmlns': $a->namespace = static::XMLNS_NAMESPACE;
case 'xmlns:xlink': $a->namespace = static::XLINK_NAMESPACE;
//default: $node->setAttribute($name, $value);
# Insert a foreign element for the token, in the same namespace as the adjusted
# current node.
$this->createAndInsertElement($token, null, $adjustedCurrentNode->namespaceURI);
# If the token has its self-closing flag set, then run the appropriate steps
# from the following list:
# If the token’s tag name is "script", and the new current node is in the SVG
# namespace
# Acknowledge the token’s *self-closing flag*, and then act as described in the
# steps for a "script" end tag below.
// DEVIATION: Unnecessary because there is no scripting in this implementation.
# Otherwise
# Pop the current node off the stack of open elements and acknowledge the
# token’s *self-closing flag*.
// OPTIMIZATION: Nope. The self-closing flag is checked when inserting.
# An end tag whose tag name is "script", if the current node is a script element
# in the SVG namespace
// DEVIATION: This implementation does not support scripting, so script elements
// aren't processed differently.
# Any other end tag
elseif ($token instanceof EndTagToken) {
# Run these steps:
# 1. Initialize node to be the current node (the bottommost node of the stack).
$node = $currentNode;
$nodeName = $currentNodeName;
# 2. If node is not an element with the same tag name as the token, then this is
# a parse error.
if ($nodeName !== $token->name) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::UNEXPECTED_END_TAG, $this->data, $token->name, $nodeName);
# 3. Loop: If node's tag name, converted to ASCII lowercase, is the same as the
# tag name of the token, pop elements from the stack of open elements until node
# has been popped from the stack, and then abort these steps.
$count = $this->stack->length - 1;
while (true) {
if (strtolower($nodeName) === $token->name) {
do {
$popped = $this->stack->pop();
} while ($popped !== $node && !is_null($popped));
# 4. Set node to the previous entry in the stack of open elements.
$node = $this->stack[--$count];
$nodeName = $node->nodeName;
# 5. If node is not an element in the HTML namespace, return to the step labeled
# loop.
if ($node->namespaceURI !== static::HTML_NAMESPACE) {
# 6. Otherwise, process the token according to the rules given in the section
# corresponding to the current insertion mode in HTML content.
$this->parseTokenInHTMLContent($token, $this->insertionMode);
protected function appropriatePlaceForInsertingNode(\DOMNode $overrideTarget = null) {
$insertBefore = false;
# Creating and inserting nodes
# While the parser is processing a token, it can enable or disable foster
# parenting. This affects the following algorithm.
# The appropriate place for inserting a node, optionally using a particular
# override target, is the position in an element returned by running the
# following steps:
# 1. If there was an override target specified, then let target be the override
# target.
$target = (!is_null($overrideTarget)) ? $overrideTarget : $this->stack->currentNode;
# 2. Determine the adjusted insertion location using the first matching steps
# from the following list: If foster parenting is enabled and target is a table,
# tbody, tfoot, thead, or tr element
$targetNodeName = $target->nodeName;
if ($this->fosterParenting && ($targetNodeName === 'table' || $targetNodeName === 'tbody' || $targetNodeName === 'tfoot' || $targetNodeName === 'thead' || $targetNodeName === 'tr')) {
# Run these substeps:
# 1. Let last template be the last template element in the stack of open
# elements, if any.
$lastTemplateKey = $this->stack->search('template');
$lastTemplate = $this->stack[$lastTemplateKey];
# 2. Let last table be the last table element in the stack of open elements, if
# any.
$lastTableKey = $this->stack->search('table');
$lastTable = $this->stack[$lastTableKey];
# 3. If there is a last template and either there is no last table, or there is
# one, but last template is lower (more recently added) than last table in the
# stack of open elements, then: let adjusted insertion location be inside last
# template’s template contents, after its last child (if any), and abort these
# substeps.
if ($lastTemplate && (!$lastTable || $lastTable && $lastTemplateKey > $lastTableKey)) {
$insertionLocation = $lastTemplate;
// Abort!
# 4. If there is no last table, then let adjusted insertion location be inside
# the first element in the stack of open elements (the html element), after its
# last child (if any), and abort these substeps. (fragment case)
elseif (!$lastTable) {
$insertionLocation = $this->stack[0];
// Abort!
