Browse Source

Moved run script to docopt

Dustin Wilson 3 years ago
  1. 134


@ -1,50 +1,74 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash #!/usr/bin/env bash
##? Usage:
##? run [build|init|needed]
##? run --help
##? Options:
##? --help Show this help
##? Requirements:
##? This script is used to build language grammars from Atom's various
##? github repositories. They must be built because Atom stupidly uses
##? CoffeeScript's pointless CSON format and therefore needs to be converted to
##? JSON to be usable. To build these grammars the following packages must be
##? installed on a unix-based system:
##? * bash >=5.0
##? * composer >=2.0.6
##? * docopts >=0.6.3
##? * gnu awk >=5.1.0
##? * gnu coreutils >=8.0
##? * gnu parallel >=20180922
##? * yarn >=1.22.10
##? Arch Linux:
##? ```
##? pacman -S composer docopts parallel yarn
##? ```
##? macOS:
##? ```
##? brew install bash composer coreutils docopts gawk parallel yarn
##? echo \"/usr/local/bin/bash\" >> /etc/shells
##? chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
##? ```
##? Building the grammars is then a matter of running the following commands
##? from the project folder:
##? ```
##? ./run init
##? ./run build
##? ```
##? Commands:
##? init
##? Initializes the dependencies necessary to build the language
##? grammars.
##? build
##? Build the language grammars. Puts them into data/.
##? needed
##? List the language grammars that are included in the current grammars
##? but are not in the data/ folder.
cwd=$(pwd) cwd=$(pwd)
PATH="$cwd/node_modules/.bin:$PATH" PATH="$cwd/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
help=$(grep "^##?" "$0" | cut -c 5-)
eval "$(docopts -h "$help" : "$@")"
fail() { fail() {
help echo $help
exit 1 exit 1
} }
help() { # Check for bash 4+
printf "This script is used to build language grammars from Atom's various github
repositories. They must be built because Atom stupidly uses CoffeeScript's
pointless CSON format and therefore need to be converted to JSON to be usable.
To build these grammars the following packages must be installed on a unix-based
* bash >=5.0
* bash-task-runner >=0.9.0
* composer >=2.0.6
* gnu awk >=5.1.0
* gnu coreutils >=8.0
* gnu parallel >=20180922
* yarn >=1.22.10
Arch Linux:
pacman -S composer parallel yarn
yarn global add bash-task-runner
brew install bash composer coreutils gawk parallel yarn
echo \"/usr/local/bin/bash\" >> /etc/shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
yarn global add bash-task-runner
Building the grammars is then a matter of running the following commands from the project folder:
./run init
./run build
shopt -s globstar extglob || fail shopt -s globstar extglob || fail
awkcmd="awk" awkcmd="awk"
@ -52,13 +76,21 @@ if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
awkcmd="gawk" awkcmd="gawk"
fi fi
# Check for presence of dependencies
if (( $(which $awkcmd composer parallel yarn | wc -l) < 4 )); then fail; fi if (( $(which $awkcmd composer parallel yarn | wc -l) < 4 )); then fail; fi
# Include runner case $1 in
source $HOME/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/bash-task-runner/src/ || fail build | *)
runner_default_task="build" rm -rf "$cwd"/data/*
# Convert from CSON to JSON AND rename the files to their scopes... all in parallel.
ls -1 "$cwd"/deps/**/grammars/!(tree-sitter-*).cson | parallel "temp=\$(mktemp) &&
csonc --output=\$temp {}
mv \$temp \"$cwd\"/data/\$(grep -m1 scopeName \$temp |
$awkcmd '{ match(\$0, /\s*:\s*\"(.+?)\"/, arr); if(arr[1] != \"\") print arr[1] }').json"
task_init() { init)
yarn install yarn install
mkdir -p "$cwd"/deps mkdir -p "$cwd"/deps
@ -70,14 +102,10 @@ shellscript
sql sql
typescript typescript
xml" | parallel "git clone{}.git \"$cwd\"/deps/{}" xml" | parallel "git clone{}.git \"$cwd\"/deps/{}"
} ;;
task_build() {
rm -rf "$cwd"/data/*
# Convert from CSON to JSON AND rename the files to their scopes... all in parallel. needed)
ls -1 "$cwd"/deps/**/grammars/!(tree-sitter-*).cson | parallel "temp=\$(mktemp) && cat "$cwd"/data/*.json | grep -E "\"include\"\s*:\s*\"[^#\$]+\"" | gawk '{ match($0, /"in
csonc --output=\$temp {} clude": "(.+?)"/, arr); if(arr[1] != "") print arr[1] }' | sort -u
mv \$temp \"$cwd\"/data/\$(grep -m1 scopeName \$temp | ;;
$awkcmd '{ match(\$0, /\s*:\s*\"(.+?)\"/, arr); if(arr[1] != \"\") print arr[1] }').json" esac