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Dustin Wilson 1 year ago
  1. 48


@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# Logger #
@ -25,9 +27,12 @@ This library attempts what we're calling an "opinionated" implementation of PSR-
## Requirements ##
* PHP 8.1 or newer with the following _optional_ extensions:
* PHP 8.1 or newer with the following _optional, but suggested_ extensions:
* ext-ctype
* ext-mbstring
* [mensbeam/filesystem][g]: ">=1.0"
* [symfony/polyfill-ctype][i]: ">=1.8"
* [symfony/polyfill-mbstring][j]: ">=1.8"
### Note ###
@ -220,6 +225,7 @@ Takes a provided PSR-3 string level and returns a `Level` enum.
Returns a PSR-3 string level representation of the enum.
### MensBeam\Logger\Handler ###
Handlers inherit from this abstract class. Since it is an abstract class meant for constructing handlers protected methods and properties will be documented here as well.
@ -252,7 +258,7 @@ _levels_: This is where the levels the handler is configured to support are stor
#### Options ####
Properties which begin with an underscore are all options. They can be set either through the constructor or via `setHandler` by name, removing the underscore (\_) at the beginning. All handlers inherit these options. Options in inherited classes should also begin with an underscore (\_). How to extend `Handler` will be explained further down in the document.
Properties which begin with an underscore are all options. They can be set either through the constructor or via `setHandler` by name, removing the underscore (\_) at the beginning. All handlers inherit these options. Options in inherited classes should also begin with an underscore (\_).
_bubbles_: When set to true the stack loop will continue onto the next handler; if false it won't. Defaults to _true_
_messageTransform_: A callable to use to transform messages before outputting. Defaults to _null_
@ -281,3 +287,41 @@ Outputs/dispatches the log entry
#### MensBeam\Logger\Handler::invokeCallback (protected) ####
A callback method meant to be extended by inherited classes to output/dispatch the log entry
### MensBeam\Logger\StreamHandler ###
namespace MensBeam\Logger;
class StreamHandler extends Handler {
public function __construct(resource|string $stream = 'php://stdout', array $levels = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ], array $options = []);
public function getStream(): resource|string;
public function setStream(resource|string $value): void;
#### Options ####
_entryFormat_: The format of the outputted log entry. Defaults to _"%time% %channel% %level\_name% %message%"_
##### Entry Format #####
The following are recognized in the _entryFormat_ option:
| Format | Description | Example |
| ------------ | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| %channel% | channel name | ook |
| %level% | log level integer | 1 |
| %level_name% | log level name | ALERT |
| %message% | log message | Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ook() in /path/to/ook.php:7 |
| %time% | timestamp | Apr 08 09:58:12 |
#### MensBeam\Logger\StreamHandler::getStream ####
Returns the resource or a URL where the handler will output to
#### MensBeam\Logger\StreamHandler::setStream ####
Sets where the handler will output to