# 5. If last table has a parent node, then let adjusted insertion location be
# inside last table’s parent node, immediately before last table, and abort
# these substeps.
elseif ($lastTable->parentNode) {
$insertionLocation = $lastTable;
$insertBefore = true;
// Abort!
else {
# 6. Let previous element be the element immediately above last table in the
# stack of open elements.
$previousElement = $this->stack[$lastTableKey - 1];
# 7. Let adjusted insertion location be inside previous element, after its last
# child (if any).
$insertionLocation = $previousElement;
# Otherwise let adjusted insertion location be inside target, after its last
# child (if any).
else {
$insertionLocation = $target;
# 3. If the adjusted insertion location is inside a template element, let it
# instead be inside the template element’s template contents, after its last
# child (if any).
if ($insertionLocation->nodeName === 'template') {
$insertionLocation = $insertionLocation->contents;
# 4. Return the adjusted insertion location.
return [
'node' => $insertionLocation,
'insert before' => $insertBefore
protected function insertCharacterToken(CharacterToken $token) {
# 1. Let data be the characters passed to the algorithm, or, if no characters
# were explicitly specified, the character of the character token being
# processed.
// Already provided through the token object.
# 2. Let the adjusted insertion location be the appropriate place for inserting
# a node.
$location = $this->appropriatePlaceForInsertingNode();
$adjustedInsertionLocation = $location['node'];
$insertBefore = $location['insert before'];
# 3. If the adjusted insertion location is in a Document node, then abort these
# steps.
if ((($insertBefore === false) ? $adjustedInsertionLocation : $adjustedInsertionLocation->parentNode) instanceof DOMDocument) {
# 4. If there is a Text node immediately before the adjusted insertion location,
# then append data to that Text node’s data.
$previousSibling = ($insertBefore === false) ? $adjustedInsertionLocation->lastChild : $adjustedInsertionLocation->previousSibling;
if ($previousSibling instanceof DOMText) {
$previousSibling->data .= $token->data;
# Otherwise, create a new Text node whose data is data and whose node document
# is the same as that of the element in which the adjusted insertion location
# finds itself, and insert the newly created node at the adjusted insertion
# location.
$textNode = $adjustedInsertionLocation->ownerDocument->createTextNode($token->data);
if ($insertBefore === false) {
} else {
$adjustedInsertionLocation->parentNode->insertBefore($textNode, $adjustedInsertionLocation);
protected function insertCommentToken(CommentToken $token, \DOMNode $position = null) {
# When the steps below require the user agent to insert a comment while
# processing a comment token, optionally with an explicitly insertion position
# position, the user agent must run the following steps:
# 1. Let data be the data given in the comment token being processed.
// Already provided through the token object.
# 2. If position was specified, then let the adjusted insertion location be
# position. Otherwise, let adjusted insertion location be the appropriate place
# for inserting a node.
if (!is_null($position)) {
$adjustedInsertionLocation = $position;
$insertBefore = false;
} else {
$location = $this->appropriatePlaceForInsertingNode();
$adjustedInsertionLocation = $location['node'];
$insertBefore = $location['insert before'];
# 3. Create a Comment node whose data attribute is set to data and whose node
# document is the same as that of the node in which the adjusted insertion
# location finds itself.
$commentNode = $adjustedInsertionLocation->ownerDocument->createComment($data);
# 4. Insert the newly created node at the adjusted insertion location.
if ($insertBefore === false) {
} else {
$adjustedInsertionLocation->parentNode->insertBefore($commentNode, $adjustedInsertionLocation);
protected function createElement(StartTagToken $token, string $namespace = null) {
if (!is_null($namespace)) {
$token->namespace = $namespace;
# When the steps below require the UA to create an element for a token in a
# particular given namespace and with a particular intended parent, the UA must
# run the following steps:
# 1. Let document be intended parent’s node document.
// DEVIATION: Unnecessary because there aren't any nested contexts to consider.
// The document will always be $this->DOM.
# 2. Let local name be the tag name of the token.
// Nope. Don't need it because when creating elements with
// DOMElement::createElementNS the prefix and local name are combined.
// DEVIATION: Steps three through six are unnecessary because there is no
// scripting in this implementation.
# 7. Let element be the result of creating an element given document, local
# name, given namespace, null, and is. If will execute script is true, set the
# synchronous custom elements flag; otherwise, leave it unset.
// DEVIATION: There is no point to setting the synchronous custom elements flag
// and custom element definition; there is no scripting in this implementation.
if ($namespace === static::HTML_NAMESPACE) {
$element = $this->DOM->createElement($token->name);
} else {
$element = $this->DOM->createElementNS($namespace, $token->name);
# 8. Append each attribute in the given token to element.
foreach ($token->attributes as $a) {
if ($a->namespace === static::HTML_NAMESPACE) {
$element->setAttribute($a->name, $a->value);
} else {
$element->setAttributeNS($a->namespace, $a->name, $a->value);
# 9. If will execute script is true, then:
# - 1. Let queue be the result of popping the current element queue from the
# custom element reactions stack. (This will be the same element queue as was
# pushed above.)
# - 2. Invoke custom element reactions in queue.
# - 3. Decrement document’s throw-on-dynamic-markup-insertion counter.
// DEVIATION: These steps are unnecessary because there is no scripting in this
// implementation.
# 10. If element has an xmlns attribute *in the XMLNS namespace* whose value is
# not exactly the same as the element’s namespace, that is a parse error.
# Similarly, if element has an xmlns:xlink attribute in the XMLNS namespace
# whose value is not the XLink namespace, that is a parse error.
$xmlns = $element->getAttributeNS(static::XMLNS_NAMESPACE, 'xmlns');
if ($xmlns !== '' && $xmlns !== $element->namespaceURI) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::INVALID_XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, $this->data, $element->namespaceURI);
$xlink = $element->getAttributeNS(static::XMLNS_NAMESPACE, 'xlink');
if ($xlink !== '' && $xlink !== static::XLINK_NAMESPACE) {
ParseError::trigger(ParseError::INVALID_XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, $this->data, static::XLINK_NAMESPACE);
# 11. If element is a resettable element, invoke its reset algorithm. (This
# initializes the element’s value and checkedness based on the element’s
# attributes.)
// DEVIATION: Unnecessary because there is no scripting in this implementation.
# 12. If element is a form-associated element, and the form element pointer is
# not null, and there is no template element on the stack of open elements, and
# element is either not listed or doesn’t have a form attribute, and the
# intended parent is in the same tree as the element pointed to by the form
# element pointer, associate element with the form element pointed to by the
# form element pointer, and suppress the running of the reset the form owner
# algorithm when the parser subsequently attempts to insert the element.
// DEVIATION: Unnecessary because there is no scripting in this implementation.
# 13. Return element.
return $element;
protected function insertElement(\DOMElement $element, \DOMNode $intendedParent = null) {
# When the steps below require the user agent to insert an HTML element for a
# token, the user agent must insert a foreign element for the token, in the HTML
# namespace.
# When the steps below require the user agent to insert a foreign element for a
# token in a given namespace, the user agent must run these steps:
// Doing both foreign and HTML elements here because the only difference between
// the two is that foreign elements are inserted with a namespace and HTML
// elements are not.
# 1. Let the adjusted insertion location be the appropriate place for inserting
# a node.
$location = $this->appropriatePlaceForInsertingNode($intendedParent);
$adjustedInsertionLocation = $location['node'];
$insertBefore = $location['insert before'];
# 2. Let element be the result of creating an element for the token in the given
# namespace, with the intended parent being the element in which the adjusted
# insertion location finds itself.
// Element is supplied.
// Have that, too.
# 3. If it is possible to insert element at the adjusted insertion location,
# then:
# - 1. Push a new element queue onto the custom element reactions stack.
// DEVIATION: Unnecessary because there is no scripting in this implementation.
# - 2. Insert element at the adjusted insertion location.
if ($insertBefore === false) {
} else {
$adjustedInsertionLocation->parentNode->insertBefore($element, $adjustedInsertionLocation);
# - 3. Pop the element queue from the custom element reactions stack, and
# invoke custom element reactions in that queue.
// DEVIATION: Unnecessary because there is no scripting in this implementation.
# 4. Push element onto the stack of open elements so that it is the new current node.
// OPTIMIZATION: Going to check if it is self-closing before pushing it onto the
// stack of open elements as per the spec it's just removed later on anyway if
// indeed self-closing.
//if ($token->selfClosing !== true) {
$this->stack[] = $element;
# Return element.
return $element;
function createAndInsertElement(StartTagToken $token, \DOMNode $intendedParent = null, string $namespace = null) {
return $this->insertElement($this->createElement($token, $namespace), $intendedParent);